
The papdoo was a type of creature classified as endangered during the High Republic Era. The Shani singer Crufeela, known for her controversial habit of eating endangered creatures, found herself in a papdoo-related controversy. She tried to recover from this scandal by performing the seemingly patriotic song "Corellia for Corellians" on a galactic talent show. Nevertheless, this attempt at a comeback was unsuccessful when it was revealed that Crufeela had falsely claimed to have written the song and had merely lip-synched to a recording made by a Naboo teenager. Chief Inspector Deemus Abrus characterized Crufeela's subsequent arrest on Corellia in 230 BBY for trying to consume the Bonbrak Teetak as her third major downfall, following the papdoo incident and the talent show debacle.

Behind the scenes

The first mention of a papdoo occurred in the 2022 young-adult novel The High Republic: Midnight Horizon, authored by Daniel José Older as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project. The novel leaves it ambiguous whether the term "papdoo" refers to a single individual, multiple individuals, or both.

