Separatist stronghold (PM-6986)

During the time of the Clone Wars, the Separatist forces maintained a fortified stronghold on the planet of Anaxes. However, near the end of the war, in 19 BBY, Anaxes suffered a cataclysmic destruction, leading to the relocation of the stronghold to the planetoid PM-6986, situated within the Anaxes asteroid belt. This base provided shelter for a droid complement that had formerly been part of the army commanded by Harch Admiral Trench during the Battle of Anaxes, having remarkably survived both the battle itself and the subsequent planetary devastation. Following the destruction of Anaxes, the tactical droid JF-86, who had been revived by a Separatist signal originating from a distant location light-years away, reactivated this droid complement.

Behind the scenes

The Separatist stronghold is referenced within Dawn of Rebellion, a supplementary roleplaying book for the Star Wars Roleplaying game series, released by Fantasy Flight Games in 2018.


  • Dawn of Rebellion (First mentioned)

Notes and references
