Thermoculus Krisintvolt Scissorpunch, often shortened to Therm Scissorpunch, was a male Nephran hailing from the planet Nepotis. He dwelled in the galaxy for over three centuries. Functioning as both a gambler and a pirate, he forged a close associate with the pirate queen Maz Kanata during the High Republic Era. He played a role in defending her claim on the planet Takodana against the opposing Dank Graks in a criminal turf war. Scissorpunch lived through the fall of the Republic and the rise of the Empire. His card-playing habits led him to frequently visit the tables of the planet Vandor, where he would compete against figures like scoundrels Lando Calrissian and Han Solo. Known for his poor sportsmanship, he often used his intimidating appearance to try and scare his adversaries. The boastful Nephran had enhanced his fighting abilities by having a sharpened shank inserted into his claw, thus embodying the name that might not have been his original one.
Thermoculus Krisintvolt Scissorpunch's origins lie on the Nephran homeworld of Nepotis. As he matured, numerous tales emerged, depicting alleged atrocities he had perpetrated across the galaxy. Despite the questionable truthfulness of these stories, Scissorpunch seemed to enjoy them. During the High Republic Era, he was a regular at the castle belonging to pirate queen Maz Kanata, a haven on the planet Takodana that welcomed all sorts of criminals and pirates. One evening at Kanata's, around 382 BBY, Scissorpunch was engaged in a game of cards when a fight erupted between former lovers Alak and Raf Thatchburn, the latter being a member of the Galactic Antipiracy Command. Scissorpunch and fellow pirate Coromont Vizzle sided with Alak, but Kanata quickly intervened, expelling Thatchburn from her castle. Later that night, prospector Dexter Jettster and undercover-Jedi Padawan Sav Malagán informed Kanata's crew that the rival Dank Graks were preparing for a full-scale turf war over Takodana.
Scissorpunch accompanied the crew aboard Kanata's starship, the Venomed Scabbard, to investigate the Graks' seemingly abandoned vessel orbiting the planet and gather intelligence on their intentions. Aboard the Grim Devourer, the Nephran, alongside the cyborg Quiet Shan, searched the lower decks until they were interrupted by blasts originating from the Scabbard, which had been seized by the Graks and their leader, the Geonosian Arkik Von. Given that the Tund technology powering the Devourer could only be operated by individuals sensitive to the Force, Scissorpunch and the rest of the crew depended on Kanata's piloting skills until the firefight was disrupted by Inspector Thatchburn. The pirate queen made her escape via hyperspace and instructed her crew to rest before proceeding to their next course of action: locating Von's usual hangouts to gather further information.
After a period of time, the crew received a message from Abadoo, Kanata's pilot for the Venomed Scabbard, who, being a Hoover, had managed to avoid detection by the Graks. Abadoo revealed that Von was leading the Graks to Frander’s hidden depot, prompting them to follow swiftly. Upon arrival, Kanata remained on the Devourer, while the rest of the crew set out to find the Graks attempting to coerce Frander into surrendering his Spiral-class Viz-Core Eviscerators. However, Von had anticipated their arrival, having detected Abadoo's presence through the Force while aboard the Scabbard. Once Kanata had landed, he dispatched the towering Muun Drrn to infiltrate the Devourer and capture Kanata. The Graks quickly retreated, commandeering one of the Eviscerators and unleashing fire upon Scissorpunch and his allies, forcing them to seek cover. They could only watch helplessly as the Devourer departed from the depot with Kanata as a captive. Upon returning to reclaim the Scabbard, the group also discovered that Malagán was missing. The Padawan had commandeered her own Eviscerator to pursue the Graks and successfully infiltrated their ranks, posing as a Force user aligned with the Graf family. She contacted the Scabbard to inform the group that the Graks were headed to Jedha. As the Scabbard emerged from hyperspace above the moon, Scissorpunch engaged in an argument with Alak regarding the latter's decision to request assistance from Thatchburn. However, it soon became evident that their assistance was necessary, as they had arrived amidst a battle.
The conflict involved a diverse array of factions, including the armed forces of the planets Eiram and E’ronoh, local insurgents, Jedi, the Guardians of the Whills, and the Force-based cult known as the Path of the Open Hand. Navigating through the chaos, Scissorpunch and his companions sought to locate Malagán and Kanata. Scissorpunch found himself particularly overwhelmed by the conflict, prompting Vizzle to question his nervousness, given his notorious reputation as a pirate. Scissorpunch confessed that many of the stories attributed to him were fabricated. He then received an encouraging speech from Vizzle's court-appointed officer, Rado, who traveled in Vizzle's backpack. Rado helped Scissorpunch realize that he was his own harshest critic. As the group attempted to reach the tapbar Enlightenment, they were confronted by a large group of rioters. Scissorpunch, emboldened by Rado's words, charged into the crowd, successfully dispersing them. Shortly thereafter, they encountered the Path of the Open Hand, with the young Gran Tromak offering Scissorpunch a flower as a gesture. Scissorpunch responded by bisecting the flower, causing Tromak to cry and prompting the Path Elder Barbatash to attack the group. They managed to fend off Barbatash, but Scissorpunch entered a battle frenzy and joined the rioters in vandalizing the streets. He was only brought back to his senses by the arrival of the Jedi Master Silandra Sho, whose presence caused him to flee back to his friends, who decided to regroup at the Scabbard.
Once back aboard Kanata's ship, they were finally reunited with Malagán, who had experienced her own adventure. The Padawan informed them that Kanata had been taken back to Takodana by Von, at which point Von himself contacted the crew to boast about his takeover of Takodana Castle with an army of enforcer droids provided by the Grafs. The group resolved to attempt a rescue mission, but as they approached the castle, the Scabbard was shot down by guided missiles launched by Von's forces. They were then ambushed in the forest by his enforcer droids but were ultimately led to safety by one of Kanata's associates, Bumblehead Bim, who guided them to his hideout. The crew felt that the situation was hopeless, but Malagán nevertheless slipped away to attempt to rescue Kanata on her own. Although initially imprisoned, Malagán managed to instruct Inspector Thatchburn – who had also been captured – to tell the crew to lure Von's enforcer droids away from the castle. Scissorpunch and his comrades complied, engaging the droids on the shores of Lake Nymeve. As the battle intensified, they were joined by a contingent of Jedi dispatched from the nearby temple and together they assisted in storming the castle, capturing Von, and freeing Kanata. That night, with the castle's usual patrons back in attendance, Scissorpunch joined his friends to celebrate the return to normalcy and the heroic actions of Padawan Malagán.
During the Imperial Era, Scissorpunch considered himself to be an "independent entrepreneur," although he still enjoyed a good card game and became a regular at Fort Ypso on the planet Vandor. In 10 BBY, he participated in a game of sabacc at the shady establishment against a variety of individuals, including the renowned smuggler Lando Calrissian. In that particular game, Scissorpunch lost to Calrissian, a result that so enraged the Nephran that he briefly considered killing the man, although he ultimately refrained from doing so. Scissopunch continued to play at the table as newcomer Han Solo joined, an up-and-coming smuggler who also lost to Calrissian.
Sometime after the Battle of Yavin, Scissorpunch made contact with the mercenary Saponza and his partner and requested that they acquire coaxium for his boss. An artist who traveled the galaxy documenting various species and individuals included a short entry on the Nephran in his journal, noting that "Threm Scissorpunch" was most likely a name the gambler had chosen for himself.
Therm Scissorpunch was a boaster who consistently spoke of the many fearsome acts that he had undertaken. This behavior was complemented by his intimidating appearance; he relied on intimidation as a means of deflecting criticism. Scissorpunch was quick to anger, especially when he lost money while gambling. This poor sportsmanship often led to fleeting thoughts of violence against his opponents, sometimes even considering murder. Regardless of the emotions simmering beneath his exterior, Scissorpunch concealed his feelings behind his thick exoskeleton. Despite his combative nature, he remained loyal to those he trusted, readily assisting them when they needed help.