Susaut Volupicite

Susaut Volupicite, characterized by gray hair and brown features including skin and eyes, was a horned alien. During 10 BBY, this being spent some time on the planet of Vandor, specifically inside the Lodge, a local cantina. While present, the alien participated in a sabacc game within the establishment's back room, but stormed away from the table in anger after a defeat by the smuggler known as Lando Calrissian. Subsequently, Volupicite observed the outlaw Han Solo as he played against Calrissian.


Susaut Volupicite lost at sabacc to Lando Calrissian on the planet Vandor.

In the standard year of 10 BBY, Susaut Volupicite, an alien, found himself in the Lodge, a saloon on the planet Vandor. While inside, Volupicite engaged in a game of sabacc, specifically the Corellian Spike variant, at one of the tables situated in the back rooms of the building. He was seated between Therm Scissorpunch, a Nephran, and Saucer Head, who was dealing the cards. Ultimately, Volupicite was defeated by Lando Calrissian, a human smuggler, and subsequently left the table.

Following this defeat, Volupicite chose to remain and observe the subsequent rounds, standing behind the criminal Han Solo. Solo and Calrissian then wagered their respective starships on a single round, and when Solo revealed his hand, straight staves, Volupicite joined in the cheers of the room and patted the criminal's shoulder. However, the alien's pleasure turned to displeasure when Calrissian revealed Full Sabacc, indicating his victory in the game.

Personality and traits

Losing at sabacc to Lando Calrissian clearly irked Susaut Volupicite, who expressed himself in Olys Corellisi and slammed a fist onto the table before departing abruptly. Later, the alien seemed pleased when it appeared that Han Solo had triumphed over Calrissian. Volupicite belonged to a bipedal species and was characterized by gray fur, along with brown horns, skin, and eyes.


During his sojourn on Vandor, Volupicite was seen wearing a gray-and-yellow outfit and carrying a Glie-44 blaster pistol.

Behind the scenes

Concept art of Volupicite, titled "Maverick 006"

Susaut Volupicite's creation was for the 2018 Solo: A Star Wars Story Anthology film, but his first appearance was in an advertisement tie-in for the Denny's restaurant chain earlier in that same year. In the advertisement, Volupicite is shown in conversation with a human woman, before both pause to observe a sabacc game in progress.

Robert Nairne portrayed the character, whose name was first revealed in Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide, a companion book authored by Pablo Hidalgo and released in conjunction with the film. Costume concept artist Adam Brockbank and creature concept designer and senior sculptor Luke Fisher created concept art of Volupicite, labeled "Maverick 006," for the film.

