The fifty-ninth installment of the canonical comic book series Star Wars, titled Star Wars 59, was released on January 9, 2019 by Marvel Comics. Kieron Gillen penned the story, while Angel Unzueta provided the illustrations. This issue is part of the official canon.
"THE ESCAPE" PART THREE! [sic] LUKE, LEIA, and HAN find themselves marooned on the remote moon of Hubin, effectively sidelined from the conflict against the Empire. But is isolation truly what they desire? The sanctuary they've found may be compromised, as old adversaries are closing in on the rebels.
At Thane Markona's estate located on Hubin, Han Solo inquires with Princess Leia Organa about her strategy to dismantle Shu-Torun. Leia clarifies that during their slicing operation into Queen Trios' data files at Mako-Ta Space Docks, the Rebel Alliance unearthed not only details on how the Alliance Fleet was disabled, but also acquired critical schematics of Shu-Torun. These schematics included access codes, security vulnerabilities, and comprehensive plans. Her intention is to cripple Shu-Torun's energy-gathering infrastructure, thereby neutralizing a crucial Imperial asset.
Han Solo suggests that Leia should have confided in Luke Skywalker regarding her intentions, as it would have clarified her prolonged seclusion. Leia responds that she deliberately kept her plans under wraps, as she wanted to avoid raising false hopes. Solo expresses his admiration for Leia's strategy, but admits that it deviated from his expectations. He departs to locate Skywalker, regretting the absence of Chewbacca.
In the meantime, Tula Markona discovers Skywalker observing the stars from a window. She perceives a sense of optimism in him after he activated the communications beacon. Skywalker explains that he initiated the beacon because their friend had been missing for an extended period. Tula voices her concern that Skywalker's actions might have attracted the Empire to Hubin, potentially jeopardizing their refuge.
Skywalker disagrees, asserting that his actions are aimed at safeguarding the galaxy. Tula retorts that she is trying to protect him and everyone else from the Empire, and that his egoism could undermine her efforts. Skywalker counters that he and his companions are dedicated to saving the galaxy, while she seems content with a leisurely escape. Tula responds that life is never a vacation but expresses concern that Skywalker's message could have doomed them all.
The following day, Princess Leia briefs Skywalker on her plans to strike Shu-Torun. When Skywalker questions why she withheld her plans, Leia explains that she exercised caution in the wake of Trios' betrayal. Concurrently, Solo encounters a local who challenges him to a blaster duel. Despite Leia's disapproval, a puzzled Solo accepts the challenge.
His challenger is determined to assess his opponent's character. Solo diverts his opponent by feigning a call to Thane Markona before stunning him. When Solo remarks that his opponent now understands his nature, Tula counters that Solo's use of stun was unnecessary and will breed distrust. Solo replies that he refrained from killing a "loudmouth" because he is not a murderer. He is unable to persuade Tula, who condemns Solo's actions as dishonorable and cowardly.
Later that night, MK-1 invites Tula to dinner. Tula confides in her father that she fears they will risk everything for their desires. Thane Markona replies that they must prepare their contingency plans. During the meal, Markona detects Luke's discomfort. Skywalker inquires about why Clan Markona remains uninvolved in the war despite their combat prowess and association with the Jedi.
Tula retorts that they now know who their guests really are. Markona asks his daughter if she is upset about the transmitter that Skywalker constructed. Leia is shocked that Skywalker built a transmitter. Markona reveals that he dispatched MK-1 to assist Skywalker in transmitting a signal offworld. Leia is angered that Luke acted without her knowledge. Skywalker responds that he could not stand the waiting any longer and asks Markona what he has been playing at.
Markona informs Skywalker that he has been evaluating his character since his arrival. He explains that he became intrigued by Skywalker's mysterious arrival, secrets, and lightsaber, and has been testing him. MK-1 interrupts the dinner to announce that their sensors have detected a starship with a dampened transponder. While Markona addresses the visitors, he tasks Tula with managing the rebels.
When Skywalker accuses Tula of spying on them, Tula counters that she was simply being his friend and has been honest in her interactions with them. As the rebels speculate about the identities of the visitors, Markona confronts a contingent of stormtroopers who have disembarked from an Imperial landing craft. While Markona escorts the visitors to the house, Tula questions Skywalker about the trouble he has brought to Hubin.
The leading stormtrooper, Kreel, identifies his unit as Scar Squadron, an elite stormtrooper special forces unit. The stormtrooper commander informs Markona that he has been sheltering "rebel scum" that they have been pursuing across the galaxy. As the stormtrooper identifies the fugitives, Tula tells Skywalker that Markona had simply wanted to know if Skywalker would activate the signal.
As Skywalker contemplates how the Imperials located them, the stormtroopers present another prisoner: their friend Sana Starros, who had abandoned them on Hubin. Kreel announces that their interrogators extracted the rebels' location from Starros. The lead stormtrooper threatens to execute Starros with a green lightsaber unless the rebels surrender.
Before Markona can surrender them, Princess Leia, Han Solo, and Luke Skywalker emerge and demand that the Imperials release Starros. With neither side willing to concede, Markona instructs Tula to stun Leia and Han. Before the Imperials can apprehend the rebels, Markona and Tula propose that the Imperials and rebels resolve their conflict through a lightsaber duel between Skywalker and Kreel.
When the lead stormtrooper questions what prevents them from destroying the settlement, Markona reveals that his clan consists of armed and disciplined warriors who favor trial by combat. Markona warns the stormtrooper that he and his men will forfeit their hospitality if they refuse to submit to trial by combat. Luke and Kreel accept Markona's proposition and prepare themselves while Markona oversees the duel.
- UPC 759606081134; January 9 , 2019 ; Marvel Comics [1] 05911; Cover A; Jamal Campbell 05921; Cover B; John Tyler Christopher 05931; Cover C; Leinil Francis Yu, Marte Gracia