Ne'eda Frip

Ne'eda Frip was the female chief of the criminal organization known as Ne'eda's Stalwarts, holding the title of crime lord. She also possessed ownership of Neral's moon. As the absolute authority on the moon, Ne'eda conducted her operations from a luxurious penthouse suite situated atop Ne'eda's Tower. This tower served as the largest gaming palace on the moon, attracting numerous affluent patrons who came to engage in hologames and sabacc. Being an amphibious being, she lived inside a sizable water-filled container. Due to her inability to communicate in Galactic Basic Standard, she relied on her protocol droid to translate for her during interactions with business partners.


Human smuggler Lando Calrissian frequently engaged in business dealings with Ne'eda, but their relationship deteriorated when Calrissian defaulted on a gambling debt amounting to two thousand credits after a losing streak in sabacc. To resolve this outstanding debt, Calrissian agreed to either smuggle thirty barrels of purple glandis flower juice onto the planet Hynestia or settle his financial obligation. Failure to do so would result in the forfeiture of his life to Ne'eda. Calrissian's endeavor ultimately failed when his smuggling attempt was uncovered by Hynestian Queen Forsythia Jin, leading to the confiscation of the purple glandis flower juice. Upon returning to [Neral's moon](/article/neral%27s_moon], Calrissian attempted to repay his debt and offered Ne'eda valuable gherlian furs acquired on Hynestia as compensation for the lost juice. However, Ne'eda declined his offers, expressing disinterest in the furs and citing his insufficient funds to cover the accrued interest.

Ne'eda's Stalwarts pursue Lando Calrissian in the Millennium Falcon

As punishment for Calrissian's shortcomings, Ne'eda almost devoured the smuggler with her enormous, extendable jaw. However, she paused when he promised another offering: the priceless treasure belonging to the Hynestian royal family. Intrigued, Ne'eda decided to grant Calrissian one final opportunity and dispatched a Wookiee Stalwart to accompany him to the Millennium Falcon to assess the value of the treasure he mentioned. Her enforcer never made it to the ship because Calrissian made a hasty escape when the Quarren bounty hunter Jeskian Veldar, to whom he also owed money, appeared. Ne'eda's Wookiee Stalwart and Veldar began arguing about who had the right to collect what was owed, which allowed Calrissian to get away. Determined not to let Calrissian escape, Ne'eda deployed a squadron of five ships crewed by her Stalwarts to recapture him. Despite their numerical advantage, Calrissian managed to outmaneuver them, destroying four of Ne'eda's ships with the help of his partner, the pilot droid L3-37. Rather than face destruction, the remaining Stalwart pilots broke off the engagement and returned to Neral's moon to deliver the bad news to Ne'eda.

Personality and traits

Ne'eda belonged to a species of sizable aquatic beings. Her skin was a vibrant purple, adorned with gills on her neck and fan-shaped fins along the sides of her head. She possessed the ability to swallow a human whole, thanks to her unhingeable jaw equipped with seven rows of incredibly sharp teeth. Ne'eda had hands featuring long, pointed claws and suction cups on her palms, as well as a powerful tail lined with spikes.

As a skilled businesswoman, Ne'eda approached her work with utmost seriousness, showing no hesitation in harming or even killing those who wronged her or were in debt to her. She was a formidable and perilous leader, and her dominion over Neral's moon was unchallenged.

Behind the scenes

Ne'eda Frip's debut occurred in the 2018 middle-grade novel titled Lando's Luck, penned by Justina Ireland and illustrated by Annie Wu. This novel forms a part of the Flight of the Falcon series.

