PM-6986 existed as a planetoid within the Anaxes asteroid belt of the Outer Rim Territories. It came into being by 19 BBY from the shattered remnants of the planet Anaxes, which was destroyed. A former stronghold was situated on the planetoid's surface, along with a complement of battle droids utilized by the Separatist Alliance during the Clone Wars. Following the conclusion of the war, the droid complement was reactivated, including the tactical droid JF-86, who then attempted to carry out its ultimate directive: an assault on the Galactic Republic Senate located on Coruscant. However, the droids were unable to depart PM-6986 because they lacked transportation.
A planetoid, PM-6986 was a component of an asteroid belt that originated from the debris of the destroyed planet Anaxes. Its location was within the Azure system, which itself was part of the Azure sector in the regions called Outer Rim Territories and the Slice. The planetoid, located at grid square R-7 on the Standard Galactic Grid and along the Perlemian Trade Route, was illuminated by one sun.

Around the end of the Clone Wars, a conflict fought between the Galactic Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems, specifically in 19 BBY, the planet Anaxes met its end in a devastating event. This event resulted in the creation of an asteroid belt which contained PM-6986, along with numerous other asteroids and planetoids. While the precise cause of the planet's destruction is uncertain, the prevailing theory suggests a malfunction in the primary reactor of the Anaxes shipyards, leading to the detonation of a substantial stockpile of hypermatter. However, other, more speculative explanations exist, ranging from Separatist superweapons to planetary collisions orchestrated by the Jedi.
During the time of the Clone Wars, PM-6986 functioned as the site of a stronghold utilized by Harch Separatist Admiral Trench in his attacks directed against Anaxes. Following the war's conclusion and the destruction of Anaxes, a complement of Separatist battle droids housed within the stronghold were deactivated, consistent with the rest of the Separatist Droid Army. They were later reactivated by the tactical droid JF-86, who had been reawakened by a Separatist signal originating from a location light-years distant from PM-6986.
After being reactivated, the tactical droid made preparations to fulfill its final order: to attack the Republic's Senate on the world of Coruscant. However, the droid possessed no means of transportation to leave PM-6986 and was unaware that the Republic had transitioned into the Galactic Empire following the end of the war. Despite this, JF-86 persisted in its planning and awaited an opportunity to launch its attack.
The sourcebook Dawn of Rebellion, published in 2018 for the Star Wars Roleplaying series by Fantasy Flight Games, introduced PM-6986. While certain Star Wars canon sources had previously placed the Azure system, and consequently PM-6986, within the Core Worlds, the reference book Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy from 2021 definitively situated the system in the Outer Rim Territories. The 2022 attraction Star Wars: Galactic Starcruiser, which takes place between Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi and Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, placed Anaxes in the Core.