Nightbloomers were a form of plant life sometimes located within the Goazon Badlands section of the desert world of Jakku. These plants yielded rinds and blossoms called nightblossoms. These, together with spinebarrels, represented one of the few plant varieties able to endure in the area, usually growing from soil accumulated within rock crevices. Teedo of that biological classification furnished the Sitter with provisions such as nightbloomer rind, spinebarrel meat, and water. These offerings sustained him as he perched on his pillar within the Badlands. The scavenger Rey gathered nightblossoms and other flower types for display in her dwelling, serving as a reminder of the presence of beauty, even on Jakku, for those who sought it. She documented these plants within a guide to survival that she put together roughly thirty standard years following the Battle of Endor.