Polaar, a planet situated within the Aubreeyan Cluster of the galaxy, was part of the Polaar system. During the time of the Galactic Civil War, a skirmish unfolded in its vicinity. A Mon Calamari battle cruiser, caught in this conflict, was compelled to make a hasty retreat. However, due to a damaged hyperdrive, the vessel emerged from lightspeed dangerously close to Polaar. The ship's crew attempted an emergency jump, but the battle cruiser's coaxium regulator malfunctioned, leading to a meltdown of its fusion core. This catastrophic event resulted in the ship's crash onto Polaar's surface. Post-impact, the ongoing chain reaction from the core poisoned the world with distronic radiation, rendering it uninhabitable. The energy field generated by the crash site disrupted all sensor readings and communications, effectively isolating Polaar and making it a suitable refuge.
Following her departure from the Acolytes of the Beyond, Komat sought refuge in a secluded homestead on Polaar, living in exile. In the year 21 ABY, Lando Calrissian and Jedi Master Luke Skywalker journeyed to Polaar to seek Komat's assistance. Skywalker believed she possessed the ability to locate the Goldstone, a luxury yacht utilized by a family of interest to them. Komat consented to help, venturing beyond the planet's disruptive energy field to employ her skill of hyperwave signal interception. This ability enabled her to track the precise locations and times of ships exiting hyperspace. Successfully pinpointing where the Goldstone would appear, Komat was ambushed upon her return to Polaar. The ambush was executed by ships carrying [kyber crystal](/article/kyber_crystal]-enhanced battle droids dispatched by Kiza, a Pantoran female, with the mission to recover kyber crystals previously discovered by Skywalker. With the droids defeated, Komat agreed to accompany Calrissian to Taw Provode to aid the family.