An Iridonian Zabrak named Nox competed in the Hunters of the Outer Rim contest. Previously employed as an assassin by the Order of the Night Wind, this agile archer intended to leverage the renown of being a Hunter to unearth information regarding her missing sister.
Nox's origins lie in a small Iridonia village. During her early years, a mysterious group of attackers raided her home, kidnapping her sister and forcing Nox to escape. In the wild, she dedicated herself to intense training, both for survival and to prepare for future vengeance. She gained proficiency in creating poisons from acid pools and became exceptionally skilled with a bow. Her talents eventually drew the attention of the Order of the Night Wind, an elite assassin organization that later recruited her. Nox ultimately left the Order to join the Arena, hoping to use its publicity to find leads and resources to help her locate her missing sister.
Shortly after enlisting in the Hunters of the Outer Rim, Nox received a tour from the Arena's backer, Balada the Hutt, who proudly displayed a rare find in her collection to Nox: an Antarean butterfly thought to be extinct.

Upon her arrival at the Arena, Nox's relationships with the other Hunters became strained. During one training session, Nox avoided her fellow competitors, preferring to practice alone. Eventually, fellow Hunter Rieve approached Nox while she was honing her headshot skills on training droids using her Wild Bow. Rieve suggested Nox join the group training. Nox's cold reply almost caused a fight with Rieve, but other Hunters intervened.
Nox was interviewed by Boz Vega, a Dowutin and one of the Arena's announcers. She shocked Vega by revealing her past as a Night Wind Assassin and by casually dismissing the abilities of fellow Hunter Rieve. At Vega's urging, Nox detailed her combat strategy and weaponry. Her nonchalant description of the destruction of her village and the abduction of her sister left Vega disturbed as the interview concluded.
Rieve was angered upon learning of Nox's comments about her. Rieve confronted her at the Training Ground, and they engaged in a brief skirmish until Grozz separated Rieve from Nox. After things calmed down, Nox approached Rieve with a compliment, and they began discussing combat tactics. Rieve invited Nox to a team social gathering, but Nox rejected her offer of friendship in a rude manner, almost starting another fight before Arena co-owner Daq Dragus stepped in, suggesting they resolve their differences in the Arena.
Nox and Rieve eventually faced off in a sparring match, which Nox won. After the challenge, Boz Vega interviewed her, where Nox conceded that it was a good fight, but proclaimed herself the Arena's true assassin and dismissed the notion of friendship with her colleagues. Despite her aversion to camaraderie, Nox soon began spending time with Rieve, training secretly after hours and sharing meals in the chow room. However, when Diago Velaar, a Miraluka marksman, remarked that Nox had found friends, she angrily denied it and stormed off, nearly crushing a mouse droid in the process. Rieve pursued her, explaining that Velaar was not only harmless but also likable. Nox disagreed and insisted that her friendship with Rieve was also a mistake before departing.

Velaar soon approached Nox to apologize for upsetting her, admitting that he had not considered their different perspectives on relationships when he spoke to her in the chow room. Nox accepted his apology, also acknowledging that she was unaccustomed to having friends. Velaar proposed a shooting competition to Nox, which she accepted. Nox later lost the challenge, although in a subsequent interview with L-X1, the announcer droid, Velaar spoke highly of the Zabrak.
Following the competition, Nox and Velaar began training together. In the Training Ground, Nox awkwardly greeted Rieve, who acknowledged her but was visibly upset about something. Suddenly, Balada and Daq Dragus arrived, announcing that Balada's valuable tiara had been stolen from her chambers. They offered a reward for the capture of the thief, implying that this might be related to a new Hunter who would be arriving soon.
Nox made her first appearance in the canon video game Star Wars: Hunters, which was created by BossAlien, a subsidiary of NaturalMotion, and released globally by Zynga on June 4, 2024. However, the Zabrak's in-game debut occurred with the launch of the game's fourth season on November 26, 2024. The character's design was the responsibility of Julia Guljar, a concept artist.