The comic strip "Sons of the Sky," originally titled "Himmelssöhne" in German, features the writing of Jeremy Barlow and the art of Bob Molesworth. It appeared within the 33rd edition of the Star Wars Rebels Magazine, a German publication, which became available on July 5, 2017.
Governor Arihnda Pryce is seen aboard an Imperial vessel, scolding Goran, an Imperial flight instructor, because three of his students abandoned the Empire. Commander Vult Skerris interjects, stating that he eliminated one of the defectors during their escape and expressing doubt about Pryce's assessment of the pilots' skill. Goran takes responsibility, promising to recapture them if given the chance. Pryce agrees, warning him to succeed or face consequences, and Goran departs in a TIE interceptor.
At Chopper Base, Wedge Antilles and Derek Klivian are in conversation with Hera Syndulla regarding rectifying a wrong. Syndulla sympathizes but hesitates to permit the pilots to independently leave the planet. However, Antilles argues that he and Klivian must honor Rake Gahree's family, as he was the third pilot who perished during their Imperial escape attempt. Sabine Wren speaks in defense of the pilots, mentioning their dedication as members of the Rebellion, and Syndulla hesitantly allows them to leave, cautioning them to return to Atollon upon any sign of danger.
The pair of pilots take their A-wings to another location and locate Gahree's father, who is repairing a landspeeder. Antilles and Klivian approach with caution, but the man immediately identifies them, blaming them for his son's death. Holding a tool in anger, the father invites them inside, while Klivian protests their peaceful intentions. Upon entering, the rebels encounter Goran, who threatens them with a blaster and promises their disappearance. Antilles and Klivian are made to sit at a table as Gahree's mother and brother enter, their expressions grim.
Goran accuses the pilots of betraying the Empire and wasting their flight training, claiming that their families and friends are now aware of their treachery. Antilles argues that those who know them will not believe the Empire's lies, but Goran counters that many have joined the Empire to hunt them down. Goran implores them to rejoin him and reveal rebel secrets, promising them heroic status within the Empire. However, Gahree's parents are furious, seeking vengeance because they were told that Antilles and Klivian were responsible for their son's death. In the resulting chaos, Antilles kicks the table into Goran, allowing him and Klivian to flee the building.
Near their ships, Klivian expresses his concern that Goran's claims about their families' animosity might be true. Antilles insists that the only way to reveal the truth is to continue fighting the Empire, leveraging their knowledge of the enemy's capabilities. He enters his A-wing and instructs Klivian to remain grounded, anticipating that Goran would immediately pursue the rebel ships. As anticipated, Goran's TIE interceptor begins to follow the A-wing, and Antilles maneuvers evasively before contacting Klivian via comlink. His comrade appears in the second A-wing, surprising Goran and swiftly destroying his ship. As they fly away, Klivian questions how the situation deteriorated, to which Antilles responds that the stakes are high, and they cannot return home until the war concludes.