
Ruggers were a class of rodent that lived in the trees, consuming only plants. These creatures were native to the Forest Moon of Endor. Being skilled climbers, these quick animals were frequently hunted by various predators on the moon, notably the temptor. The temptor would use the hairy tips of their lengthy tongues as a lure, which proved effective in attracting the naturally inquisitive ruggers.

The intelligent Yuzzum also pursued ruggers, utilizing trained rakazzak beasts to locate the rodents when they sought refuge in tall grasses. Their goal was to prepare roasted "rugger." The songs of ruggers could be heard throughout the treetop villages of the Ewok species, who crafted jerky from these rodents, as they scurried through the settlements.

Biology and appearance

Ruggers were a kind of plant-eating rodent, primarily eating nuts. Their bodies were covered in thick [green](/article/color] and white fur, while their heads and tails had shorter brown and white fur, except for a tuft of longer fur at the tail's end. The eyes of a rugger were orange and located on the sides of their head, with two large ears pointing backward above the eyes, and a mouth and blue snout situated below.

Each of these creatures' four limbs lacked fur, revealing their green and white skin, and ended in paws with three digits each. The small claws on each digit, along with suction cups on their paws, enabled them to spread their weight evenly on vertical surfaces. This enhanced their already impressive climbing abilities and exceptional balance, traits that evolved as a defense against the many predators that targeted them.


Ruggers could be heard singing as they climbed through Ewok villages.

Ruggers were primarily arboreal, spending the majority of their time among the trees of their homeworld, the Forest Moon of Endor, although they would also seek shelter in high grasses. These animals were known to sing while climbing. Despite being relatively successful within the moon's ecosystem, they occupied a low position in the food chain, frequently relying on their agility to evade numerous predators.

However, ruggers possessed a bold and inquisitive nature, which a predator called the temptor exploited. Temptors hunted by concealing themselves in trees or underground, exposing only the tip of their tongue, which resembled the furry head of a small rodent. Many unwary ruggers met their demise by following this lure into the temptor's den, where they encountered a large set of hungry jaws instead of the expected small rodent.


Asha Fahn and Meedro passed a rugger while on their way to rescue Wicket Warrick.

The Yuzzum, an intelligent species from Endor's plains, greatly enjoyed eating roasted "rugger." To aid in capturing ruggers hidden in tall grasses, the Yuzzum domesticated and rode fast rakazzak beasts. They would store the captured ruggers in bags and cook them over large [fires](/article/fire]. The sounds of rugger song could sometimes be heard as the creatures climbed through the treetop villages of the Ewok species, who also consumed ruggers in the form of jerky.

Not long after the arrival of the Galactic Empire on Endor, the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick hoped to find a rugger to turn into jerky when he left his home in Bright Tree Village on Endor to replenish his food supplies from the forest. However, he instead caught two forest frogs.

Shortly following the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, Warrick was abducted from the village by Imperials needing him as a guide. The Ewoks Asha Fahn and Meedro then embarked on a bordok to pursue the Imperials and save Warrick. As they rode the bordok through the forest towards Endless Lake, they passed a rugger sitting in a tree holding a nut.

Behind the scenes

A rugger in Disney Infinity 3.0

Within the current Star Wars canon, ruggers were initially referenced in Ultimate Star Wars, a reference book that was released on April 29, 2015. Later that same year, on August 30, ruggers made an appearance in the Rise Against the Empire Play Set of Disney Infinity 3.0, a video game that is not part of the canon. The first canonical appearance of ruggers was in the third issue of the Star Wars: Ewoks comic book series, written by Steve Orlando, with illustrations by Álvaro López and Laura Braga, and published by Marvel Comics on December 18, 2024.

These creatures originated within the Star Wars Legends continuity. In that continuity, ruggers were first mentioned in The Illustrated Star Wars Universe, a 1995 reference book authored by Kevin J. Anderson. The first depictions of ruggers in the Legends continuity were illustrations by Terryl Whitlatch found in The Wildlife of Star Wars: A Field Guide, a 1999 reference book. One of these illustrations was republished as the first canonical depiction of ruggers in "Geonosis and Other Planets in the Outer Rim," a booklet released by De Agostini as part of their Star Wars Encyclopedia series on November 23, 2021.

