The comic book story "A Small Push," part of the "Tales from Wild Space" series, was included as a supplementary tale in Star Wars Adventures (2017) issue number 12, which was released on July 25, 2018.
A young Twi'lek girl, Neesha Tor, was subjected to offensive remarks as she walked through the streets of Ryloth, a planet. These insults came from pedestrians who looked down upon her due to her impoverished status and orphanhood. Another Twi'lek woman addressed her, mentioning her unpleasant odor. The woman disclosed that she had lived near Neesha's grandmother and had observed her mother growing up. Because everyone had high expectations for her mother, they thought Neesha deserved to be abandoned. The woman's son attempted to share some food with Neesha, but the woman forbade it.
Neesha Tor then approached the edge of a cliff, where she encountered a one-earred tooka. Admiring the creature, she questioned whether it had done anything to warrant hatred. This question triggered anger in Neesha, causing her to kick the ground in front of her. She lost her footing and fell, but managed to grasp the cliff's edge. While suspended from the edge of the cliff, Neesha came to the conclusion that she deserved this predicament.
However, someone at the cliff's summit voiced their disagreement. Jedi Master Mace Windu used his lightsaber to descend the cliff face and introduced himself to Neesha. Windu offered to help her escape her predicament, but Neesha questioned his ability to do so. The Jedi Master, confident in his abilities, employed The Force to lift Neesha upwards towards the cliff's top. Windu then leaped upwards, joining her at the cliff's edge.
Neesha Tor inquired as to why Mace Windu would assist her, believing herself to be worthless in contrast to him. Windu reassured her that she was not worthless and that everyone requires assistance at times, regardless of others' opinions. Windu expressed his belief that she would one day help others and then departed into the sunset.
Decades later, Emil Graf, a cartographer, praised Neesha Tor's story and asked if she understood what Mace Windu meant during their encounter. She admitted that she did not understand at the time, but now comprehended the Jedi Master's message. Windu conveyed to her that the decisions she makes in the present are equally important as the choices she will make in the future.