Balada, a Hutt of the female persuasion, co-managed and sponsored the Hunters of the Outer Rim contest on Vespaara, a planet situated in the Outer Rim. She worked with Daq Dragus in this endeavor.
Legends say that Balada stumbled upon Vespaara during a search for unique artifacts. In the planet's small habitable area, she established a settlement and erected the Grand Arena, transforming Vespaara into her central hub. A boomtown quickly emerged around the arena's location.
Balada was the founder of the Hunters of the Outer Rim competition, an event where combatants called "Hunters" battled for the audience's enjoyment. Balada, as a co-owner, possessed ultimate control over the Hunters of the Outer Rim. She partnered with Daq Dragus, a former fighter and showman, who trained Hunters and served as the competition's public face. While Dragus influenced Hunter recruitment, Balada held the final authority on training and roster additions. Despite her involvement, she primarily resided in her starship, the Hypernova, which either hovered above the Grand Arena or traversed the galaxy in search of ancient objects.
Balada was a dedicated collector, traveling the galaxy in search of interesting weapons, trinkets, or potential Hunters. Among her discoveries were the lightsabers wielded by Rieve and J-3DI both, other armaments employed in the arena, a special bandage tape, and even a set of antique Sith armor gifted to Rieve. Balada made it mandatory for all organic Hunters to use the tape, which prevented injuries.
When Rothwell's (a businessman and trainer) henchmen launched an assault on the Grand Arena, Balada witnessed the event from her ship. She promptly dispatched her personal guards to assist in evacuating the spectators. Subsequently, armed with a blaster, she descended to the arena to personally repel the invaders. Backstage, she confronted someone at blasterpoint, only to find it was Rieve. Following this, Balada accompanied J-3DI to search for Rothwell in the Arena's underbelly. After the conflict, Rothwell and his associates were taken to Balada's ship before being handed over to New Republic officials.
Balada eventually reached an agreement with the Outer Rim Sports Network, granting them exclusive broadcasting rights for Hunters of the Outer Rim on the HoloNet. This influx of funds enabled Balada to commence the construction of new battle environments and expand the Hunter roster.
Balada enlisted the KX-series security droid K-A0S to join the Hunters. Prior to the official announcement, she only revealed that she anticipated Sentinel would be pleased with the new addition.
The Arena's expansion continued, with the development of new battlefields. On one occasion, an Arena News insider trespassed on a battlefield during its construction. Upon being apprehended, they were brought before Balada. Balada commended their audacity and "rewarded" the insider by confining them within her vault for a duration of 24 hours.
Balada persisted in recruiting new Hunters. Following the signing of Pilbush, an Ewok, Balada hinted at the imminent arrival of another Hunter to the Arena. As usual, she refrained from divulging extensive details before the official unveiling. However, she did mention that Zaina, a Rebel veteran, would be delighted with the newest addition to the lineup, while Sentinel, an Imperial loyalist, would not. This prediction proved accurate, as Pilbush forged a bond with Zaina while simultaneously developing a fierce rivalry with Sentinel.
Nox, a Zabrak hailing from Iridonia and formerly a Night Wind Assassin, was the subsequent Hunter welcomed to the arena by Balada. Within her office, Balada showcased an Antarean butterfly to Nox, a species believed to be extinct for a long time.
Shortly after a Clash between Nox and the Miraluka sharpshooter, Diago Velaar, Balada and Daq Dragus arrived at the training ground, announcing that Balada's prized tiara had been stolen from her chambers. They offered a reward for the capture of the thief, hinting that this may have something to do with a new Hunter who would be arriving shortly.

The Hunter in question turned out to be Glikkin, a Kubaz rogue. During his official introduction as a Hunter in the Grand Arena, Glikkin caused quite a scene when he produced Balada's stolen tiara from within his jacket and placed it upon her head. Balada found the prank amusing and pardoned his theft, allowing Glikkin to retain both his position as a Hunter and his life.
When the Jawa brothers, known collectively as Utooni, pilfered Glikkin's cherished Dual Vibroblades, the Kubaz promptly brought the matter to Balada's attention. To resolve the situation, Balada proposed a contest between the three thieves, a scavenger hunt, with the victor being awarded the title of Arena Master Thief, much to the delight of the Hunters.