"Tails" was the moniker given to a TIE fighter pilot serving within the Galactic Empire's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing during the time of the Galactic Civil War. A few weeks following the Battle of Endor which took place in 4 ABY, Tails was among a group of thirty-two pilots flying TIE fighter craft, forming two squadrons. These squadrons were stationed on the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier known as the Aerie, and were under the command of Lieutenant Preartes with the mission of hunting down the New Republic EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate called Hellion's Dare, which itself was protected by two squadrons of starfighters.
The Aerie, along with its fighter complement, forced the Dare and its protectors to flee the Jiruus system and pursued the escaping New Republic ships through the Oridol Cluster. They tracked them by eliminating a starfighter just as it obtained jump coordinates before the Dare could escape into hyperspace. The New Republic pilots came up with the name "Tails" because of the distinctive ion trails produced by this TIE pilot's craft. Furthermore, Tails was known for executing abrupt turns and displaying erratic firing patterns. Despite suffering some losses, the Aerie's fighter groups succeeded in destroying the Hellion's Dare and all but two of the fighters escorting it.
The character "Tails" made an appearance piloting a starfighter in the 2019 novel Alphabet Squadron, the first book in the Star Wars: Alphabet Squadron trilogy authored by Alexander Freed.