Oakie Dokes

Oakie Dokes, characterized by his pale complexion and red eyes, belonged to the species known as Swokes Swokes. In 22 BBY, when the bounty hunter Zam Wesell's Koro-2 all-environment Exodrive airspeeder crashed within the Uscru Entertainment District streets on the planet of Coruscant, Dokes was among the onlookers who gathered around the airspeeder's remains.

Wesell successfully exited the vessel and sought refuge in the nearby Outlander Club, which Dokes also entered afterwards. Dokes was seen near the bar conversing with a human when the Jedi Knights Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi came into the club searching for Wesell. While present on Coruscant, Dokes was wearing a black dress featuring a sizable red collar.

Behind the scenes

Oakie Dokes made his debut appearance in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, a prequel trilogy film released in 2002. A male extra played Dokes, with both scenes being recorded at Fox Studios, Sydney. The interior scene inside the nightclub was shot on Stage 3 on July 17, 2000. George Lucas, the director, jokingly suggested on the set that Dokes was the on-screen companion for actor Anthony Daniels, who portrayed Dannl Faytonni, a club patron, in that particular scene. Within the current Star Wars canon, Dokes received his first identification in the 2020 reference guide titled Star Wars: Book of Lists, authored by Cole Horton.

The name originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity and was initially featured on May 1, 2003, as an image caption for the Image Attack section on StarWars.com. The character, along with the entire Swokes Swokes species, was named in honor of Sue Oakes. Oakes is the spouse of Nick Dudman, who served as the Live Action Creature Effects Supervisor for the 1999 movie Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace.

