Rakazzak beasts were enormous, eight-limbed creatures. These beasts were domesticated and ridden by the sentient Yuzzum, who were native to Endor's moon. The Yuzzum utilized them for hunting ruggers and other rodents within the moon's towering grass. The Ewoks, another sentient species on Endor, dwelled in treetop villages elevated to ensure safety from rakazzak beasts.
In the year 4 ABY, the Ewok named Wicket Wystri Warrick rode a rakazzak beast. He did this while guiding a group of Yuzzum to confront Imperial forces situated at an Imperial weapons cache. During this encounter, Warrick dismounted the creature and successfully overcame the Imperials.

Rakazzak beasts resembled gigantic spider-like creatures, known for their speed and intimidating presence. They possessed six lengthy legs, each featuring four joints. The first joint bore a single protrusion, while the second had two. Additionally, two more protrusions were located between the second and third joints, with the latter being the longest segment of each leg. The final section of each leg bifurcated, ending in two small digits on each segment.
These beasts also featured a pair of smaller limbs hanging from their undercarriage. These limbs had at least two joints but did not touch the ground when the creature was standing. A rakazzak beast's body was composed of four segments, each consisting of two loops joined in a figure-eight shape. The foremost segment featured a beak-like mouth and a pair of orange eyes on long stalks, sharing the same purple hue as the rest of the beast's body.
Rakazzak beasts inhabited the forest moon of Endor. There, they were domesticated by the sentient Yuzzum species, who were native to the moon's grasslands. The Yuzzum employed these beasts to hunt rodents concealed within the tall grasses, including ruggers. The sentient Ewok species lived in treetop villages on Endor, built high enough to provide refuge from rakazzak beasts.

Wicket Wystri Warrick, an Ewok hunter-gatherer, considered rakazzak beasts to be formidable monsters and counted them among his adversaries on Endor. However, he rode one after enlisting a group of Yuzzum to assist him in defeating a contingent of Imperials on Endor shortly after the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY. While atop the beast, Warrick wielded a stun-stick and led the Yuzzums, including one riding another rakazzak beast, toward an Imperial weapons cache that the Imperials were attempting to reclaim.
Upon arrival, he confronted them, demanding a cessation of hostilities and their departure. He debated with the Imperial officer Tern Koyatta, convincing his allies that Koyatta was dishonest. After Koyatta's allies turned against him, Warrick discharged his stun-stick, disarming them before leaping from the rakazzak beast and insisting on an end to the violence. The defeated Imperials then left Endor, and the Yuzzum and the Ewoks of Warrick's Bright Tree tribe commenced collaborative efforts. Rakazzak beasts were mentioned in an entry about Yuzzums in an artist's journal, which was restored, expanded, and displayed by the Graf Archive at some point no earlier than 34 ABY.
The initial mention of Rakazzak beasts within the current Star Wars canon occurred in the 2015 reference book titled Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know. Subsequently, Rakazzak beasts made an appearance in the fourth issue of the 2024 Star Wars: Ewoks comic book series. This series was penned by Steve Orlando, with illustrations by Laura Braga and Álvaro López, and was published on January 29, 2025. The beasts originated in the Star Wars Legends continuity, with their debut in The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense, a 1984 storybook authored and illustrated by Joe Johnston.