Obi-Wan and Anakin 4

Obi-Wan and Anakin Number 4 represents the fourth installment, and second-to-last, of the canon comic book miniseries titled Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin. This particular issue was penned by Charles Soule, with illustrations crafted by Marco Checchetto, and it saw its release on April 20, 2016 through Marvel Comics.

Summary from the Publisher

Obi-wan [sic] and Anakin find themselves stuck between opposing sides in an ongoing conflict…and if they aren't careful, they might just get caught in the middle! Furthermore…what is the reason behind Anakin's desire to leave the Jedi Order?

Detailed Plot Synopsis

A Difficult Descent

Following Mother Pran's explosive destruction of the airship's airbag, which was transporting Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi and Grecker, Kolara questions the rationale behind her leader's actions. Mother Pran justifies her decision by stating that they needed to prevent Kenobi and Grecker from pursuing them after they abducted the Jedi Padawan Anakin Skywalker. In the meantime, Kenobi and Grecker manage to escape the wreckage of their airship, finding themselves in the ruins of a long-abandoned city situated within the Celadon Sea.

Kenobi successfully deters the Fishers from attacking him and Grecker by brandishing his lightsaber. Grecker informs Kenobi that Pran and Kolara have taken Anakin and cautions him against trusting the Open "animals." Kenobi inquires about the Open's destination with Anakin. Grecker suggests that they are likely taking Anakin to one of their strongholds in the mountains.

Kenobi assures Grecker that locating Anakin is not necessary, as he possesses the coordinates of the distress signal. Grecker expresses concern about Anakin's young age, but Kenobi disagrees and invites Grecker to accompany him. Grecker agrees to join, equipping both himself and Kenobi with makeshift masks to protect them from the poisoned air that transforms people into mutated Fishers. Grecker insists that the Closed were not responsible for initiating the Open-Closed war.

A Prisoner of the Open Faction

Concurrently, Mother Pran pilots her glider to the Fortress-Home of the Open, a concealed mountain base that includes harbors for airships. Pran presents Anakin as a Skygift and recounts the story of how Anakin Skywalker repaired a droid brain, which she then uses to activate a Mech walker. Pran announces to her followers, as well as a gagged Anakin, that he has saved them all.

Anakin's Alternative "Mentor"

In a flashback scene set in the Office of the Supreme Chancellor on Coruscant, Anakin and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine are discussing their adventure in the Coruscant Underworld, which exposed the corrupt activities of Senator Colandrus. Palpatine expresses concern that a direct attempt to remove Colandrus from office could be perilous and apologizes for involving Anakin in a Galactic Senate matter.

Anakin proposes involving the Jedi Order, but the Chancellor explains that the Jedi are accountable to the Senate, and requesting them to arrest a senator would be a significant matter. He argues that issuing such orders would transform him into a dictator. When Anakin asks who could remove Colandrus, Palpatine admits that it is a question that troubles him. He instructs Anakin to keep this matter confidential from his Jedi Masters.

When Palpatine inquires whether Anakin is content at the Jedi Temple, Anakin replies that training to become a Jedi is all he has ever desired. Palpatine expresses his gratitude for Anakin's assistance and assures him that there will always be a place for him after he completes his training, suggesting that he could always use someone as exceptional as Anakin.

Anakin's Predicament

Returning to the Jedi Temple, Anakin informs Kenobi of his desire to discontinue his Jedi training. Kenobi cautions that this is a serious decision that should not be taken lightly. Skywalker responds that he understands the weight of serious decisions and recounts how Master Qui-Gon Jinn took him away from his mother when he was only nine years old.

While Qui-Gon warned that Jedi training would be challenging, Skywalker remembers only seeing a magical figure with a "sword made out of light" and a starship. Anakin adds that he chose to become a Jedi over a life of slavery. Anakin acknowledges that his training is incomplete but expresses that he feels the galaxy calling to him and that he can always return. Kenobi accepts his Padawan's statement and says very well before taking his lightsaber.

The Signal's Origin

In the present, Kenobi and Grecker arrive at the source of the signal amidst the ruins of Celadon City. Kenobi is puzzled by his inability to trace the signal. Grecker claims ignorance of the sender and states that everything in this area is dead, blaming the Open for destroying their world and forcing them into the mountains.

Kenobi questions Grecker's sudden willingness to collaborate with Mother Pran upon learning that Kenobi was searching for a signal originating from the wastelands. Kenobi challenges Grecker's assertion that the planet Carnelion IV is lifeless, pointing to the kites. Suddenly, they are attacked by a Carnelian dragon. Kenobi ignites his lightsaber but is spotted by a hidden figure.

Under the guise of calling for assistance, Grecker fires a flare gun, which only attracts more dragons. At that moment, a cloaked figure opens a door and beckons Grecker to safety. Grecker thanks the cloaked figure, who urges him to enter. The cloaked figure intends to bring Kenobi inside as well, but Grecker demands that the figure close the door at gunpoint.

Instead, the cloaked figure shoots Grecker in the chest. When Kenobi expresses shock, the cloaked figure explains that she saved his life, stating that Grecker would have abandoned him to the beasts. She leads the Jedi into her fortress museum, which is filled with tables, chairs, crates, old technology, statues, and a starship. After learning Kenobi's name, she introduces herself as Sera.

Sera has dedicated her life to salvaging remnants from the dead lands in order to lay the foundation for a new future. Kenobi realizes that Sera was the one who sent out the kites. She confirms that she sent them to inspire young people to reject the warlike tendencies of the older generation. Sera confirms that she sent the signal and that she has devoted her life to scavenging old technology and records of lightsaber wielding warriors.

Sera believes that the Jedi can play a role in reuniting the Open and Closed factions. Kenobi expresses optimism, noting that members of both factions collaborated to reach this location. However, Sera points out that both the Open and Closed factions want her dead because they want to forget the "old time." She explains that the pieces of art she sends up remind the leaders of the two factions of everything they have lost and believes that it is too late for them.

Gathering the Open Forces

Meanwhile, at the Fortress Home of the Open, Mother Pran attempts to persuade Anakin to reveal the location of the distress signal by falsely claiming that Grecker was plotting to kill Master Kenobi. She thanks Anakin for helping them activate the Mechs, claiming they will save Kenobi. However, Anakin realizes that she is lying but concedes that Grecker was also dishonest.

Determined to save his master, Anakin tells them that the distress signal is located another half day's travel past the site of the Fisher attack, along the same heading. However, Pran gags him, deeming him too valuable to risk. She assigns Kolara and the other youths to guard a bound Anakin and promises they will return soon. As Mother Pran leads the Open into battle with their airships and Mechs, Sera tells Kenobi that the Open and Closed only understand war.

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