Glikkin, a Kubaz from Coruscant, identified as male, was renowned as a master thief. His speech was characterized by the distinctive stringing sounds of the Kubaz species. Raised in the underbelly of Coruscant, the planet became his training ground. An orphan, Glikkin was molded into a thief by the orphanage's caretakers, who sought to profit from his stolen goods for the benefit of the other orphans. The situation escalated when the caretakers threatened to report Glikkin for possessing his Dual Vibroblades, leading him to threaten their lives with one of the vibroblades. This incident marked his departure from the orphanage.
Years later, in 9 ABY, Glikkin traveled to Vespaara to participate in Hunters of the Outer Rim, a competitive sporting event, as a Hunter. Before his official introduction to the show, he daringly stole a prized tiara from the Hutt Balada. However, during his welcome ceremony, Glikkin returned the tiara, eliciting laughter from Balada and securing his place in the competition.
Glikkin, a Kubaz boy in his youth, was an orphan residing in an orphanage located in the underbelly of Coruscant, the planet. Recognizing his potential, the orphanage's administrators trained him to be a thief, with the aim of using his stolen valuables to support the other orphans. Among his many acquisitions, his signature weapons, the Dual Vibroblades, stood out. His strong attachment to these weapons caused friction with the orphanage owners, who threatened to report him to the authorities. In response, Glikkin held one of the blades to their throats, compelling them to allow him to keep the weapon. Following this confrontation, Glikkin permanently left the orphanage.

By 9 ABY, Glikkin had earned the title of master thief. Later that year, he journeyed to Vespaara to compete in the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, hosted at the Grand Arena. Prior to his official debut, he secretly pilfered a valuable tiara belonging to Balada, the Hutt co-owner of the Arena. Unaware of the culprit's identity, Balada offered a reward for the tiara's recovery.
During his welcome ceremony, Glikkin was introduced by Balada as the newest Hunter in the sporting show. As he approached the podium, he swiftly produced an item from his jacket. This action initially caused alarm, prompting the security droids to be on alert. However, Glikkin revealed that the object was Balada's missing tiara, which he promptly returned. Amused by Glikkin's audacity, Balada burst into laughter and allowed him to remain on the roster.

Later, during a training session, reports surfaced that Glikkin had misplaced his vibroblades at the Training Ground. As he searched his pockets, the Jawa Hunters Utooni nonchalantly juggled Glikkin's vibroblades while whistling. Glikkin immediately reclaimed his weapons and verbally berated the Jawas in Kubaz. He brought the matter to Balada's attention, who proposed a scavenger hunt between the two thieves, with the winner being crowned Arena Master Thief.
Subsequently, Glikkin was interviewed by L-X1 "Lexi", a droid announcer for Arena News. During the interview, Glikkin shared details about his past as an orphan and the origins of his weapons and tools. In addition to answering Lexi's questions, he also used his cloaking device gauntlet, the optical dephaser, to become invisible. As the interview neared its end, Boz Vega, the Dowutin announcer, entered the room with his favorite mug of caf. Glikkin, still invisible, stole the mug from Vega, revealed himself, and bid farewell to the announcers before departing.
Following the commencement of the thieving hunt between Glikkin and Utooni, Glikkin stole a new healing droids belonging to Sprocket, the Mon Calamari Hunter. In retaliation, the Jawas stole a self-made plushie of Grozz, the Wookiee Hunter.

As a competitor in the sporting show, Glikkin wore light blue overalls and a spray-painted dark blue jacket. He also wore a silver mask that concealed his entire face, including his snout. For combat, he wielded the Dual Vibroblades, a pair of double-bladed vibroblades resembling a petar. Glikkin also utilized gadgets such as the optical dephaser and repulsor-enhanced caltrops.
Glikkin is a Damage Hunter originally scheduled to be added to Star Wars: Hunters on January 27, 2025, coinciding with the game's PC early access release. Although the PC release was delayed, Glikkin was included in the game as part of Season 5.