Separatist holdout (PM-6986)

A remnant of Separatist forces remained operational on the minor planet PM-6986. This group emerged during the Imperial Era, subsequent to the conclusion of the Clone Wars which ended. It consisted of a group of reactivated Separatist Alliance droids, brought back online by the tactical droid JF-86. JF-86 had been awakened by a Separatist signal that traveled from a great distance. This group intended to launch an assault on the Galactic Republic's Senate on the world of Coruscant, but lacked the means of travel from PM-6986 to do so. Furthermore, they were largely unaware of the significant galactic shifts, specifically the Republic's transformation into the Galactic Empire.


Within the [Anaxes asteroid belt](/article/anaxes_asteroid_belt], specifically on the planetoid designated PM-6986, resided a collection of reactivated Separatist Alliance droids. Under the leadership of tactical droid JF-86, this Separatist group was comprised of droids that once belonged to Admiral Trench of the Separatist navy. The group lacked any means of transportation to leave PM-6986 and utilized a concealed Separatist base as their operational center.


The Separatist holdout existed in the Anaxes asteroid belt (pictured).

In the year 19 BBY, the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars] came to a close with the failure of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. This involved the deaths of the Executive Separatist Council and the deactivation of the Separatist droid army. Concurrently, the Galactic Republic underwent a restructuring, transforming into the Galactic Empire. Deactivated battle droids were subsequently slated for dismantling. During the [Imperial Era](/article/imperial_era], sometime after the war's conclusion, a Separatist signal propagated across the galaxy, originating from a far off location. This signal eventually reached a Separatist base located within an asteroid field in the Azure system—the remains of the planet Anaxes, destroyed by a major disaster near the end of the war—and reactivated the tactical droid JF-86.

Upon reactivation, the tactical droid proceeded to bring the base's droid complement back online. These droids had previously served under Separatist Admiral Trench during his military actions on Anaxes. Once operational, the droids diligently worked to fulfill their last received orders: to attack the Republic Senate on the planet Coruscant. However, the group possessed minimal understanding of the galactic changes resulting from the Empire's takeover of the Republic. They were also unable to depart PM-6986 due to a lack of transportation, yet they persisted in planning their assault. The group remained in a state of readiness to strike sometime between 5 BBY and 1 BBY.

Behind the scenes

The Separatist group on PM-6986 was first featured in Dawn of Rebellion, a 2018 expansion for Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars Roleplaying game line.


  • Dawn of Rebellion (First mentioned)

Notes and references
