Located within the Refugee Sector on Nar Shaddaa, the Refugee Landing Pad was managed by a Toydarian named Quello. This landing pad's position was between the Docks and the Refugee Quad. The landing pad featured an Entertainment Promenade, a swoop track, and a variety of shops owned by merchants.
In the year 3951 BBY, the Red Eclipse was scheduled to land at this location. However, when the Jedi Exile arrived in search of the Jedi Master Zez-Kai Ell, the Exile compensated Quello for the privilege of landing. While exploring the landing pad, the Exile came across Exchange thugs who were threatening refugees, and the Exile intervened. Upon reaching the central area of the landing pad, Kreia instructed the Exile on sensing the Force within Nar Shaddaa, which restored a portion of her connection to it. The Exile encountered a man known as Ratrin Vhek, who asserted ownership of the Ebon Hawk, and the Exile relinquished it to him. Nevertheless, when the Red Eclipse, under the leadership of Cahhmakt, boarded the Ebon Hawk, they killed Vhek, who was present onboard. When the Exile went back to the Ebon Hawk, she battled through Red Eclipse thugs before defeating Cahhmakt. With both Vhek and Cahhmakt deceased, the Exile was able to reclaim ownership of the Ebon Hawk.
The Exile also became aware of a trade dispute between two merchants, Geeda and Oondar. The Exile aided Geeda in eliminating Oondar after Geeda discussed the light side and the dark side, and the Exile then assisted Geeda in establishing trade relationships with Khoonda on Dantooine and the Mandalorians on Dxun. After Goto captured the Exile, her companions sought assistance from Tienn Tubb, who helped them alter the Ebon Hawk's identification codes to match those of Vogga's freighters, enabling them to be detected by Goto's yacht. Following the Exile's liberation, she returned with her new companion, Mira, to the central hub where Kreia had taught her to sense the Force around Nar Shaddaa. At this location, the Exile instructed Mira in the ways of the Force.