
Sposia was a world within the borders of the Chiss Ascendancy, serving as home to thousands of Chiss families and millions of individual Chiss. Approximately 18 years before the Battle of Yavin, Syndic Prime Mitth'urf'ianico, known as Thurfian, presided over a hearing involving representatives of the Clarr and Obbic families, concerning the safety of the fish population found on Sposia.

Orbital security forces, staffed by crew and utilizing vessels from the Kynkru, Obbic, Clarr, and Csap families, were responsible for the defense of Sposia. Given that each of these four families maintained strongholds on Sposia, they collectively managed and commanded the planetary defense forces.

The Stybla family, a member of the Ascendancy's prestigious Forty Great Families, operated the Universal Analysis Group (UAG) from Sposia. The UAG represented a top-secret research initiative of the Ascendancy, focused on reverse-engineering alien technologies that had been acquired by the Chiss Defense Force. During his service, Senior Captain Mitth'raw'nuruodo, known as "Thrawn," had obtained a gravity well projector from Vagaari pirate operations, a "Republic energy shield" during his mission to Mokivj, and a Watith lattice artifact following a skirmish against the Watith. This lattice artifact provided a starship the capability to predict when other vessels would emerge from hyperspace with a minimum of 90 seconds warning. Thrawn delivered each of these three items to the Universal Analysis Group located on Sposia, with the intention that the Chiss Expansionary Defense Fleet would reverse-engineer them for deployment within the Fleet.

While the UAG primarily concentrated on defense technology, some of the technologies its scientists successfully replicated had civilian applications, including high-capacity storage solutions used in questis data-link readers and a distinct method of preparing food.

