Stuck in the Muck

"Trapped in the Mire" marks the commencement of the seventeenth installment of the animated program Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures.

Official description

The Jedi respond to a call for assistance.

Plot summary

Journeying Towards Starlight Beacon

Kai Brightstar, a Jedi Initiate, bubbles with excitement over an impending exploration of Starlight Beacon, the Jedi space station. Under the instruction of Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna, he, alongside his companions Lys Solay, Nash Durango, and Nubs, are scouring the forests of Tenoo for a young Tenoo tree to present as a gift at Starlight Beacon. Near a cluster of bushes, Nubs discovers such a sapling, digs it up, and carefully places it within a pot, following Brightstar's directives.

As they traverse hyperspace aboard the Crimson Firehawk, Durango offers reassurance to the anxious Brightstar, affirming their timely arrival at Starlight. Suddenly, their vessel picks up a distress signal originating from the planet Galjaero. Despite Brightstar's worry about missing the tour, Durango reminds him that Jedi always help, adding that they have ample time for a brief detour, given their early arrival. Brightstar reluctantly concedes.

The distress signal and a false assumption

Upon reaching Galjaero, they pinpoint the distress call's source to a vessel mired in the mud at the base of a slope. From their vantage point, they observe three individuals attempting to board the starship. The Jedi younglings mistakenly identify these figures as pirates. Durango announces that she and RJ-83 will remain on the ship while the younglings descend to investigate.

From the hill above the ship, the three younglings observe a blue Chagrian man supervising the unloading of crates. Brightstar believes that these individuals are pirates who initially infiltrated the ship and are now pilfering its contents. Solay and Nubs concur. Solay speculates that those who issued the distress call remain trapped inside the ship. Brightstar devises a strategy to reclaim the crates, repel the supposed pirates, and assist in freeing the ship from the mud, with the hope of still reaching Starlight Beacon afterward.

The three younglings confront the apparent pirates, with Solay expressing her doubt that the crates rightfully belong to them. The Chagrian asserts that the crates are indeed his group's property. Brightstar refutes this, branding them as pirates and demanding their departure. The Chagrian reiterates his claim of ownership and his group brandish vibroblades, prompting the Jedi younglings to ignite their lightsabers in response.

A Reunion with Chigg

In the meantime, Durango and RJ-83 have landed the Firehawk on a neighboring hill. Before they can intervene, they are greeted by Chigg, the amiable Abednedo pirate they previously encountered at the Jellyfruit Festival. Chigg explains that their ship became stuck in the mud, prompting them to send a distress call. Durango informs him that she and her friends are there to assist. Observing the ongoing conflict, Chigg remarks that her friends' actions appear to be counterproductive.

Durango hurries down the hill and calls for a cessation of hostilities. She clarifies to her Jedi companions that the individuals they are fighting are pirates, but also the ones who issued the distress call. Upon Solay's realization that the ship and crates genuinely belong to the pirates, the Chagrian pirate points out that this was precisely what he had been trying to convey. Brightstar admits his misjudgment, explaining that he believed they were stealing the crates, and offers an apology for the misunderstanding.

Chigg vouches for the Jedi younglings, recounting how they shared jellyfruit with them during the Jellyfruit Festival on Tenoo. Chigg states that the Jellyfruit Festival was a turning point in convincing him and his pirate associates that they no longer wanted to be pirates. The Kyuzo pirates affirm their abandonment of theft, while the Chagrian explains that they now engage in the buying and selling of rare fruits, including multicolored varieties unique to Galjaero. The Kyuzo clarifies that they were unloading the cargo to lighten the ship's load in an attempt to free it from the mud.

Assisting the Reformed Pirates

Brightstar proposes a solution, suggesting that he and his Jedi friends could employ their Force powers to help lift the pirates' ship out of the mud. The pirates enthusiastically embrace Brightstar's suggestion. Solay expresses disagreement, advocating for the complete unloading of the ship before attempting to lift it. Brightstar counters that removing everything would be excessively time-consuming and assures that his plan will succeed. While the pirates, Durango, and RJ-83 utilize tools to dislodge the ship, Brightstar and his Jedi friends focus their Force powers on lifting it.

Nevertheless, the ship proves too heavy, sliding further down the muddy slope into a pit. The Chagrian pirate expresses dismay, but Durango attempts to reassure him that the situation cannot worsen. Unfortunately, the pit lies near the lair of a tentacled creature, which extends its tentacles over the ship. Brightstar blames himself for exacerbating the situation due to his haste to reach Starlight Beacon. Solay comforts Brightstar, reminding him that everyone makes mistakes and encouraging him not to lose hope. Nubs echoes her sentiment.

The Second Attempt

Brightstar agrees and declares that they will not depart Galjaero until they rectify the situation. He asserts that Starlight Beacon can wait, reaffirming the Jedi commitment to helping others. The three younglings then deliberate on a strategy to rescue the pirates' ship. Solay suggests that they first need to divert the creature's attention, while Nubs points out the need for a robust means of pulling the ship out of the mud. When Durango expresses relief that they did not land the Firehawk in the mud, Brightstar proposes using the Firehawk's tow cable to extract the ship. The Chagrian pirate inquires as to who will attach the tow cable to their ship.

Brightstar unveils his plan, which involves the other Jedi younglings and pirates distracting the creature while he and Chigg secure the tow cable to the pirate ship, enabling them to tow it to safety. Executing their plan, Solay, Nubs, and the pirates descend the hill, diverting the monster by pelting it with fruits. The creature begins consuming the fruits as Brightstar and Chigg attach the tow cable to the pirate ship. Durango activates the Firehawk's engines, pulling the pirate ship free from the pit. The Jedi and pirates erupt in cheers.

Guests of Starlight Beacon

Once on solid ground, Chigg expresses his gratitude to the Jedi younglings for their assistance and inquires about their presence in that region of the galaxy. Brightstar explains that he and his friends were en route to Starlight Beacon. Chigg expresses his desire to visit Starlight Beacon someday, having heard much about it. Brightstar extends an invitation to Chigg and his pirate companions to join them.

The two ships journey to Starlight Beacon together. Brightstar, Solay, and Nubs marvel at the magnificent space station. Inside Starlight's great hall, they are greeted by Jedi Master Estala Maru, who expresses his concern that the younglings from Tenoo had become lost. Brightstar apologizes for missing the tour, explaining that they were responding to a distress call. Chigg identifies himself and his pirate associates as the ones who requested assistance. Maru commends the young Jedi's willingness to help.

Nubs and Solay present Maru with the Tenoo tree sapling as a gift. Maru explains that the Jedi Order and Galactic Republic constructed Starlight Beacon to provide aid to those in the [Outer Rim Territories](/article/outer_rim_territories]. He acknowledges that the younglings exemplified this mission and extends an invitation to them and the pirates for a tour of the station. The younglings eagerly anticipate the tour.

