Obi-Wan and Anakin 5

title: Obi-Wan and Anakin 5

The fifth and concluding issue of the canon comic book miniseries Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin is Obi-Wan and Anakin 5. This installment was penned by Charles Soule, with illustrations by Marco Checchetto, and it was released on May 25, 2016 through Marvel Comics.

Publisher's Synopsis

As war erupts, our Jedi find themselves caught in the crossfire! A crucial understanding dawns upon master and apprentice. This initial Jedi-focused miniseries from Marvel reaches its dramatic conclusion!

Storyline Summary

Gaining New Allies

Anakin Skywalker, restrained at the Fortress-Home of the Open on Carnelion IV, observes as Kolara consults the other Open youths about their next course of action. One suggests that the Scavenger possesses the sole means of transmitting a signal powerful enough to reach beyond their world, believing that "Mother" Pran and the other adults have deployed the war machines to eliminate the Scavenger, whom they mistakenly identify as male.

Kolara counters that the Scavenger's gender is uncertain, but action is necessary. Another Open youth notes the adults' seizure of all airguns and walkers, deeming passage through the Celadon Sea perilous. Skywalker volunteers his assistance, prompting Kolara's apology for his abduction. She identifies Mother Pran as their leader and inquires about Skywalker's well-being. He assures her of his condition and asks about the Scavenger.

Kolara describes the "Scavenger" as an enigmatic figure dwelling in the wastes beneath the Celadon Sea. The kite they spotted on the airgun originated from her numerous gifts, which Kolara attributes to a bygone era. Kolara elaborates that the Scavenger provides them with exquisite gifts but struggles to articulate their essence. Anakin clarifies that the Scavenger's creations are art. Anakin states that the Open and Closed desire the Scavenger's demise due to the reminders of The World That Was they evoke.

A youth with dark skin questions Kolara about their captive. Kolara presents Anakin as their Skygift. When the dark-skinned youth expresses bewilderment at Anakin's extensive knowledge, Anakin inquires how many of the youths have concealed art from the Scavenger. All admit to possessing the Scavenger's art. Anakin then successfully persuades the Open youth to aid him in rescuing the Scavenger from the Open's murderous intentions.

Defending the Scavenger

Within Sera's fortress museum, Sera reveals to Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi that she once utilized an ancient starship to broadcast a signal beyond their world, but it soon malfunctioned. She asks if Kenobi can repair it, but he lacks the requisite skills. Kenobi suggests that his Padawan Anakin might be able to assist. When Kenobi inquires about her proficiency in the Jedi's language, Sera explains that she discovered holo-recordings of warriors wielding "swords of light." These recordings also included instructions on summoning the Jedi for aid.

Sera discloses to Kenobi that her scheme involved luring the Jedi to Carnelion IV with the intention of eliminating both the Open and the Closed, thereby paving the way for a fresh start with the children. Kenobi then presses Sera about the color of the warrior's lightsaber. Sera reveals that it was red. Suddenly, they hear a loud sound of something hitting the main doors. Sera and Kenobi escape to the roof, only to discover that the fortress museum is under siege by the Closed.

The Closed demand that Sera grant them entry, promising to spare her life. Kenobi deduces that Grecker launched a flare to signal his people. Sera cautions Kenobi against trusting the Closed. Sera urges Kenobi to slay the Closed, but he attempts to reason with their leader, asserting that he has placed Sera under his protection. At that moment, Grecker reappears and commands them to kill Kenobi and set the place ablaze.

Kenobi deflects their blaster bolts with his lightsaber while insisting that he is not their adversary. Mother Pran leads the Open Mechs into battle against the Closed. Kenobi also tried to reason with Grecker by teling him that Sera wanted to save their world. Grecker dismissed Kenobi as a fool but was then killed by a laser cannon. Kenobi manages to dodge to safety.

Skywalker's Aid

Kenobi asks Mother Pran about his Padawan's whereabouts. Instead, the Open leader attacks him with her Mech. However, Anakin saves his master with a four-winged flying machine. Skywalker informs his master that he constructed the machine and brought Kolara and the other young Open.

Kolara introduces herself to Sera, who she learns is the Scavenger. Anakin assures his master that everything will be alright, but Kenobi remains skeptical. The dark-skinned Open youth questions Sera about the purpose of her kites. Sera explains that she desired to initiate a new world. She accuses Kenobi of thwarting her plans by bringing the Closed and Open to them. Kenobi retorts that they are not murderers and leads Anakin down to the starship.

Sera expresses her hope to the Open youth that the adult Open and Closed members will annihilate each other. However, Kolara counters that she does not wish for her people to perish. Kenobi enlists Skywalker's help in repairing the ship's damaged communications unit within the museum. Ignoring Sera's warning, Kolara and the other Open youth embark on their flying machines to join the battle below. As Skywalker prepares to transmit the signal, Kenobi declares his intention to alter the system.

Republic Intervention

As the conflict between the Closed and Open intensifies, a squadron of Consular-class cruisers enters Carnelion IV's atmosphere, enforcing a ceasefire. While Jedi and a silver 3PO-series protocol droid attend to the injured, Skywalker inquires how Kenobi managed to persuade the Galactic Republic to dispatch a fleet to Carnelion IV. Kenobi responds that he informed the Republic of the discovery of high concentrations of tibanna gas on the planet.

Although Kenobi is uncertain of its veracity, he asserts that the Republic will prohibit any hostilities for the duration of their survey. Kenobi hopes this will bring peace to the world and that the locals can help themselves. When Anakin asks why the Republic believed him, Kenobi explains that being a Jedi is not just about power, lightsabers, or the Force but also about being connected to something greater. He says that being a Jedi gives him strength that he would never have on his own.

Anakin's Path

In a flashback sequence at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant, Kenobi confides in Jedi Master Yoda about Skywalker's desire to suspend his Jedi training temporarily. Kenobi blames himself for this perceived failure, asserting to Yoda that Skywalker belongs within the Jedi Order and is too young to make such a decision. Yoda assures Kenobi that Skywalker's uncertainties are not his fault. He empathizes with Skywalker's youth and challenging upbringing, deeming his questions natural.

Yoda informs Kenobi of a received request for Jedi assistance and assigns Kenobi and Skywalker to investigate the matter. Yoda offers to release Skywalker should he choose to leave after the mission. Yoda asks Kenobi if he will still honor his vow to the late Master Qui-Gon Jinn should Skywalker choose to leave. Kenobi vows to complete Anakin's Force training and recalls that Qui-Gon and Yoda saw the currents that swirl around Anakin. They agree that Anakin needs guidance and protection from the dark side.

Kenobi accepts that if Skywalker chooses to leave the Jedi Order, he will also have to leave. Returning to the present, Kenobi asks Skywalker if he still intends to depart from the Jedi Order. Anakin affirms his commitment to continue the journey as a Jedi. A pleased Kenobi says that he will show him the way and hands Anakin his lightsaber.

Publication Details

  • UPC 759606083718; Released on May 25 , 2016 ; Published by Marvel Comics [1] 00511; Cover A; Art by Marco Checchetto

Cover Images

