Mytus Adema

Mytus Adema was a lieutenant in the service of the Galactic Empire and a human being, who found himself stationed at the Citadel Tower on the planet of Scarif. This ambitious man harbored a deep-seated dislike for his superior officer, General Sotorus Ramda, and secretly hoped that some day he could submit a report so damaging that it would ruin the general's career. In 0 BBY, while Adema was on duty in the Citadel's command center, Director Orson Krennic from the Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research arrived, seeking to obtain all communications made by the scientist Galen Erso.

Not long after the arrival of Krennic, a series of explosions became visible from the command center, signifying the commencement of a Rebel Alliance attack on the Citadel. The rebels' goal was stealing the plans for the Death Star superweapon. As the battle raged, Adema was deceived by fabricated reports of rebel activity at several of the Citadel's landing pads. However, he also informed Krennic of the rebels' genuine attempt to gain access to the tower's data vault. Despite Krennic's attempts to stop them, the rebels successfully transmitted the plans to the Alliance Fleet in orbit. Subsequently, the Death Star destroyed the Citadel, using a blast from its superlaser.


Krennic arrives

Mytus Adema (right) witnesses Director Krennic's arrival at the Citadel Tower.

Mytus Adema, a lieutenant serving the Galactic Empire, was a human male hailing from Planetoid A.17 located within the Toria-vic Nebula. In the year of 0 BBY, Adema was stationed within the Citadel Tower on the planet Scarif, reporting to General Sotorus Ramda. He was present in the Citadel's command center when Director Orson Krennic, representing the Imperial Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research division of the Empire, arrived. Krennic's purpose was to retrieve all recorded communications ever sent by Imperial scientist Galen Erso from the facility's archives. The sheer volume of records involved in Krennic's request caused Adema, along with every other officer in the room excluding Ramda, to react with surprise.

While Krennic awaited the delivery of the correspondence, a series of explosions in the distance, visible from the command center, were triggered by a team of Rebel Alliance soldiers who had infiltrated Scarif's defenses. Their objective was to steal the plans for the Death Star superweapon from the Citadel. Adema and the other Imperials in the command center observed in stunned silence through the room's viewport until Krennic commanded them to mobilize the Citadel's stormtrooper garrison and respond to the attack.

The battle begins

As conflict erupted between rebel and Imperial forces around the Citadel, Adema began to receive requests for assistance and unusual reports indicating large numbers of rebel attackers at various landing pads. While some of these reports were accurate, others, including those from Pad Two and Pad Five, were false. These false reports were part of a scheme by defected Imperial pilot Bodhi Rook and fellow rebel Corporal Stordan Tonc from aboard the stolen Imperial cargo shuttle SW-0608 on Pad Nine to divert the attention of the Imperial forces. Adema was taken in by the deception and, after seeking confirmation from Pads Twelve, Ten, and Eight, he ordered troops to be dispatched to Pad Five, where no rebels were actually present.

Reporting the rebels' access of the data vault

Soon after being tricked, Adema was informed of unauthorized access to the Citadel's data vault. A three-person rebel team had infiltrated the tower, seeking the Death Star plans while the external battle served as a distraction. Adema immediately informed Krennic of this development, who was reviewing the Galen Erso correspondences he had received. Krennic quickly understood the situation and departed to confront the rebels in the vault, accompanied by two death troopers.

In an attempt to prevent the battle station's plans from falling into rebel hands, the Empire promptly destroyed the Citadel using the Death Star's superlaser. Despite this, the rebels on the ground successfully transmitted the stolen plans from the planet's surface to the Alliance Fleet in orbit before their deaths. This transmission ultimately enabled the Rebel Alliance to destroy the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin.

Personality and traits

Mytus Adema was a young officer known for his ambition, zeal, and determination. He held General Ramda's command of the Citadel Tower in contempt, viewing it as overly confident and lacking diligence. Adema meticulously observed his commanding officer's actions, hoping to eventually compile a damning report that would impress Director Krennic and lead to his own advancement.

Adema regarded the Death Star as a powerful and respected symbol of Imperial strength. When reporting the unauthorized access to the Citadel's data vault to Krennic, Adema glanced sideways, seeking support from other officers in the control center, but found none. Adema possessed light skin, green eyes, and brown hair. He spoke Galactic Basic Standard with a refined, aristocratic accent.


While serving at the Citadel Tower, Adema wore a standard gaberwool Imperial officer's uniform, including a cap adorned with an officer's disk. He carried a personal datapad in a shockproof case attached to his belt, the buckle of which also featured an officer's disk. Additionally, he wore a code cylinder and a rank insignia plaque on his chest. The plaque displayed two red squares and one blue square.

Behind the scenes

Jack Roth portrayed Lieutenant Adema in the Anthology Series film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which premiered on December 16, 2016. The character's name appeared in the film's credits, despite never being spoken aloud in the movie. Scott Stevenson also served as Adema's stand-in, with the character's scenes being filmed throughout June and July of 2016.

Mytus, Adema's first name, was revealed in Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, a reference book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released on the same day as the film. The film's novelization, penned by Alexander Freed, includes extra lines of dialogue for Adema during his conversations with Director Krennic, which are absent from the film.

