
Grozz, a Wookiee athlete, made his mark after the collapse of the Galactic Empire. Initially a renowned professional huttballer, Grozz transitioned to become a fearsome Hunter within the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, situated on the Outer Rim planet of Vespaara. Notably, he favored dismembering both droids and adversaries, a trait reflected in his unusual weapons: a pair of arms from a KX-series security droid that once belonged to K-A0S.


Huttball Star

Originally hailing from the Wookiee home planet Kashyyyk, Grozz rose to prominence as a professional Huttball player, achieving widespread recognition across the galaxy. His exceptional skills in the sport drew the attention of Rebel medic Zaina, who became an avid follower of his career. Following one particular Huttball game, Grozz approached the Imperial Master of Ceremonies to offer a handshake. Subsequently, Grozz approached the Imperial's KX-series security droid, K-A0S, and shook both of her hands with such force that they detached from her body. Grozz responded with what K-A0S later described as insincere surprise, before absconding with the dismembered limbs. He would then keep these arms and use them as clubs.

Hunters of the Outer Rim

By the year 9 ABY, Grozz had retired from Huttball and relocated to Vespaara, a planet within the Outer Rim Territories, to participate in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, organized by Balada the Hutt and Daq Dragus. There, he forged friendships with Zaina and former bounty hunter Imara Vex. Grozz continued to display his star power within the Grand Arena.

When Rieve joined the Hunters, Grozz quickly befriended her. They regularly engaged in informal Huttball matches after their official competitions. Despite Rieve's inability to comprehend Shyriiwook, Grozz made the effort to communicate through gestures. One evening, Grozz, accompanied by Zaina and Imara Vex, encountered Rieve outside the Oasis Cantina in the Backwater District. Inside the cantina, Grozz thoroughly enjoyed a gonkrock concert, even participating in crowdsurfing while Rieve joined the band to perform 'Forever,' a popular hit by Corellia's Not Dead. Outings to the Oasis Cantina with Zaina, Imara Vex, and Rieve became a recurring activity for Grozz.

Grozz was among the first Hunters, besides Rieve herself, to notice the cloaked man stalking her, observing him in the team entrance tunnel leading to a battlefield. When Rieve was eventually cornered by the man's fighters in an underground fighting ring, Grozz was among the Hunters who came to her rescue, repelling the attackers. Later, when some of the man's henchmen launched a direct assault on the Grand Arena, Grozz played a role in fighting off the invaders.

As tensions escalated between Aran Tal and Imara Vex, a physical altercation erupted in the Arena's chow room. J-3DI attempted to restrain Tal, but the Mandalorian instead pushed Grozz onto the droid. Daq Dragus was compelled to intervene and quell the brawl.

Grozz created a handcrafted doll resembling Aran Tal as a present for the warrior. He and Zaina left the wrapped gift in Tal's dressing room, but the Mandalorian, suspecting a trap, incinerated the present. Grozz was saddened and disappointed, but accepted Tal's apology.

Eventually, Grozz started receiving mysterious, threatening messages on the HoloNet from K-A0S, who claimed she was en route to the Arena to confront him. Disturbed by these messages, Grozz confided in Zaina. K-A0S eventually made a dramatic entrance into the Arena, declaring her intention to exact revenge on Grozz. In an interview with Arena announcer Boz Vega, K-A0S publicly revealed that her animosity towards Grozz originated from his act of tearing off her arms and keeping them as trophies. Grozz feigned indifference to K-A0S's arrival and threats of vengeance. While he refrained from commenting directly, he made a point of displaying his clubs fashioned from K-A0S's former arms as he moved around the Arena.

Grozz clashed with his rival, K-A0S in the Arena, but was ultimately defeated.

To explore Grozz's perspective on the feud with K-A0S, Boz Vega conducted an interview with the Wookiee, with Zaina providing translation. Grozz was hesitant to discuss K-A0S, so the conversation shifted to Huttball. When Vega mentioned a rumor that Grozz had removed K-A0S's arms because she had stolen his favorite Huttball club, Grozz became irritated and abruptly left, exiting through a hole in the door that K-A05 had previously created with an explosion.

K-A0S eventually challenged Grozz to a duel. Grozz accepted, but ultimately suffered defeat. In the aftermath, the Wookiee and the security droid engaged in a private conversation, at the conclusion of which K-A0S was overheard muttering that she "didn't need those stupid arms anyway" as she departed. Reportedly, a single tear streamed from one of her eyes, although it was equally possible that it was merely droid oil.

When Nox, an Iridonian Zabrak, joined the Hunters, she found herself in conflict with Rieve. On one occasion, a scuffle erupted in the Training Ground, and Grozz was compelled to intervene, restraining Rieve's arms until she regained her composure.

Personality and traits

Grozz was a Wookiee characterized by green eyes and a coat of brown hair. He was known to be large, even by Wookiee standards. Grozz was a true showman who consistently demonstrated appreciation for his fans by offering autographs and hugs, regardless of his celebrity status. Grozz held a profound respect for the Rebellion and their struggle against the Galactic Empire. He admired fellow Hunter Zaina's dedication to the cause, and he shared with Diago Velaar, the Miraluka Hunter, the story of the scrap workers on the planet Ferrix rising up against the Empire, a narrative that held special significance for him.

Skills and abilities

Grozz and Rieve workout together

Before his involvement in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, Grozz was a highly regarded and skilled Huttballer. He possessed extraordinary strength, enabling him to lift and hurl large boulders at opponents during combat.


Grozz's preferred weapons were a pair of KX-series security droid arms, which he employed as improvised clubs. His arsenal also included a pair of clubs crafted from B1-series battle droid legs, known as the Huttballer clubs, and another pair fashioned from the arms of a B2-series super battle droid.

Behind the scenes

Grozz's logo

Grozz is a playable character featured in Star Wars: Hunters, a 2024 competitive combat game developed by Zynga and Lucasfilm Games. He was a part of the game's initial soft launch and its subsequent global release.

Upon its global launch, Grozz was categorized as a level-one difficulty Tank-class Hunter. His primary weapon, Improvised Clubs, inflicts minimal damage across a broad area and causes affected enemies to experience a temporary slowdown. His Stampede active ability allows Grozz to charge forward and seize an enemy, inflicting substantial damage by slamming them against a wall. The Upheaval ability offers a limited range, launching and slowing down enemies caught in the attack. Grozz's War Cry ability regenerates health. His Ultimate ability, Boulder Bash, generates a sizable spherical boulder that ricochets around, stunning and inflicting damage on enemies.

Grozz and his Ultimate were the central focus of the limited-time game mode Boulder Bash, which was set within a virtual Holo-Arcade. In this mode, all eight players controlled Grozz, with their abilities restricted to melee attacks and a rapidly replenishing Ultimate.

