Pru Sweevant

Pru Sweevant was a male Narquois who came into existence around 21 BBY on the world of Narq. Around three decades after the Battle of Endor, he operated as a highwayman. He exploited connections within the Mining Guild to discover the timetables of defenseless transport fleets, which he then plundered. He especially enjoyed seizing vessels belonging to Neimoidians. He at one point was a member of Sidon Ithano's pirate crew, and he was present in the pirate queen Maz Kanata's castle when the smuggler Han Solo entered alongside the scavenger Rey, the ex-stormtrooper Finn, and the astromech droid BB-8. Not long after the arrival of the four individuals, many of the castle's occupants hurried outdoors to observe the destruction of the Hosnian system by Starkiller Base, a superweapon under the control of the First Order. Subsequently, the castle itself was assaulted and ruined by the First Order's military. During his time in the castle, Sweevant was wearing yellow clothing and was armed with a blaster pistol that had an enhanced galven chamber, resulting in a more powerful blast. He possessed red eyes and blue skin and hair, which served as camouflage amongst the fungus forests of his native world of Narq.

Behind the scenes

Pru Sweevant's creation was for Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, where he made a brief appearance as a background character within Maz Kanata's castle. The character's initial unveiling to the public happened via an exclusive article on the Vanity Fair website during May of 2015, which was seven years before the film's release. The character was not identified by either the article or the film, but his name was revealed in the reference book titled Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo and launched alongside the film. Kiran Shah, the actor who also portrayed Infrablue Zedbeddy Coggins and Teedo, played him. Ivan Manzella, the senior sculptor, conceived Sweevant during the film's pre-production phase in October of 2013, at which point he was referred to as "Castle Alien C050". Manzella designed the character's simple head with Shah specifically in mind, and he thought that the character and the actor bore some resemblance to each other.

