Episode 8 (Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge)

The eighth installment of Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge, a game show for children situated within the Star Wars universe, is titled "Episode 8". This episode was initially broadcast on the Star Wars Kids YouTube channel on July 22, 2020.

Official description

Embark on a journey with Jedi Master Kelleran Beq (Ahmed Best), the witty protocol droid AD-3 (Mary Holland), and astromech LX-R5 in Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge. They will guide Padawans Julia and Daniel (Blue Team), Mariezl and Tullan (Orange Team), and Arthur and Grant (Purple Team) as they strive to achieve the rank of Jedi Knights!

Plot summary


Kelleran Beq, a Jedi Master, begins the episode by stating that for countless generations, Jedi Knights have served as peacekeepers and upholders of justice throughout the galaxy. He explains that three teams of Padawan learners must demonstrate their strength, knowledge, and courage to earn the title of Jedi Knights.

Viewers are then formally introduced to the Blue Team, consisting of twins Daniel and Julia. Next, we meet Arthur and Grant from the Purple Team, who are best friends and confidently proclaim themselves as the ultimate team. Lastly, siblings Mariezl and Tullan, representing the Orange Team, are introduced.

Master Beq outlines the three trials that the contestants will face: strength trials on a remote planet, knowledge trials aboard a Jedi star cruiser, and a bravery trial within the Jedi Temple itself, all in pursuit of becoming Jedi Knights. He poses the question of whether the Jedi Padawans will succumb to the temptations of the dark side or remain steadfastly focused on the light side of the Force.

On a verdant, wooded planet, Master Beq presents himself, along with his dependable droids AD-3 and LX-R5, to the competitors. AD-3 humorously corrects Beq by asserting that she is trusty, not rusty. LX-R5 emits a series of beeps, prompting AD-3 to explain that he is sensitive about his rust and advising the Padawans to avoid mentioning it.

AD-3 proceeds to present the Padawans' data files. Daniel, aged 13, identifies strength as his primary attribute, while his 13-year-old sister, Julia, acknowledges her brother's intelligence. Daniel emphasizes their mutual understanding of each other's strengths and weaknesses, while Julia declares their intention to dominate the competition. Arthur, aged 10, suggests that their rivals should fear them due to their intelligence, and 11-year-old Grant cryptically states that they are going to obtain "it." Mariezl, aged 13, highlights her 11-year-old brother Tullan's creativity and strength, asserting that together they form a powerful "combo." Tullan adds that they are determined to win and will not surrender. AD-3 expresses her admiration but reminds the Padawans of the core attributes of a Jedi: strength, knowledge, and bravery, which the contestants then repeat.

Strength Trials

AD-3 exclaims that they have mastered it. Master Beq, pleased, introduces the initial challenge of the day: the Strength Trials, a Jedi obstacle course that they must conquer to assemble their lightsaber. AD-3 elaborates that the Leap and Lift tests their jumping skills, the Power Pull assesses their strength, Saber Stability examines their balance, and the Swing of Strength evaluates their swinging ability and overall strength. She explains that each completed obstacle unlocks a component of their lightsaber hilt. The first two teams to successfully navigate all obstacles and gather their hilt pieces will advance to the Knowledge Trial, moving them closer to entering the Jedi Temple.

Master Beq inquires whether the Padawans are prepared to apply their training. The Padawans respond with an enthusiastic "yes." As Master Beq employs the Force to levitate rocks, AD-3 expresses her amazement at the Force. Master Beq instructs the Padawans to position their foot on the platform before initiating the obstacle course.

Arthur and Grant swiftly enter the Leap and Lift challenge, where they must catch two meiloorun fruits to unlock their initial hilt pieces. Simultaneously, Tullan and Mariezl tackle the Power Pull challenge, utilizing a sled to propel themselves to the opposite side, where they must use a token from their backpacks to unlock a hilt piece. The duo quickly secures their hilt pieces.

Daniel and Julia engage in the Saber Stability course, employing training circles to topple floating rocks. Meanwhile, Arthur successfully obtains his first hilt pieces, while the Orange Team makes their way back on the Power Pull sled with their initial hilt pieces. The Blue Team also acquires their first hilt piece. The Orange Team reaches solid ground and places their first hilt pieces on the table, establishing themselves as the first team to return. Julia and Daniel also navigate back across the Saber Stability challenge with their first hilt pieces. Master Beq humorously remarks that if that training saber were real, Daniel would be missing a hand. AD-3 comments that it was clever while LX-R5 beeps. The Blue Team becomes the second team to return with their first pieces, creating a tie between the Orange and Blue Teams.

Grant encounters difficulty in obtaining his lightsaber hilt, prompting Master Beq to encourage him to trust in the Force. Elsewhere, Tullan commences the Swing of Strength, where one Padawan must determine the correct token needed to unlock their hilt pieces. Tullan identifies a circle, and Mariezl rushes over to assist her brother. Meanwhile, Grant manages to ascend to the top of the wooden stockade and retrieve his hilt piece, earning praise from Master Beq and AD-3. The Purple Team delivers their pieces, resulting in a three-way tie.

Elsewhere, the Orange Team secures their second hilt pieces, with Mariezl swinging back. Simultaneously, the Blue Team attempts the Power Pull, while the Purple Team navigates through the Saber Stability course. Tullan and Mariezl take the lead and return with their second set of hilt pieces. Elsewhere, Julia and Daniel unlock their second set of hilt pieces.

Grant encourages Arthur as they traverse the Saber Stability obstacle course, and they unlock their second set of hilt pieces. The Orange Team enters the Leap and Lift course, with Mariezl obtaining her hilt piece. As the Blue Team heads back, the Orange Team returns to the table with their third set of pieces, placing them in the lead. The Purple and Blue Teams soon return with their second hilt pieces.

Tullan and Mariezl enter the Saber Stability course, while the Purple Team enters the Swing of Strength. Arthur obtains his piece. Meanwhile, Julia grabs her meiloorun fruit, earning the praise of AD-3 while LX-R5 beeps. The Orange Team obtains their fourth hilt pieces and heads back to the table to assemble their hilt pieces. Grant and Arthur swing across the Saber Stability set, earning the praise of AD-3 while LX-R5 beeps. The two friends obtain their third hilt pieces.

Meanwhile, Julia and Daniel obtain their third hilt pieces and return to the assembly table before heading to their final challenge. At the assembly table, Tullan and Mariezl assemble their hilt pieces. Arthur and Grant return to the assembly table with their third set of hilt pieces while the Orange Team finishes assembling their lightsaber hilts, becoming the first team to complete the Strength Trials and move on to the next challenge.

Elsewhere, Daniel waits for Julia to return with the key to unlock their last hilt piece. Meanwhile, Grant and Arthur enter the Power Pull, with AD-3 remarking that she "has a bad feeling about this." The Blue Team unlocks their fourth hilt pieces and starts to head back while the Purple Team reaches the other side and obtains their fourth hilt pieces.

The Blue Team returns to the pedestal while the Purple Team begins making their way back across the Power Pull obstacle course. On the way back, Grant falls off and the two make a second attempt to return. Back at the assembly area, the Blue Team completes their lightsaber hilts, becoming the second team to complete the Strengths Trials. AD-3 announces that the Blue Team will be moving on to the next challenge.

Master Beq announces that the challenge is complete. He congratulates the Orange and Blue teams. Master Beq congratulates the Purple Team for their great work and reassures them that they will be back in no time. He tells Grant and Arthur to head back to the Jedi Order for more training. In a follow-up video, Grant says that it is the kind of thing you can do once in a lifetime. Arthur says that he had a great time even though they lost. He adds that it is good to have fun and that they at least tried their best.

Knowledge Trial

Story time

Master Beq informs the Orange and Blue Teams that they have much to accomplish. AD-3 expresses her excitement, while LX-R5 beeps. In space, Master Beq welcomes Padawans Daniel, Julia, Tullan and Mariezl aboard the Jedi star cruiser Athylia. He inquires whether they are prepared for their second trial.

Master Beq explains that this trial will assess their knowledge, requiring them to listen to a story. He will pose questions about the story, and each correct answer will be stored as data in their holocrons. Holocrons will be awarded to the first team to answer all five questions correctly. Beq reiterates that they will need those to enter the Jedi Temple and asks if they are ready to hear their tale. AD-3 expresses her enthusiasm and eagerness to hear the story as well. Master Beq reminds her that it is her duty, and AD-3 acknowledges it.

Jedi Chareg Yim harbored a fear of heights, but this did not deter him from responding to a distress signal from the diminutive, pig-faced Ugnaughts on their lightning mining platform situated above the stormy clouds of the planet Tish. Leathery-winged, long-neck creatures were attacking, soaring through the air while the Ugnaughts squealed in frustration.

Chareg attempted to avoid looking down as he rushed onto the platform, where the remaining Ugnaughts were hurling hand lamps at a particular beast. They erupted in cheers when it rotated all four of its tails and flew away. However, the Force compelled Chareg to pursue the creature. Borrowing a jetpack from an Ugnaught, a conveniently small, Youngling-sized jetpack, he propelled himself through the crowds towards the snow-capped mountains.

Employing his macrobinoculars, he observed a nest constructed from nine large boulders, where the creature landed, channeling energy into the mouths of three ravenous baby monsters. Chareg realized that lightning served as their sustenance. The mother's eyes locked onto Chareg as he rocketed back towards the platform. The beast and its offspring now trailed closely behind him.

"Reverse your energy scoops. Redirect your lightning back into the clouds," Chareg yelled to the Ugnaughts as he approached the platform.

The famished beasts, fixating all six rows of their razor-sharp teeth on the lightly miners. Closing their eyes, the Ugnaughts discharged their energy stores back into the clouds. The creatures altered their course, eagerly swooping to consume the lightning, emitting bursts of electricity into the sky. Chareg opted not to remain to witness the lightning emanating from their "other ends."

"Ensure that you reserve some for our flying friends from now on," Chareg instructed the Ugnaughts. "There is enough for everyone."

AD-3 concludes the story, while Master Beq informs the Padawans that each team must designate one member as the pilot and the other as the engineer, tasked with searching for clues within the cabin. Both positions feature a button to record their answers, either on the cockpit or a console, which the camera highlights.

Question time

Beq asks who wants to be the pilot and who wants to be the engineer. Daniel volunteers to be the pilot wile Julia volunteers to be the engineer. Mariezl volunteers to be the engineer while Tullan volunteers to be the pilot. AD-3 sends them to their stations. She tells them to wait for the question to be asked. She tells the engineers to find the right object and to return to the console. She tells the pilots to press the correct button on the cockpit once they have the answer. She reminds them that communication is vital and to use their headsets to communicate.

Master Beq instructs the engineers to locate a tile depicting the item that Chareg borrowed to follow the creature. Julia is the first to discover her tile, identifying it as a mini jetpack. Master Beq confirms her answer and awards the Blue Team their first point.

Master Beq asks the pilots how many baby monsters were inside the nest. Daniel correctly answers that it was three, gaining Blue Team their second point.

Master Beq then asks both the engineers and pilots a verbal question. He tells them to log in their answers first. He asks them the name of the planet. Mariezl correctly answers Tish, gaining Orange Team their first point. Master Beq compliments the teams for their teamwork before updating the tally. Blue Team still leads by two to Orange Team's one.

Master Beq then asks the engineers to pick a tile showing the object that the Ugnaughts were hurling at the creature. AD-3 warns the engineers to be careful while looking in the box because LX mistook it for a refresher. LX beeps grumpily.

Mariezl correctly fishes out a hand lamp, earning the praise of Master Beq who awards Orange Team a second point. The two teams are tied at two: two.

Master Beq asks the pilots the color of the stormy clouds. Daniel locks in first and correctly selects pink. Blue Team leads at three points with the Orange Team at two. AD-3 says that she can't handle the suspense.

In a follow-up video, Julia says that she is intelligent but that her brother Daniel is the knowledge. That's his thing. I get it right by being his twin.

Master Beq tells the engineers to choose a tile showing what the creatures' nest was made from. Julia correctly picks a rock, placing Blue Team at a lead of four to Orange Team's two.

Master Beq tells Blue Team if they get one more right, they can move on to the Jedi Temple. AD-3 reassures Orange Team that they are still in this game.

Master Beq then asks the pilots the number of tails that the mother creature had. Tullan correctly answers that it was four. Master Beq announces that they are at four to three.

Master Beq then asks the engineers to choose a tile showing what Chareg used to spot the creature's nest. Mariezl picks a pair of binders, which are incorrect. Julia correctly picks a pair of binoculars, giving Blue Team the five points needed to move on to the Jedi Temple challenge.

The Orange and Blue teams shake hands. In a follow-up video, Julia says that she is pretty stoked that she and Daniel won. Daniel says that it was pretty easy since they were synchronized for that one. They say that they were really in tune, which was great.

Master Beq reassures Orange Team that their path today may have ended but that their journey to becoming a Jedi Knight is not over. However, he tells them that they need to continue their training with the Jedi Order. He wishes that the Force will be with them while AD-3 tells them to have fun at the Jedi Order and to tell everyone that they should still miss me.

In a follow-up video, Mariezl says that had a lot of fun today and that it was a great experience. She advises other Padawans to stay calm and says that if she had stayed a little bit more calm, she would have been able to get the binoculars rather than the binder cuffs. Tullan advises other Padawans to have fun and that it is so much better to just have fun.

Master Beq congratulates Padawans Julia and Daniel for completing the Trial of Knowledge. He awards them the holocrons, with AD-3 saying that it should be up in no time as soon as the Force speeds it up. The holocrons rise out of the machines. Master Beq tells the Padawans to each grab one and to put it in their pouches because they will need it on their next trial. LX-R5 beeps, with Master Beq explaining that it is time to get into the cockpit. Master Beq explains that he has programmed the coordinates of the Jedi Temple into the Athylia's navigation system. Beq and AD-3 tell the Padawans to punch it and the two raise the hyperspace levers, taking the ship into hyperspace.

Temple Trial

The Athylia approaches a rocky world, orbited by two moons. Master Beq welcome Padawans Julia and Daniel to their final trial. He tells them this is what all of their training has led them to. AD-3 adds that they are so close to accomplishing their goals and that it is more important than ever to stay focused and work together. Beq tells them that they will both attempt the Trial of Bravery inside the Jedi Temple. AD-3 tells them to leave their lightsaber hilts on the Temple Shrine, adding that until they collect their crystals they are not much more than shiny pieces of metal.

Master Beq adds that the kyber crystals that power their blades are inside the Temple. He tells them that they will need their holocrons and to keep them nearby. He tells them that he will be using the Force to follow their progress from outside the Jedi Temple. He tells them to beware of the dark side because it will tempt them to take an easier path forward. He tells them to choose wisely as it may clear one path only to make the other more difficult. Beq tells them to trust in the Force and says that it will guide them. He asks if they are ready to begin the Trial of the Temple. The Padawans say yes and Beq warns them that time is of the essence. He tells them to go.

Julia and Daniel scale the Summit Scramble and enter the Galaxy Globe. There, they have to work together to match the correct color combination of the flashing orbs on the control panel. The twins work together to match the colors with Daniel giving Julia instructions. The two siblings then slide into the Garbage Masher where they will find a set of glyph triangles. Even though they are separated, they must work together to match the glyph triangles in the correct sequence in order to unlock the doors to the next sequence.

Daniel guides Julia through the challenge, explaining the shape of the objects. The dark side voice tries to tempt them into pressing the triangle in order to open the door. He tempts Julia while Daniel asks his sister if she put the square in as he had told her. Julia says yes and they move on to the next object. The dark side voice claims that he can help Julia and her brother escape this room.

Julia goes onto the plus object while Daniel tells her to look for a rectangle with two lines and another hexagon-shaped object. Daniel guides Julia but they get the wrong object. Running out of time, they decide to give into the dark side and press the dark side triangle, which opens the door.

In the follow-up video, Daniel says that was something a Jedi shouldn't have done. But that it is a time-saver and what can he say. Julia said that if they did not have the option to go to the dark side, they would still have been stuck on that puzzle.

Daniel and Julia open another set of doors and enter the Slide Switch where the Padawans must stand at opposite ends of the table and slide tiles to their matching color positions. The dark side voice taunts them about not being able to complete the challenge since they have to do it in darkness. As the twins try to match the tiles, the dark side voice tempts them for falling right into his trap and tells them to give in to their frustration. Julia guides Daniel as they sort through the tiles while the dark side voice taunts them. Despite the dark side's taunts, the two complete their challenge.

Master Beq praises the Padawans for overcoming the strong pull of the dark side as they scale the frigid ridge. Julia and Daniel get their ropes entangled while in the middle of that obstacle but managed to overcome that and reach the summit.

The two Padawans then head to the Bridge of Balance. AD-3 asks about the Bridge of Balance. Master Beq explains that one Padawan will need to balance on a disc to light the path across the bridge. Julia and Daniel take turns to move across the bridge. In a follow-up video, Julia recalls that the Bridge of Balance challenge was fun and that there was a lot of shaking and tilting. The two siblings complete that challenge and slide down the Stone Slide. Daniel and Julia place their holocrons inside the Pedestal of Power, which causes the crystals to emerge from the machine. Master Beq tells the Padawans to meet him at the Temple entrance.

Jedi Knighthood

As Daniel and Julia run out, AD-3 and Master Beq congratulate them for passing the Trial of Bravery. Master Beq praises them for overcoming the temptation of the dark side and proving that their connection to the light side is strong. He tells them to place their kyber crystals into their hilts. Master Beq then tells them to place their hilts on the shrine.

As AD-3 passes their Jedi robes, she asks if she can keep one of these. Master Beq promises to get her one but AD-3 responds that he has been promising her that for years. Master Beq tells the Padawans to ignite their lightsabers and to take their sabers from the shrine. Daniel wields a blue lightsaber while Julia wields a green one.

Master Beq knights them as Jedi Knights by the rite of the Jedi Council and the will of the Force. The voice of Yoda addresses Daniel and Julia, commending them for showing strength, knowledge and bravery. He tells them that they are no longer Padawans but young Jedi Knights.

In a follow-up video, Julia says that it was pretty awesome that the Force is with her now. Julia says she was expecting them to win but wasn't expecting it to happen like this. Daniel says that combining their abilities gave them an edge during the competition. Julia advises future Padawans not to over-think the challenge while Daniel advises future Padawans to just have fun. He says that they both had fun.

Master Beq, AD-3 and Yoda wish the young Jedi Knights may the Force be with them always.


