Nuna drumsticks, alternatively called deep-fried nuna legs, represented a food item prepared using nuna flesh.
During 9 BBY, the Latero named Greez Dritus proposed to the human Jedi Knight named Cal Kestis that a celebratory meal would be necessary upon their arrival at the planet called Tanalorr, and that he would prepare it. When Kestis inquired about Dritus' plans, deep-fried nuna legs were among the initial dishes mentioned, along with Colo claw roe and ormachek. The Jedi questioned whether the Latero could acquire all of those dishes, but Dritus assured him of his ability to do so.
Circa 9 ABY, Hunters of the Outer Rim competitors Aran Tal and Imara Vex engaged in a physical altercation inside the chow room of the Grand Arena after Tal consumed the last portion of deep-fried nuna legs. That event was the catalyst that sparked their mutual animosity, following a build-up of tension between the competitors. Deep-fried nuna legs were also available for purchase at concession stands within the podracing arena located in the Arena District of the planet Vespaara.
Within the non-canonical video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, nuna drumsticks were also offered as a menu item at Dex's Diner.