Peel was a member of the clone trooper ranks, fighting for the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the duration of the Clone Wars. He was part of the 212th Attack Battalion, taking orders from both Clone Commander Cody and Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi. During a mission to Bray, Peel went with Commander Cody, as well as Jedi Generals Kenobi and Adi Gallia. It was there that he was infected by a vampiric creature, only to be restored after Lord Ravna's defeat.
Peel was created as a clone from bounty hunter Jango Fett's genetic material on the planet Kamino, with the purpose of serving the Galactic Republic. During the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars], Peel fought with the Grand Army of the Republic's 212th Attack Battalion. He accompanied Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi General Adi Gallia, and Clone Commander Cody on a mission to the planet Bray.

While on Bray, a vampiric creature started disrupting the village's power supply. Peel and his comrades attempted to subdue the creature, but their blasters proved ineffective. In an attempt to defeat the creature, Peel approached it with a thermal detonator, but was struck and scratched. Jedi General Gallia used the Force to move the thermal detonator away, causing it to explode and forcing the creature to retreat to the Citadel of Light.
Shortly thereafter, as the Jedi and Cody were in their shuttle, devising their next plan, they noticed disturbances in the power. Upon investigating the cargo area of the shuttle, they discovered Peel sabotaging the electrical systems. When Commander Cody questioned his actions, Peel turned around, revealing that he was infected and had transformed into a savage vampiric creature. After a struggle with Kenobi, Peel was stunned and knocked unconscious.

Knowing that they needed to find a cure for Peel and the other infected Brayans, Kenobi instructed Commander Cody to restrain Peel until they could locate a cure within the Citadel of Light. Upon their arrival, the Jedi encountered Separatist Alliance leader Count Dooku, whom they accused of attacking the Brayans. Dooku denied the accusations and introduced them to Lord Ravna, who then attacked them. Dooku revealed his plan with Ravna to unleash an infestation across the galaxy, and Kenobi pleaded with him, stating that millions would die. Dooku countered that millions of clones would die, and revealed that he knew Peel was already infected. Ultimately, after witnessing Dooku's abilities, Ravna decided to attack him. Dooku, now partially infected, used the dark side of the Force to resist the full transformation and fought Ravna. Kenobi and Gallia escaped and attempted to destroy the Citadel, but it was destroyed by an explosion caused by Dooku and Ravna's battle. Ravna's curse on the infected was broken after his defeat, and Peel returned to his normal state.
Being a clone of Jango Fett, Peel was a human who stood at a height of 1.83 meters and possessed natural black hair and tan skin. When Peel was infected, he transformed into a vampiric creature with brown fur, sharp teeth, pointed ears, and red eyes. Peel's entire body was altered into the creature's form, but he was restored to his original appearance after Ravna's defeat.
As a clone trooper, Peel was trained in combat and warfare. On Bray, Peel fearlessly confronted the vampiric creature, but he got too close and was injured as a result. While infected and transformed into a vampiric creature, he chewed on electric cables and displayed a vicious nature, attacking anyone nearby.
Peel wore standard phase II clone trooper armor with the markings of his unit during missions, along with a backpack. He used a blaster and thermal detonator during combat situations.
Peel's first appearance was in the 2018 canon comic Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle 2, written by Cavan Scott and pencilled by Derek Charm and Kelley Jones. In the final panel showing Peel, the markings of his unit are missing, which is inconsistent with the rest of his armor's depiction in the comic, which did include the markings.