Boz Vega, a Dowutin of the male persuasion, held the position of announcer at the Grand Arena located on Vespaara, working alongside L-X1. The holonet audience following the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition seemed to particularly enjoy the commentary provided by both he and L-X1. Vega regularly conducted interviews with the Hunters for his segment, "Arena News," which he called "Interview with Boz."
Prior to his role as an announcer for Hunters of the Outer Rim, Vega had a contentious relationship with Hril the Great, who often used Vega as a practice dummy.
Eventually, Vega became a part of the Hunters of the Outer Rim, a competition focused on combat, organized by Balada the Hutt and Daq Dragus. In this competition, contestants known as "Hunters" battled for glory at the Grand Arena on Vespaara. Vega took on the role of announcer and provided commentary with L-X1. In addition to his announcing duties, Vega also had his own segment within Arena News, named "Interview with Boz," where he published transcripts of his interviews with various Hunters.

During an interview with Rieve, a Hunter who had adopted the identity of a Sith Lord, Vega attempted to shift the conversation away from Rieve's fondness for gonkrock and towards rumors that she had challenged J-3DI, another Hunter, to a fight after he requested that she become his padawan. In a fit of rage, Rieve employed the Force to knock Vega to the ground. Stumbling, Vega tried to redirect the topic back to gonkrock, but it was to no avail; Rieve abruptly ended the interview.
Vega then conducted an interview with Aran Tal, a Mandalorian warrior, but was taken aback by his boastful remarks and intense passion for his home planet, Mandalore. Vega mistakenly referred to Tal as a bounty hunter, which deeply offended the Mandalorian, who considered bounty hunters to be "scum." The two argued over the distinctions between mercenary work and bounty hunting, leading to Tal's abrupt departure.
The following Hunter interviewed by Vega was Imara Vex, a former bounty hunter, who felt insulted and indignant by Aran Tal's earlier comments. Vex dominated the conversation, launching insults back at Tal, labeling him as a braggart and a hypocrite.
When K-A0S, a KX-series security droid, joined the Hunters, Boz Vega arranged an interview with her. K-A0S's rigid literalism and detached demeanor somewhat unsettled Vega. However, K-A0S confirmed that her primary motivation for joining the Hunters was to seek revenge on another Hunter, the Wookiee Grozz. She revealed that Grozz was responsible for her needing to replace her original arms with riot shields, and that Grozz had kept her original arms as trophies, using them as clubs. As the interview concluded, K-A0S, misunderstanding Vega's muttered comment to "not let the door hit you on the way out," blasted through the door with her shoulder-mounted blaster, exiting through the newly created opening.
To hear Grozz's version of the conflict with K-A0S, Vega interviewed the Wookiee, with a fellow Zaina providing translation. Grozz was hesitant to discuss K-A0S, so the conversation shifted to Huttball, Grozz's former sport of choice. When Vega mentioned a rumor that Grozz had removed K-A0S's arms because she had stolen his favorite Huttball club, Grozz became irritated and stormed off through the hole in the door previously created by K-A05.
Upon the arrival of Pilbush, the Ewok Hunter, at the Arena, a strong animosity arose between her and Sentinel, a Stormtrooper Hunter and devoted Imperial loyalist. Vega arranged an interview with Sentinel to discuss the conflict. Sentinel was agitated and consistently made disparaging remarks about the Ewok. Vega attempted to calm him down, but Sentinel angrily stormed off, knocking a hot cup of caf onto Vega's lap.
Nox, a Zabrak from Iridonia and the Arena's newest addition, was Boz Vega's subsequent interviewee. Vega extended a welcome to her, but was taken aback when she suggested that being a Hunter would be less exciting than her previous occupation, which she described as a Night Wind Assassin. Vega latched onto her assassin background, drawing comparisons to Rieve, which Nox dismissed. At Vega's prompting, Nox detailed her battle tactics and weaponry. Her nonchalant description of the destruction of her village and the abduction of her sister left Vega uneasy as the interview concluded.
Eventually, Nox and Rieve faced off in an Arena Clash, with Nox emerging victorious. Boz Vega interviewed her following the Clash. Nox acknowledged that it was a good fight, but asserted that she was the true assassin of the Arena, and rejected the notion of friendship with her colleagues. Vega found this stance rather isolating, but chose not to pass judgment.

Boz Vega's initial appearance was in the novel Hunters: Battle for the Arena, penned by Mark Oshiro and released by Disney–Lucasfilm Press on March 7, 2023. Nevertheless, Vega's first visual representation was in the video game Star Wars: Hunters, specifically during update 0.18.0, as a sticker for players to use as an emote, which was launched on September 13 of the same year. Julia Guljar, a concept artist, designed the Dowutin character.