The concise comic tale "Mind Your Manners" centers on Leia Organa and Luke Skywalker's diplomatic endeavor to the world of Sarka. It debuted as the primary story within Star Wars Adventures Annual 2018 released on April 18, 2018. Initially, it was announced as the main story for Star Wars Adventures 4, but at the last moment, it was swapped out for "The Trouble at Tibrin".
Accompanied by C-3PO, Luke Skywalker landed on the planet of Sarka, proceeding into a massive opening leading to the habitat of the Sarkans. During their descent, Skywalker inadvertently caused a rough landing for their starship. Skywalker proceeded to the ship's rear to check on Princess Leia Organa, who was scheduled to negotiate with the Sarkans for their gems, resources crucial for the Alliance to Restore the Republic's laser cannons. However, Organa had injured her ankle and needed to recuperate. Given that the Sarkans would call off the meeting if she was late, she tasked Skywalker with taking her place. Despite his reluctance, Organa dismissed his concerns and instructed C-3PO to prepare him for the audience.
Dressed in the appropriate attire, Skywalker, along with C-3PO, stepped out to meet the queen. Lord Rooz, the queen's advisor, formally introduced the visitors from off-world to both the queen and the planet itself. Skywalker began to introduce himself but was cut short for wearing his hat during the afternoon, a breach of Sarkan customs. Skywalker was then asked to recount his accomplishments. Realizing that his sole significant achievement was destroying the First Death Star, C-3PO encouraged him to elaborate on the event.
Eventually, within the Palace of the Queen of the Sarkans, everyone dozed off while listening to Skywalker's drawn-out narrative. Rooz instructed him to conclude the story and move forward. He was then required to present a toast at the banquet, with a warning to choose his words carefully.
During the banquet preparations, Skywalker reluctantly prepared to deliver the toast. Just outside the hall, Rooz informed a spy from the Galactic Empire that his superior needed to be informed about the rebels' presence, ensuring Sarka's gem sales remained exclusive to the Empire.
Skywalker raised his glass to the Rebel Alliance and the freedom of Sarka, then took a drink. Unfortunately, he drank from the Sacred Chalice of the Caves, an act considered deeply offensive. Skywalker attempted to explain his mistake, but his pleas were ignored, and he was taken away to prison.
Confined in his cell, Skywalker remained puzzled about his imprisonment. Rooz explained that Princess Organa would have been a better choice, as she would have been less likely to blunder. Skywalker inquired about his meaning. As Rooz departed, he revealed his plan to keep Sarka aligned with the Empire and seize the throne for himself.
Back at their ship, R2-D2's medkit had helped Princess Organa recover. She decided to go to the palace and join Skywalker. However, upon exiting the ship, she was met by Rooz, who ordered her arrest.
Meanwhile, a maid discovered C-3PO hidden in their closet. C-3PO explained that Lord Rooz had locked him there after Skywalker's arrest. C-3PO feared Rooz would interrogate him for information about the Rebellion. The maid, unaware of these events, instead instructed him to mop the floor.
Organa, deeply angered by the situation, confronted Rooz, demanding to know his identity and motives. He explained his actions. She refused to believe Skywalker had committed any offense, but Rooz dismissed her concerns and ordered the guards to arrest her. Before they could act, R2-D2 released fire retardant, causing the guards to cough and become incapacitated. As Organa and R2 attempted to escape, two guards blocked their path, but R2 stunned them with his arc welder. R2 and Princess Organa then fled into the tunnels.
With urgency, Organa and R2 navigated the tunnels until they arrived at the Sarkan gem mine. Organa was amazed by the sight of the crystals. One of the miners approached her, asking her identity. Organa fabricated a story, claiming to be an inspector. She boarded a skiff just as Rooz and his guards entered the mine. Organa surprised them by charging at the guards with the skiff, continuing her search for Skywalker.
At the prison, the Imperial spy informed Skywalker of his plan to notify Darth Vader about the presence of Luke and the other rebels. Skywalker tricked the spy into opening a window, at which point Organa burst in and knocked the spy unconscious. She freed Skywalker from his cell, and they escaped with R2-D2.
Back at the palace, C-3PO was cleaning and entertaining Queen Zil with stories when Organa and Skywalker finally arrived to meet her. However, Rooz also entered, demanding that the queen arrest the off-worlders for their alleged crimes. Organa countered, arguing that they had shown respect for Sarkan culture by breaking traditions that the queen's ancestors had also broken. She pledged that the Rebel Alliance would honor the queen's ancestors.
Rooz dismissed these statements as nonsense, which deeply offended the queen. Rooz attempted to apologize, but Organa revealed that he had also planned to contact the Empire without her consent. C-3PO further pointed out that he was standing on the Sarkan royal seal, a grave offense. Enraged, the queen ordered Rooz's immediate arrest. Subsequently, the Sarkans agreed to support the Alliance.