The Prime Chamber existed within the Killik Colony situated on the world of Yoggoy. Functionally, it acted as a throne room for the chief of the primary hive, specifically Prime Unu UnuThul of the Unu nest, during the period from 27 to 35 ABY.
A circular platform ensured UnuThul remained in sight of the numerous insectoid servants who accompanied him.
The Chronicle, which chronicled UnuThul's metamorphosis and the Colony's ascension, was embedded in the Prime Chamber's wall.
It was inside this very chamber that UnuThul encountered the Skywalker couple, the Solo couple, and Saba Sebatyne in 35 ABY. These individuals had arrived to delve into the vanishing of those who survived the Myrkr strike team. A rigorous interrogation, a discussion about the New Jedi Order's political position, and an exchange regarding the Potentium unfolded within the chamber. UnuThul presented the Chronicle to the visitors, and even tried to overwhelm Luke Skywalker's consciousness by using the collective Force strength of the Colony. This prompted Luke, Mara, Leia, and Saba to unite their powers to fend him off.
Following the Qoribu Truce, it was presumed that the chamber was left empty. It remained unclear if a comparable chamber was built on Woteba or on the Unu nest ship.