Tales of the Jedi: The Fall of the Sith Empire 4: The Dogs of War represents the fourth installment within the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — The Fall of the Sith Empire narrative arc, itself a part of the broader Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi series of comic books. Dark Horse Comics released it to the public on September 17, 1997.
At Aarrba's establishment, which serves as a repair and salvage business located in Cinnagar, Gav Daragon runs away from his furious sister, Jori, who mistakenly thinks that he murdered Aarrba. Gav escapes using a shuttle and boards a Sith battleship. Jori gives chase. After realizing that the vessel is entering hyperspace, she begins to wonder what message Gav is trying to convey.
Gav journeys aboard the battleship to the red giant star known as Primus Goluud, the location where Dark Lord of the Sith Naga Sadow's Sith Meditation Sphere lies in wait. Sadow is remotely commanding the Sith offensive from within his meditation sphere. Capitalizing on Sadow's distraction, Gav launches an attack on the meditation sphere, which causes the majority of the Sith forces present on Coruscant to disappear, revealing them to be mere illusions designed to create the impression of a significantly larger military force. Armed with this crucial information, the Republic's armed forces, along with the Jedi, successfully defeat the Massassi warriors. Despite the Sith being compelled to retreat, a large portion of the capital city is left devastated.
Naga Sadow entices Gav into his meditation sphere, proposing a discussion to resolve their differences. Motivated by a desire to atone for his role in the Great Hyperspace War, Gav boards a shuttle to confront Sadow. Upon reaching the Sith meditation sphere, Sadow flees aboard his own shuttle, leaving Gav stranded inside the meditation sphere.
In a parallel sequence of events, during the height of the Battle of Kirrek, Ooroo intentionally destroys his own cyanogen tank, releasing the deadly gas across the battlefield and into the respiratory systems of hundreds of Massassi warriors, resulting in their immediate deaths. However, as a Celegian, Ooroo succumbs to the toxic effects of the oxygen present in the atmosphere shortly thereafter. Nevertheless, his self-sacrifice proves invaluable, as reinforcements consisting of prisoners from Ronika arrive to support the Koros troops, shifting the momentum of the battle in their favor and ultimately securing victory. Jedi Knight Odan-Urr mourns the loss of his mentor, but Ooroo consoles him by assuring him that he will experience a long and fulfilling life, eventually passing away peacefully surrounded by his cherished books and scrolls.
Orbiting above Primus Goluud, a squadron of ships belonging to Teta, led by the Empress herself and Jori Daragon, appears, quickly followed by Naga Sadow's fleet. Attempting to make amends for his past actions, Gav transmits the coordinates of the Sith Empire to Teta, while Sadow employs a powerful weapon attached to his flagship to trigger a series of solar flares on the surface of Primus Goluud. The Sith fleet retreats, and Teta's ships follow suit. Gav, unable to control the severely damaged meditation sphere, perishes in the resulting explosion. Before his death, Gav reconciles with his sister Jori.