Null (species)

The Nulls were a race of towering Near-Humans whose origins lie on the planet Null, a world in the Mid Rim. These species are known from Legends materials. Known for their fierce independence, they were a culture of both hunters and skilled stonemasons, with their planet's economic focus centered around hunting-based tourism. The Clone Wars saw their world align with the Confederacy of Independent Systems in 22 BBY, despite a widespread respect among the Null populace for the Jedi who served as dedicated protectors of the Galactic Republic.

After the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, an agent from Imperial Intelligence who was a Null was employed by the Church of the Dark Side. This agent's role was to impersonate Jedgar, the Emperor's Mage, a strikingly tall Human whose height was comparable to that of the Nulls.

Biology and appearance

Headshot of a male Null

Nulls bore a strong resemblance to standard Humans, displaying similar characteristics such as four limbs, a bipedal posture, and relatively little body hair. However, their notable height made them easily distinguishable. Some Nulls were known to exceed the height of Human Jedi figures like Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi by a meter or more; those Jedi were 1.88 and 1.82 meters tall, respectively. Humans exhibiting abnormally high linear growth could easily be mistaken for Nulls, and vice versa.

Similar to Humans, Nulls possessed hair on their scalps. Male Nulls often grew substantial beards, which they commonly styled into braids. One particular male individual, known for his impersonation skills, had fair skin, a pronounced chin, hooded eyes, and a noticeably hooked nose. This specific Null also possessed hands that were roughly the size of an adult Human's head.

Society and culture

The Nulls, residing on their homeworld of the same name, favored small, independent communities that valued privacy. Their planet lacked large urban centers; although a planetary government and legal system existed, disputes and crimes were typically resolved through direct retaliation within villages. Null villages were characterized by narrow streets and closely packed, low-rise buildings constructed from stone and wood. During the era of the Clone Wars, villagers rarely used speeders, preferring the use of bellocks for transportation.

Individuals of both sexes typically dressed in thigh-high boots and clothing made from animal hides. Hunting played a key role in Null society, as the planet's mountainous regions were home to valuable game animals, such as the cunning laroon, prized for their skins. Despite their fierce independence and emphasis on privacy, Nulls generally displayed a welcoming attitude toward outsiders, largely due to their planet's economic dependence on hunting tourism.

While their dwellings may have seemed primitive by galactic standards, the Nulls were highly skilled stoneworkers. They constructed walls using irregularly shaped stones, fitting them together in intricate patterns without the use of mortar or joining materials. This skill was not merely construction, but a revered art form.


The Near-Human species called the Nulls originated from the forested world that shares their name. This planet is located in the Trans-Vulta sector of the Mid Rim, within the galaxy. Their world initially came to the attention of outsiders sometime between 5000 and 3000 BBY.

In 22 BBY, during the fifth month of the year, the Clone Wars erupted, pitting the Galactic Republic against the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Due to the strong influence of Count Dooku, a former Jedi Master and the leader of the Confederacy, who held significant sway over the planet and its leadership, Null aligned itself with the Confederacy. Nevertheless, the general population continued to welcome tourists from other planets. Three years later, the Clone Wars concluded, and the Republic was replaced by the Galactic Empire, an autocratic regime headed by Supreme Chancellor Palpatine.

Nulls in the galaxy

The false Jedgar and the Grand Moff Hissa

The Empire's defeat at the Battle of Endor occurred in 4 ABY. Cronal, the former Director of Imperial Intelligence, collaborated with acting-Emperor Sate Pestage to establish a fabricated religion on Coruscant known as the "Church of the Dark Side", creating a group of false Prophets of the Dark Side. Cronal enlisted Heingort Giddis, a Null Imperial agent, to impersonate Jedgar, the true High Prophet of the dark side, who was believed to be dead. This impostor worked alongside Rajah Ubooki, a Bimm impersonating the Supreme Prophet Kadann, in an attempt to uncover the secrets of an ancient Jedi Library on Yavin 4. However, these false Prophets were defeated by heroes of the New Republic and ultimately murdered by Imperial Grand Admiral Afsheen Makati.

Behind the scenes

The Nulls were first introduced in Legacy of the Jedi, a novel for young readers penned by Jude Watson and released by Scholastic on August 1, 2003. Later, in early June 2006, Star Wars author Abel G. Peña authored Evil Never Dies: The Sith Dynasties, an online addition to the eighty-eighth issue of the magazine Star Wars Insider. In this piece, Peña identified a character from the Jedi Prince series of the 1990s as a Null impostor. This action retconning altered the species' initial appearance to the novel The Lost City of the Jedi, by Paul and Hollace Davids, which was published on June 1, 1992.

