Shyyyo bird

The Shyyyo bird represented a scarce species of gigantic blue-blooded avian indigenous to the world of Kashyyyk. By the time period of 14 BBY, the shyyyo population had dwindled significantly, leading to their classification as an endangered species.

Biology and appearance

A defining characteristic of Shyyyo birds was their long tail, adorned with a feathered "tassel" at its extremity. They also possessed an external, hardened layer covering their head, which seamlessly transitioned into the upper portion of their beak and the pair of horns they sported. A specific Shyyyo specimen was documented as having white feathers. Shyyyo birds were capable of covering vast distances across Kashyyyk with minimal energy expenditure, a feat achieved through their unique body structure and feather arrangement. This energy efficiency allowed adult Shyyyo birds to limit their hunting trips to once a week. Their diet consisted of Slyyygs and Wyyyschokks, positioning them as protectors of the Wookiees and the Wroshyr trees native to Kashyyyk. Observing these birds was considered an omen of tranquility for the observer.


Sightings of Shyyyo birds were infrequent, so much so that their existence was often regarded as mythical. During the Republic Era, Jedi Master Eno Cordova journeyed to Kashyyyk, where he learned about the fabled birds from the Wookiee Tarfful. The Jedi documented his reflections on the Shyyyo within the memory banks of his explorer droid, BD-1, expressing his desire to eventually return to the planet in pursuit of the bird.

Cal Kestis, a former Jedi Padawan, encountered a Shyyyo bird on Kashyyyk in 14 BBY, providing aid after it sustained injuries. Subsequently, the Shyyyo bird aided Kestis by enabling him to reach the summit of the Origin Tree through flight. From his vantage point atop the bird, Cal observed the limited impact of the Galactic Empire on Kashyyyk. The Ninth Sister then launched an attack on the bird, leading to a duel between her and Kestis. Following Kestis' victory over the Ninth Sister, the Shyyyo bird reappeared, seemingly unscathed by the attack, much to Kestis' astonishment and relief. The bird then transported him back to the forest floor. Kestis kept a feather he discovered from the Shyyyo bird, hoping it would bring him luck.

Shyyyo birds in the galaxy

The Wookiee athlete Grozz possessed a suit of armor inspired by the bird, known as Shyyyo Defender. He occasionally donned this armor while participating in Hunters of the Outer Rim on the planet Vespaara.

Behind the scenes

The video game Star Wars: Jedi: Fallen Order marked the debut appearance of Shyyyo birds.

