Star Wars (2015) 60

Star Wars #60 represents the sixtieth installment of the official comic book series Star Wars within the canon. The story was crafted by Kieron Gillen, the artwork was provided by Angel Unzueta, and it saw its release on January 23, 2019 through Marvel Comics.

Summary by the Publisher

"THE ESCAPE" PART FOUR! [sic] It is possible to flee the terrors of the galaxy, but only temporarily. SCAR SQUADRON makes its return.

Story Synopsis

Tula's Scheme

C-3PO finds himself reassembled with a new set of legs at Thane Markona's Estate located on Hubin. However, his renewed mobility is short-lived as R2-D2 alerts him to the impending duel between Luke Skywalker and Sergeant Kreel of Scar Squadron. C-3PO also observes that Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa have been stunned, while Sana Starros is now a captive. Thane Markona and his daughter Tula Markona are observing this situation.

Aero questions Kreel's choice to engage Skywalker in a duel, but the stormtrooper has been anticipating this confrontation. Before the duel commences, Skywalker and Tula Markona share a kiss. She cautions him against attempting to escape through the woods, while subtly providing him with a smoke grenade. Markona instructs his daughter to avoid causing a disturbance as he presides over the duel, reminding them not to damage his residence.

Kreel launches an attack on Skywalker, gaining an advantage. However, Skywalker disengages and deploys the smoke grenade, obscuring Kreel's vision. Thane Markona accuses Skywalker of cowardice and betraying his hospitality, thus authorizing the Imperials to pursue him. While the others pursue Skywalker, Kreel assigns Aero to guard the prisoners. Tula diverts Aero's attention by inquiring about Sana Starros and her significance to Skywalker. During this distraction, Tula stuns Aero from behind.

When MK-1 arrives accompanied by C-3PO and R2-D2, Tula releases Starros and instructs MK-1 to administer stimulants to Solo and Leia. Tula expresses her regret for the deception, stating that it was integral to their escape strategy. Solo inquires about Starros's experiences. A bruised Starros recounts her escape from the Star Destroyer, her subsequent pursuit by Scar Squadron, and the torture she endured. When Leia seeks clarification on Tula's plan, Tula reveals that they must reach the Clan Markona village. She tasks MK-1 with safeguarding the mansion until Clan Markona returns.

Saying Goodbye to a Mentor

Luke Skywalker encounters Thane Markona in the Markona graveyard, who was aware of Tula's scheme. He expresses his satisfaction that Skywalker has successfully completed all of his tests. Skywalker desires to return and rescue Leia and Han, but Markona assures him that Tula is attending to them. Markona elucidates that the Death Star had revealed the true nature of the Empire and that he sought to understand the Rebellion by evaluating Luke and his companions.

He commends Skywalker for his courage and loyalty, and Han for his restraint in not killing someone without certainty. Skywalker recalls Tula's anger when he activated the communicator. Markona acknowledges this, explaining that his daughter has only experienced peace and fears the military responsibilities that await her. He clarifies that Clan Markona is a military organization and that Tula will be raising the alarm in the village.

Markona informs Skywalker that Clan Markona has established plans to evacuate Hubin in the event of an Imperial intrusion. Markona confesses that he and his clan acquired Hubin by undertaking a mission to extract data from a secure Imperial location. Markona admits to having committed violent acts. While Clan Markona owes a debt to the galaxy, he prefers to be in a position of advantage. Markona directs Skywalker towards the village.

Skywalker is reluctant to abandon Markona, but Markona urges Skywalker to depart, emphasizing the galaxy's need for its hero and the futility of both of them dying there. Markona resolves to remain behind to atone for his past misdeeds as a mercenary. As the stormtroopers approach, Markona brandishes his blasters, declaring that this is the hospitality he promised.

The Evacuation Process

Han and Leia discover the locals evacuating aboard the Imperial landing craft at the Markona village. Tula explains that her people had hoped Hubin would be their retirement, but laments that it was merely a prolonged vacation. While Markona engages the stormtroopers in combat, Tula clarifies that her father was assessing the Rebellion and that they had succeeded. Concluding that the rebels are worthy, she decides that Clan Markona will align with the Rebellion.

When Leia questions why Thane is not leading them, she explains that her father will not be joining them. As R2-D2 and C-3PO hack into the shuttle, Markona is knocked down by blaster fire but remains determined to fight with his vibroblades. Mocking the Imperials that Skywalker would have defeated them, he charges at them, only to be shot down by blaster fire. Despite their success, the Imperials realize that this was a diversion for the rebels and Clan Markona to steal their shuttle.

As Solo pilots the shuttle, he requests Starros's assistance with navigation. Before reporting for duty, Starros destroys the IT-O Interrogation Unit that had subjected her to torture. Skywalker wishes to speak with Tula, but she is still grappling with the emotional distress of leaving her home.

Meanwhile, Scar Squadron finds itself stranded on Hubin without any means of transportation offworld. They are greeted by MK-1, who informs them that they lack a transmitter and that the next scheduled communication with the outside world is in four months. He extends an offer of hospitality at Clan Markona's mansion. The stormtroopers are then attacked by a group of thanraxes, who are not afraid of strangers. MK-1 advises the stormtroopers to enjoy their stay.


Different Editions

Cover Images

    content="Star Wars Vol. 10: The Escape"

    content="Star Wars by Gillen & Pak Omnibus"