Meedro, dwelling on the fringe of Bright Tree Village upon the moon of Endor, was an Ewok warrior belonging to the Bright Tree tribe. During the Battle of Endor in 4 ABY, while his tribe joined forces with the Alliance to Restore the Republic against the Galactic Empire, he bravely fought the Empire independently. Following the conflict, Chief Chirpa, the tribe's leader, convened a gathering to determine future interactions with outsiders, which Meedro attended, cautioning that the Ewoks should be wary, as outsiders brought peril.
Wicket Wystri Warrick, a young Ewok who voiced disagreement with Meedro during the meeting, requested they inspect traps together afterward. Together, they discovered a temptor ensnared in a trap. The temptor escaped, attacking Warrick until Meedro intervened, stabbing its tail and causing it to flee. After ensuring Warrick's safety, Meedro and the younger Ewok returned to Bright Tree Village, only to find a group of Imperials introducing themselves to the settlement.
Chirpa cautiously greeted the Imperials, who were seeking a hidden Imperial weapons cache. However, his daughter, Asha Fahn, launched an attack on them. As the Imperials retaliated, opening fire on the tribe, Warrick and Meedro emerged from their hiding place, attempting to intervene. The Imperials agreed to depart, demanding a guide as a hostage, rejecting Meedro's offer and instead seizing Warrick. Subsequently, Meedro and Fahn embarked on a bordok to rescue Warrick.
Reaching Endless Lake, they dismounted, and Fahn summoned a condor dragon to ride. Initially frightened by the beast, Meedro eventually joined Fahn, and they flew across the lake, discovering the Imperials and Warrick battling the Gorax known as the Great Devourer on the opposite shore. The two Ewoks joined the battle, ultimately enabling Warrick to escape and secure assistance from a group of Yuzzum, who brought the conflict to a halt.
Warrick attempted to persuade the Imperials to leave peacefully, but after the Imperial leader, Tern Koyatta, killed his unarmed ally, Khu Fornot, Meedro, enraged, attacked Koyatta with a dagger. Warrick convinced Meedro to spare Koyatta, who was then taken as a captive by the remaining Imperials. Meedro, Fahn, and Warrick then incinerated the Imperial weapons cache, after which Meedro and Fahn departed to journey through the forest together.
On the forest moon of Endor, Meedro was an Ewok warrior from the Bright Tree tribe. Rather than reside within Bright Tree Village, he lived on its periphery, sleeping in the woods wherever he found rest, distant from the treetop dwellings and expansive campfires of his fellow tribe members. He gained notoriety within the village as an enigmatic and resilient loner, with tales circulating that he had single-handedly killed a gorax. As a wokling, Wicket Wystri Warrick held Meedro in high regard, viewing him as a hero.
In 4 ABY, the Alliance to Restore the Republic made landfall on Endor and fought alongside the Ewoks of the tribe against the Galactic Empire, another group of off-worlders. Meedro also engaged the Empire in combat but did so independently. The Ewoks and their allies emerged victorious, and following the departure of the rebels, Chief [Chirpa](/article/chirpa], the tribe's leader, summoned a tribal meeting in the village to deliberate on how to engage with future visitors from other worlds. Warrick advocated for tribal cooperation with future visitors, suggesting they welcome them openly, drawing a parallel to nature as a song that gains richness through the addition of new tones.

Positioned against a railing at the rear of the assembled Ewoks, Meedro countered Warrick's perspective, rejecting his comparison and asserting that outsiders were harbingers of weaponry and danger. He acknowledged his detachment from the rest of the village, prompting a mocking remark about him luring temptors on the outskirts, but emphasized that his secluded existence afforded him a heightened awareness of the importance of caution. Chirpa then interrupted Meedro, indicating that he had conveyed his point, and Meedro conceded, bowing to the chief. Subsequently, the Ewoks present engaged in debate over the validity of Warrick's and Meedro's viewpoints, with some dismissing Warrick due to his youth.
Following the meeting, Warrick arranged to inspect traps with Meedro in the Happy Grove forest, a request that surprised Meedro given their conflicting opinions at the gathering. After a day of finding traps empty, Meedro voiced his surprise to the younger Ewok, who began to recount Meedro's reputation before noticing movement in a trap net suspended in the trees ahead. The furry tongue of a temptor protruded through the netting, which Warrick mistook for a verkle tail and eagerly approached, prodding the net with his spear.

Recognizing the trapped creature, Meedro called out to halt Warrick, but his warning came too late, and the temptor erupted from the net, lunging at the younger Ewok. After the temptor shattered Warrick's spear, Meedro thrust a bident into its tail and instructed Warrick to flee as the creature roared in agony. Warrick complied and reached safety, but the temptor soon escaped, detaching its entire tail as a diversion. With the danger averted, Meedro confirmed Warrick's well-being and then explained how temptors employed their tongues as bait.

Warrick apologized for being deceived, expressing disappointment that they had nothing to bring back to the village. Meedro stressed that Warrick's safe return was paramount, and the two began their journey back to the village, planning to set more traps the following day. Meedro took the temptor's tail to cure it and create supplies for his travels.
During their return, Warrick conveyed his admiration for Meedro's lack of fear towards the temptor, inquiring if he had felt the same when confronting the Gorax. Meedro clarified that it was not his first encounter with a temptor but conceded that it would be unwise to not fear the Gorax known as the Great Devourer. When Warrick questioned Meedro's decision to live outside the village, Meedro elaborated on his belief in the advantages of solitary living.

As they neared Bright Tree Village, Meedro and Warrick heard an intruder alert and hurried to the edge of the settlement. Concealed behind logs, they observed a group of off-worlders introducing themselves to the tribe. These off-worlders were armed Imperials and bounty hunters who had returned to Endor with the intention of locating and retrieving an Imperial weapons cache. Among them were the droids 4-LOM and Ee-Exsevenseven, both proficient in Ewokese, enabling 4-LOM to convey to the Ewoks that they came in peace. He purported that the group were pilgrims seeking a sacred site, requesting refuge and passage.
Warrick and Meedro swiftly recognized the outsiders' true Imperial allegiance based on their weaponry, but Meedro cautioned that they should remain hidden to maintain an advantage over the newcomers. Chirpa and the rest of the tribe also suspected the pilgrims of being Imperials, even when 4-LOM claimed to be an emissary of the Adversary, an Ewok deity, and warned that denying their wishes would offend the god. Chirpa chose to welcome the outsiders and permit them to stay, stating that any Ewok willing to volunteer as a guide for the Imperials could do so, but no one would be compelled. Appalled by this decision, Warrick attempted to intervene and prevent the Imperials from entering the village, but Meedro restrained him.

As the Imperials entered, Chirpa's daughter, Asha Fahn—another outsider like Meedro known as the Red Ghost—descended from the treetops and attacked the bounty hunter Zuckuss. Aware of her relation to Chirpa, the Imperial Khu Fornot presumed the chief was collaborating with her and opened fire on the entire tribe. Fornot's allies joined the assault, and he soon had Chirpa and his other daughter, Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka, in his sights, at which point Meedro and Warrick swung into the village on vines, emitting a yell and briefly halting the conflict.
The conflict quickly resumed as Zuckuss attacked Fahn, with Chirpa and Kintaka battling 4-LOM when he attempted to aid the other bounty hunter. When the droid dislodged the Ewoks and aimed at the chief, Warrick leapt onto his back, and Meedro disarmed him with a staff, cautioning the droid not to mistake Chirpa's welcome as a sign of weakness among the Ewoks. Warrick eventually subdued the Imperials' leader, Tern Koyatta, who threatened to have his forces massacre the other Ewoks with their blasters. However, when the Imperials' tracker Koll Orvenk opposed killing the Ewoks, Koyatta agreed to leave the village unharmed if they took a guide as a hostage.

After other Ewoks called for Fahn to be the hostage, as she had initiated the attack, Meedro volunteered to take her place. Deeming Meedro too eager, Koyatta rejected his offer and instead took Warrick after discovering the younger Ewok's ability to speak some Galactic Basic. Once the Imperials and Warrick had departed, the rest of the tribe gathered to discuss how to assist him and resumed arguing about their treatment of the outsiders. Fahn interrupted, demanding that they rescue Warrick, a sentiment Meedro echoed, rebuking the others for their bickering and offering to pursue Warrick alone if necessary. Instead, Chirpa instructed him to rouse a bordok and dispatched both Meedro and Fahn after Warrick on the steed.
The pair pursued the Imperials until reaching the shore of Endless Lake, which their quarry had already crossed. Aware that the lake was infested with devil serpents, Meedro suggested they seek a raichling large enough to carry them across or persuade a lucksprite to swim with them. Fahn instead cried out and summoned a condor dragon, causing Meedro to panic and draw his weapon, warning the chief's daughter that the dragon could sense their fear. Fahn simply told him to relax and explained that the dragon was her friend, inviting him to join her in riding the dragon across the lake while their bordok returned to the village.

During the flight, Meedro conceded that he was impressed by Fahn's ability to befriend a condor dragon, and she elucidated the difference between their lifestyles, with Meedro choosing to live in the forest and she living as a part of it. Meedro perceived this as criticism, but Fahn clarified that he had misunderstood and that she considered him brave, albeit somewhat loud. Upon crossing the lake, Meedro and Fahn discovered the Imperials and Warrick battling the Great Devourer outside the weapons cache. Warrick left the fight to seek help, but 4-LOM intercepted him and prepared to shoot the young Ewok, at which point Meedro and Fahn leapt from the back of the condor dragon and attacked 4-LOM, enabling Warrick to escape.
As they fought, Fahn and Meedro taunted 4-LOM, claiming he had been easy to track. When the droid called Fahn a beast, Meedro corrected him with her name and vowed that the two of them would prevent the Imperials from claiming their prize or harming the Bright Tree tribe again. The pair then retreated into the bushes as Zuckuss opened fire on them and the Great Devourer killed the condor dragon. Fornot then emerged from the cache on a 74-Z speeder bike and fired on the Ewoks, with Meedro pushing Fahn out of harm's way. Fahn then instructed Meedro to hide while she dealt with Fornot, although Meedro cautioned her that the Imperial's mount was too fast and strong for them to overcome.

Fahn proved him wrong by knocking the Imperial from the speeder bike with her spear, allowing Warrick to steal the bike. Koyatta then killed the Great Devourer and destroyed the bike while Zuckuss and 4-LOM fired on Meedro and Fahn. Fornot managed to pin Meedro to the ground and held a knife at his throat, gloating that he had been waiting for such a moment since he first landed on Endor. At that moment, Warrick called out to Meedro and Fahn, having finally managed to find the aid he sought. From atop a rakazzak beast, Warrick led an army of local Yuzzums against the Imperials, bringing the fighting to a standstill.

Warrick demanded that the Imperials leave and called Koyatta a liar, which unnerved the Imperial leader. Seeing this, the rest of the Imperials and the bounty hunters began questioning Koyatta as well and eventually turned their weapons on him, forcing him to reveal that he had lied about some aspects of their mission. Before they could fire on Koyatta, Warrick disarmed 4-LOM, Zuckuss, and Fornot and declared that no one needed to die, but Koyatta ignored him and used the opportunity to fatally shoot the unarmed Fornot.
Enraged by the dishonorable murder, Meedro leapt on Koyatta with a dagger while the Imperial cried out for mercy, but Warrick called out for Meedro to stop and spare him. Reiterating that there would be no more fighting, Warrick reached an agreement with 4-LOM and Zuckuss in which they took the captive Koyatta with them as a reward rather than the cache of weapons, promising to never return to Endor again. Ee-Exsevenseven and Orvenk meanwhile left to peacefully commune with the Endor forest.
With the Imperials dealt with, Meedro, Fahn, and Warrick returned to the cache. Meedro suggested that they use the weapons within for their own safety, while Fahn claimed that they would only make the Ewoks more of a target. However, as they further investigated the cache the three Ewoks came to an agreement that there was no place on Endor for such unnatural machinery and that the Bright Tree tribe already had everything it needed. The trio sealed up the cache and then set it on fire.

The following morning, Meedro and Fahn parted ways with Warrick in order to travel the forest together, passing a lantern bird in the undergrowth as they walked together in the sun's early light. Warrick returned to Bright Tree Village with the Yuzzum, who were soon joined by other neighbouring species in a gathering in the village where the different groups shared stories and discussed the unified future of the forest. Warrick later told his brother Widdle Warrick about what had transpired since he had been taken hostage, including the details of Meedro and Fahn's involvement and departure.

Meedro chose to live alone on the outskirts of Bright Tree Village, believing it was safer to do so, as worrying about others was a distraction. While acknowledging the ease of village life, he also recognized its vulnerabilities and responsibilities, which he avoided by remaining solitary. He viewed outsiders as an even greater risk, rejecting the notion of welcoming them and believing his lifestyle gave him the best understanding of the benefits of caution.
He dismissed Wicket Warrick's metaphor about nature being a song, claiming metaphors were for shaman and philosophers. He was known in the village for his toughness and his solitary nature. After surviving a battle with the Great Devourer, Meedro respected the forest's hierarchy, believing it foolish to not fear the Gorax and similarly fearing condor dragons.
Despite his views on village life, Meedro considered himself part of the Bright Tree tribe and loyally served it, viewing Chirpa as a fair leader and feeling honored to watch the sun rise from within the village. When checking traps with Warrick, he prioritized the younger Ewok's safety over catching food, ensuring Warrick was unharmed after the temptor encounter.

Meedro also volunteered to guide the Imperials in Asha Fahn's place and intended to rescue Warrick, even if he had to do so alone. He was greatly impressed by Fahn's ability to call and commune with a condor dragon, overcoming his fear once she befriended it. Although he considered Fornot cruel, Meedro was angered when Koyatta killed the unarmed Imperial.
After the Imperial threat was neutralized, Meedro chose to walk the forest with Asha Fahn rather than alone, despite his views on the risks of companionship. She considered him brave but loud. Meedro had dark brown fur with white facial markings, including a beard, moustache, and large eyebrows. He had light-colored skin and brown eyes, although his left eye was milky white and blind due to a large scar.

Meedro wore an animal skull headpiece with its spine and ribcage running down his back over a black-spotted green shawl and green scaled armor across his chest and shoulders. He also wore a thin brown belt from which he hung his various tools and weapons, including a brown, wooden bident, a longer bone sword, and a short gray stone axe with a wooden handle.
He carried a walking stick with a knotted cloth bundle at the top from which spikes emerged and used a red wrap-around sack. Meedro also used a staff and a dagger in battle. Meedro set traps, including snares, in the forest and claimed a temptor's tail to cure and make supplies for the road.

Meedro was conceived for the Star Wars: Ewoks comic book series, authored by Steve Orlando, illustrated by Laura Braga and Álvaro López, and published by Marvel Comics. Initially hinted at in a post on on July 18, 2024, Meedro made his debut appearance in the comic's first issue on October 9, 2024. An early concept design by López depicted the Ewok in a blue outfit instead of green.