Corellia for Corellians

"Corellia for Corellians" was a comedic musical piece crafted by a writer from Alderaan around the year 270 BBY. The purpose of the composition was to satirize the planet Corellia's inclination towards isolation. Four decades later, Crufeela, a Corellian vocalist, attempted to revive her career with a performance of the song. However, it was revealed that she had falsely claimed authorship and was merely mimicking the voice of a young Naboo individual from a recording.


The song, "Corellia for Corellians," was deliberately composed with an aggressively nationalistic tone to mock Corellia's planet-based isolationist policies. The satirical nature of the piece, however, was frequently overlooked, leading some to believe it was a genuine expression of patriotism. Notably, the rendition by a Naboo youth was characterized by a particularly high vocal range.


Around 270 BBY, an Alderaanian composer penned "Corellia for Corellians" as a humorous jab. Forty years following that, Crufeela, a Corellian performer of the Shani species, already facing public scrutiny due to her habit of consuming endangered species, chose the song for a comeback attempt on a galaxy-wide talent competition after a scandal involving an endangered papdoo. Misinterpreting the song's satirical intent, Crufeela asserted that she had personally written "Corellia for Corellians" as a tribute to the victims of a recent Corellian natural disaster. Unfortunately for her, the comeback imploded when both the true author was revealed and it was discovered that Crufeela was simply lip-synching to a recording. The voice on the recording belonged to a Naboo teenager seeking fame on the holos whose vocal track was obtained fraudulently and given to Crufeela for the competition.

Despite having little interest in popular entertainment, Jedi Padawan Reath Silas happened to witness Crufeela's lip-synched performance of "Corellia for Corellians" on the talent show. He had also heard about the singer from other Padawans who followed such matters. His opinion was that the song was not particularly good. Around 230 BBY, Alys Ongwa, a bodyguard and the head of Supreme Coronet City Diplomat Protection, learned that Crufeela had been engaged as the new entertainer for the Finance Ball. She then jokingly remarked to her rival Dizcaro, whom Crufeela had hired for protection, that the singer would need to quickly learn how to improvise lip-synching if someone requested a song during her act. Silas, who was collaborating with Ongwa's agency to expose Nihil influence on Corellia, recalled the "Corellia for Corellians" incident while assisting in a sting operation targeting Crufeela. The goal was to arrest her and replace her with a new performer, Mz. Z. When Crufeela was apprehended for attempting to eat the Bonbrak Teetak, Chief Inspector Deemus Abrus characterized it as her third major downfall, following the "Corellia for Corellians" controversy and the papdoo scandal.

Behind the scenes

The 2022 young-adult novel The High Republic: Midnight Horizon, penned by Daniel José Older as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project, included a reference to "Corellia for Corellians."

