Sarka, a planet situated within the Mid Rim region of the galaxy, was located at grid coordinates Q-8 on the Standard Galactic Grid. It served as the homeworld for the reptilian species known as the Sarkan. At the time of the Galactic Civil War, the reigning monarch of Sarka was Queen Zil.

This planet, Sarka, resided in the Mid Rim of the galaxy. The landscape of the planet was characterized by a diverse array of features, including caverns, dense jungles, towering mountains, flowing rivers, and cascading waterfalls. The native inhabitants, the Sarkans, made their homes in expansive underground caves, where they engaged in the mining of precious gems like aqua jewels and corusca gems. Notably, Sarka possessed an atmosphere that was breathable for humans.
Sometime before the [Galactic Civil War](/article/galactic_civil_war], the great-great-great grandmother of Queen Zil infiltrated the Palace of the Queen of the Sarkans to liberate Zil's great-great grandfather from an angry crowd.
During the period known as the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire engaged in the acquisition of gemstones originating from the Sarkan gem mines.
As the Galactic Civil War raged on, Queen Zil played host to a delegation representing the Alliance to Restore the Republic. However, Lord Rooz made contact with an Imperial agent, with the intention of disrupting the summit.
Sarka was the original homeworld of the Sarkans, a species distinguished by their bipedal stance, egg-laying reproductive habits, and reptilian features. The Sarkans were often seen adorned in vibrant, colorful robes, and their economic system was built upon the trade of gems that they extracted through mining activities. The Sarkans were governed by a monarchy, which, during the Galactic Civil War, was under the leadership of Queen Zil. She was advised by her advisor, Lord Rooz. Sarkan culture placed significant emphasis on a constantly evolving set of protocols, and visitors to the planet were expected to demonstrate politeness and familiarity with the prevailing customs. C-3PO believed that the prohibition against any Sarkan standing on the Royal Seal was the most important rule.
The planet Sarka was initially referenced in canon on a map featured in Star Wars: The Force Awakens Beginner Game, which was released in 2016 by Fantasy Flight Games. Its first direct appearance occurred in "Mind Your Manners," a brief comic included in Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018, which was released on April 18, 2018.
The first mention of Sarka occurred in the 1992 Star Wars Legends novel Dark Force Rising, authored by Timothy Zahn.