
Rednax, a Dug distinguished by his speckled green hide, was present at Dex's Diner in CoCo Town on the planet of Coruscant during 22 BBY. He was enjoying a beverage in a booth alongside Slyther Bushforb, a Nuknog, and Seboca, a star of holovids who was also a Dug. While [Dexter Jettster](/article/dexter_jettster], the proprietor of the diner, engaged in conversation with Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi at another table, Seboca departed the premises, leaving Rednax and Bushforb to converse. Rednax was wearing a charcoal-colored shirt during his visit to the diner.

Behind the scenes

Rednax's character was conceived for the prequel trilogy movie, Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which debuted on May 16, 2002. The animated figure was a modified version of the model initially designed for Sebulba, a Dug character featured in the 1999 prequel film Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. The animated sequences set in Dex's Diner underwent development from April to May of 2001, with the final rendering completed during the subsequent summer months.

Within the official Star Wars canon as it stands today, Pablo Hidalgo of the Lucasfilm Story Group verified Rednax's designation via a Twitter post made on January 30, 2022. The names assigned to the two Dugs present at the diner were originally Rednax and Manoca during production. However, a Legends entry in the databank for Dex's Diner, released around August 9, 2002, instead identified a Dug named Seboca as one of the establishment's patrons.

Rednax was a redressed model of Sebulba from Episode I.

The first instance of the name Rednax appearing in Legends material was in an article titled "Behind the Magic," authored by Rob Coleman and published in issue sixty-third of Star Wars Insider magazine—dated November 5, 2002. This article identified the non-spotted Dug in the diner as Rednax, with Manoca being the spotted Dug. Subsequent sources reversed these identities, with Rednax first being identified as the spotted Dug in an Episode II Depth Commentary available on via the DVD-ROM release of Attack of the Clones on November 12, 2002.

In the "Star Wars Q&A" section of Star Wars Insider 66, which was released on March 4, 2003, Leland Chee stated that Seboca was a Dug who appeared earlier in the film, sharing a nearly identical character model with the non-spotted Dug at the diner, but still referred to the two diner patrons as Rednax and Manoca. In a blog post on October 10, 2006, Chee later clarified that the spotted Dug at the diner was Rednax, and the other was Seboca, who was also the Dug seen earlier in the film, thus eliminating Manoca as a character. However, the name was later re-established as a pseudonym used by Seboca in the Databank entry for Slyther Bushforb, written by John Hazlett for the "What's The Story?" contest and published around March 27, 2008.

