
Sentinel, a male human stormtrooper, served the Galactic Empire. As a stormtrooper, Sentinel remarkably survived three entire regiments, being the last one standing each time. After the Empire's collapse, Sentinel continued his activities, adopting an on-stage persona of someone who refused to accept defeat. The truth was, he had grown to despise the Empire and had left it behind. However, he used the stormtrooper image as a way to attract attention from the crowds of the Hunters of the Outer Rim, who found it easy to dislike him. Sentinel confided in J-3DI that he had "a million" reasons for leaving the Imperial Military, with his hatred of the class-A thermal detonator being one of them.

In the Grand Arena, Sentinel was equipped with an E-Web heavy repeater, a weapon that complemented his preference for long-range attacks, often striking from elevated positions. He sported dark facial hair and frequently engaged in banter with the other Hunters. His living quarters were located across from those of Rieve, and he visited his teammate's home on at least one occasion. Grozz, a Wookiee and fellow Hunter, harbored little affection for Sentinel due to his Imperial background. This distrust was apparent both in the arena and behind the scenes. Within his Arena persona, Sentinel's closest companion was Dizzy from the Slingshot team.

When adversaries attacked the arena with the intention of destroying it, Sentinel joined forces with his fellow Hunters to repel the invaders.

Balada dropped a hint that Sentinel would not be pleased with a new addition to the Hunters of the Outer Rim. The new member was eventually revealed as the KX-series security droid, K-A0S. Sentinel noticed the conflict between K-A0S and fellow Hunter Grozz and decided to exploit the situation. He approached K-A0S about collaborating on an Imperial takeover of the Arena, an idea the droid eventually agreed to. Subsequently, Sentinel, K-A0S, Rieve, and some of the more "villainous" Hunters joined forces, parading around the Arena draped in Imperial flags. Despite being largely ignored by the other Hunters, Sentinel was thrilled, even though he had no concrete plans beyond a vague notion of "bringing back the Empire." However, despite his best efforts, Sentinel's Imperial resurgence movement ultimately failed to gain traction. Rieve redirected her focus to training, and after her victory against Grozz, K-A0S refused to leave her room.

Balada teased the arrival of a new Hunter to the Arena. As usual, she remained tight-lipped about the details before the official announcement, although she did mention that while Rebel veteran Zaina would be pleased with the latest addition to the roster, Sentinel would not. The new Hunter was revealed to be Pilbush, an Ewok dedicated to the Rebel Alliance, who joined specifically in response to Sentinel's Imperial takeover attempt in the Arena.

Sentinel and Pilbush eventually crossed paths and solidified their mutual animosity. Pilbush addressed Sentinel in Ewokese, expressing a sentiment so inappropriate that J-3DI declined to translate it fully. Sentinel responded with equal rudeness, initially pretending not to see her, then mocking her for using Imperial equipment despite her devotion to the Rebellion. Incensed, Pilbush attacked Sentinel, who easily fended her off with one hand. Humiliated, Pilbrush retreated and disappeared.

Late one night, Sentinel stealthily approached Pilbush's AT-ET and spray-painted the Imperial crest on it. He was caught on security footage and attempted to justify his actions by claiming that since Pilbush's walker was constructed from Imperial materials, he was merely expressing his Imperial loyalty. Daq Dragus was unconvinced and forced Sentinel to clean the Ewok's walker.

Sentinel participated in an interview with Boz Vega to discuss the animosity between him and Pilbush. Sentinel openly expressed his dislike for the Ewok, insulting her species, skills, and walker, eventually becoming so agitated that he stormed off, accidentally knocking a hot cup of caf onto Boz's lap.

When Pilbush destroyed Sentinel's favorite E-Web Heavy Repeater with her AT-ET, Sentinel retaliated by disassembling her walker's legs and leaving them outside her door. Upon learning of these events, Daq Dragus reprimanded them and insisted they repair each other's equipment. Finally reaching her limit, Pilbush challenged Sentinel to a Clash.

Sentinel emerged victorious from the Clash but displayed poor sportsmanship, mocking Pilbush once again and stomping on Ewok-made necklaces. He continued his tirade even as he left the winner's podium and returned to his prep pod.

Sentinel's harassment of the Ewok didn't end there. One night, he left a data-slate containing footage of the Rebel Alliance's most significant defeat at the Battle of Hoth on Pilbush's doorstep. In response, she blasted a hole through Sentinel's Prep pod. As a consequence, Daq Dragus ordered them to work together to relocate Sentinel's remaining belongings to a new pod. Hours later, after they had finished, Dragus instructed them to say one positive thing about each other. Sentinel refused, Pilbush began cursing at him, and Dragus walked away in frustration.

Behind the scenes

Sentinel's logo

Sentinel made his debut in the canon competitive video game Star Wars: Hunters as a playable character, developed by NaturalMotion's BossAlien and published by Zynga. The game had a soft launch on November 16, 2021, before its global release on June 4, 2024. Ross Burt, a concept artist, designed the character.

Upon global launch, Sentinel was the second Hunter that was unlocked in the Hunter's Path progression. He possesses three active abilities. The first is the Combat Shield, which can be toggled on and off and increases the weapon firing rate. He also has the Suppressing Shot, which knocks down an enemy while consuming weapon heat. His third active ability is the Barrel Slam, where he swings his blaster, knocking back and damaging enemies in close quarters. Sentinel's Ultimate ability is Empire's Finest, where two stormtroopers fly in to follow Sentinel and fire at enemies.

