In the event of the DS-2 Death Star II Mobile Battle Station's destruction, the Galactic Empire had a concealed weapons storage facility on the moon of Endor. This Imperial weapons cache was established by maintenance technician Tern Koyatta. To secure the depot's entrance, Koyatta utilized Imperial construction droids. Following the Empire's defeat on Endor during the Battle of Endor, and the loss of Death Star II in 4 ABY, Koyatta absconded from Endor. He disguised himself as a general using a stolen code cylinder and an Imperial officer's uniform taken from a deceased Imperial officer. He was then picked up by the forces of Governor Ubrik Adelhard. Koyatta informed Adelhard about the depot, falsely claiming to have been its administrator, and requested forces to recover it for Adelhard, a request the governor granted. Unbeknownst to them, the cache had been opened by the Gorax known as the Great Devourer, who had transformed it into its lair, leaving animal bones strewn among the Imperial vehicles within.
With the unwilling assistance of the Ewok Wicket Wystri Warrick as a guide, Koyatta and his squad successfully reached the depot. They engaged and killed the Great Devourer when it attacked them. However, Warrick then enlisted the help of a group of Yuzzums residing nearby. The Yuzzums overwhelmed the Imperials, compelling them to depart Endor without acquiring anything. Warrick, along with the Ewoks Asha Fahn and Meedro, proceeded to seal and incinerate the depot.