Aarrba's Repair Dock, also known by other names such as Aarrba's Repair and Salvage, Aarrba the Hutt's docking bay and spacecraft repair, and Aarrba the Hutt's service dock, was a commercial enterprise situated on the planet Koros Major within the era of 5000 BBY. This establishment, under the ownership of Aarrba, provided economical and rapid repair and salvage services for starships, operating from a building located in the city of Cinnagar. During the period of the Unification Wars within the Koros system, the dock provided repair work to the Shadow Runner, the vessel utilized by supply runners Hok and Timar Daragon. Following the deaths of the aforementioned pair, Aarrba relinquished the Starbreaker 12, the Daragons' other starship that he had retained as security, to their offspring, Gav and Jori Daragon. These children then employed the starship to pursue careers as hyperspace explorers, but unfortunate circumstances later resulted in them incurring debts to Aarrba due to repair expenses on the very same spacecraft.
Following the Daragons' return from yet another unsuccessful voyage of exploration, Aarrba declined to release the Starbreaker 12, which was once more being held at his facility, until the outstanding repair bills were settled. However, driven by desperation, the youthful explorers resorted to stealing the ship from the repair bay and executing a blind jump through hyperspace, which ultimately deposited them within the boundaries of the distant Sith Empire. Eventually, Jori made her way back alone to the Koros system, but she was soon followed by a Sith invasion fleet, with Gav having been designated as its commander.
Aarrba's Repair Dock sustained damage during the subsequent attack on Koros Major as part of the Sith Empire's invasion of the Galactic Republic. Jori hastened to the repair bay with the intention of acquiring a starship that she could pilot in the ensuing conflict, while Gav, accompanied by Massassi soldiers, also made his way to the dock in search of his sister. Upon encountering Aarrba, the dock's proprietor vehemently condemned Gav, prompting one of the Massassi warriors to kill the Hutt. Arriving at the dock shortly thereafter, the horrified Jori brandished a Jedi lightsaber to eliminate Gav's soldiers before commandeering a nearby ship in pursuit of her equally shocked brother, who was fleeing the location. In the aftermath of the Republic's triumph over the Sith Empire, which also included the death of Gav, Empress Teta of the Koros system provided assistance to Jori in reopening Aarrba's Repair Dock, with the latter assuming the role of manager.
Aarrba's Repair Dock, which was also known as Aarrba's Repair and Salvage, Aarrba the Hutt's docking bay and spacecraft repair, and Aarrba the Hutt's service dock, was a business dedicated to the repair and salvage of starships. It was situated in the city of Cinnagar on the planet of Koros Major. The business operated out of a dome-shaped building constructed from bricks, which was located in proximity to the city's Monument to Lost Navigators. The building featured an open area at the front of its towering entrance, which provided sufficient space for at least one starship to dock. The structure itself, which exhibited exposed bricks in various locations, was equipped with six chimneys. Additionally, a collection of boxes and other equipment was once observed stacked against its wall to the right of the entrance.

The dock's expansive interior could accommodate a minimum of two starships. Cables designed to connect to the ships undergoing repair were suspended from the high ceiling, which also served as a habitat for a small population of reptavians. The repair bay included an elevated platform accessible via a tall staircase, and the ground floor contained several barrels. The dock employed both organic workers and a variety of droids, including a pair of units equipped with treads, one bipedal unit, and several multi-legged droids—and later, a wheeled droid—to carry out ship repairs. By the year 5000 BBY, the facility's owner, Aarrba, had implemented a new security system that utilized the dock's droids to monitor for intruders through their photoreceptors. When Jori Daragon later assumed ownership of the business, she installed a sign depicting a smiling Aarrba above the dock's entrance.
Aarrba's business offered repairs that were both affordable and quick to clients' spacegoing vessels and guaranteed all repair work, although for a limited time. The Hutt also frequently reduced prices and extended credit to trusted clients but was cautious about such practices being discovered by others, including his own employees.
Aarrba's Repair Dock was an active business during the Unification Wars of the Koros system in 5000 BBY. As that conflict neared its end, Aarrba provided repair services to the Shadow Runner, the starship belonging to the supply runners Hok and Timar Daragon. The repairs were completed swiftly, and the Hutt extended credit to the Daragons. Aarrba agreed to accept payment as a percentage of their profits and also retained the Starbreaker 12, the Daragons' other ship, as collateral until their return from a supply run to the nearby planet Kirrek.

On the day of the Daragons' departure, a droid was performing the final preparatory work on the Shadow Runner, while others were loading supplies onto the ship. Before departing from the dock, Hok and Timar expressed their gratitude to Aarrba for his cooperation, while their children, Gav and Jori, spent their time atop the hull of the Starbreaker 12, voicing their desire to accompany their parents on the mission. Simultaneously, another vessel was parked outside the entrance to Aarrba's dock, exhibiting a broken sail and emitting smoke from its interior, with two droids attending to it outside.
During their mission, the elder Daragons perished. Upon receiving notification of this, Aarrba informed the supply runners' children while Gav was nearing the completion of repairs on the Starbreaker 12. The owner of the dock, reasoning that Hok and Timar had effectively paid for the collateral vessel with their blood, gifted it to Gav and Jori, who subsequently decided to use the ship to pursue careers as hyperspace explorers. However, the young Daragons experienced limited success in their chosen profession, accumulating a significant debt to Aarrba for repairs to their ship.
Later that year, after returning to Koros Major from an exploratory mission through the Starswarm Cluster that had once again left the Starbreaker 12 in need of repairs, the Daragons contacted Cinnagar Control and requested to be connected to Aarrba at his repair dock as they brought their ship in for a landing. Over the comm, the explorers implored the Hutt for assistance once more. As the Starbreaker 12 underwent repairs at Aarrba's dock, the Daragons attempted to persuade the facility's owner to extend them credit. However, lacking any collateral to offer, Aarrba refused, declaring that he would not return the ship until they had fully repaid the repair costs, as he no longer trusted their promises. In the process, Aarrba also revealed that his business was experiencing financial difficulties and that he had been compelled to install a new security system in the dock solely to prevent the theft of parts from the facility.

Refusing to concede, Gav visited Aarrba at the dock again not long after, inquiring about the repairs on the Starbreaker 12. He also attempted to enhance his and his sister's creditworthiness by informing the Hutt that a wealthy merchant, Ssk Kahorr, was already exploiting a hyperspace route that the Daragons had charted, which would soon result in a substantial bonus for them. During the visit, however, the young explorer, concerned about his ship, verbally berated one of the repair bay's droids for dropping a part on the floor.
The Daragons were later confronted by two assassins dispatched by Kahorr, who was dissatisfied with the perilous route the explorers had mapped. Shaken by this encounter, Gav led Jori to Aarrba's dock and proposed that they steal the Starbreaker 12 and embark on a desperate, all-or-nothing exploration run in an attempt to discover something valuable that could generate profits. The pair stealthily infiltrated the repair bay—albeit triggering the facility's security system in the process—and boarded their ship. After severing its tethers, Gav expressed his belief—though without certainty—that Aarrba would not have programmed the dock's security system to destroy any of the Hutt's vessels. Subsequently, the Starbreaker 12 departed from the dock. Cinnagar security starfighters attempted to intercept the unauthorized departure, but the Daragons executed a random hyperspace jump that transported them to the remote Sith Empire.

During the Daragon siblings' absence from Galactic Republic territory, Aarrba visited the Koros system's Empress Teta. The business owner informed the empress about the pair's theft of the Starbreaker 12, mentioning that his repair dock had sustained damage in the process, and also requested that the fact that he had extended credit to them remain confidential. Meanwhile, after the Daragons had been imprisoned and sentenced to death by the Sith, Gav expressed to his sister his regret for stealing their ship from Aarrba.
Jori, having been separated from Gav in Sith Space, eventually escaped imprisonment and returned to Koros Major, where she was promptly arrested. Kahorr then seized possession of the Starbreaker 12 as compensation for the financial losses he had incurred while utilizing the route charted by the Daragons. When the Sith Empire's fleet of warships, having followed the route taken by Jori, subsequently attacked Koros Major as part of its invasion of the Republic, Jori—who had warned Empress Teta of the impending Sith threat—rushed to Aarrba's repair dock in order to locate a suitable starship to pilot in combat against the invaders.

Meanwhile, Gav, whom the Sith Empire's Dark Lord, Naga Sadow, had made his apprentice and appointed the commander of the Sith fleet, descended to Cinnagar via shuttle to locate Jori. Narrowing his search by employing a Sith amulet that reacted to the presence of a similar one worn by Jori, Gav arrived at Aarrba's dock, which had sustained damage from bombardment during the battle. Landing his ship at the same moment that the nearby Monument to Lost Navigators was destroyed—and immediately after the dock itself narrowly avoided being hit—Gav led the Massassi soldiers under his command into the dock, hoping to ascertain Jori's whereabouts from Aarrba.
However, upon seeing Gav, Aarrba immediately denounced him as a traitor and spat upon him. Believing the Hutt to be assaulting his master, one of the Massassi then killed the Hutt. Before succumbing to his injuries, the dock's owner crushed two of the Massassi to death beneath his massive body. As Gav stood in shock at the scene of the carnage, Jori also arrived at the dock. Assuming that Gav had ordered Aarrba's execution, his equally shocked sister ignited the lightsaber given to her by the Jedi Odan-Urr and cut down the Massassi present at the dock. As the grieving Jori knelt beside Aarrba's body, the still-shocked Gav dropped his Sith amulet on the dock floor and fled, departing on his shuttle. Unwilling to be separated from her brother again, Jori then commandeered a starship that had been parked nearby and pursued Gav to the Sith fleet.

Subsequently, after Gav had perished during a battle against Sadow's forces and the Republic had emerged victorious over the Sith Empire, Teta summoned Jori to her throne room. Considering the former explorer's losses during the conflict with the Sith, the empress inquired as to how she could assist Jori, who responded by expressing her desire to reopen Aarrba's repair dock in the Hutt's memory.
Jori subsequently had the dock restored and reopened for business, actively participating in the repair of starships there. The new owner of the facility appreciated her circumstances, acknowledging that it was both all that she had ever desired and more than either she or Gav had ever hoped for—and she believed that the late Aarrba would have been pleased, as well. Over a thousand years after Aarrba's death, his humble, charitable, and honest nature, combined with his small business and tragic fate, led other Hutts to disown him as an ancestor, instead championing the later crime lord Bogga as an example of success. The Daragon siblings' theft of the Starbreaker 12 from Aarrba's Repair Dock was eventually documented in a 25 ABY galactic history chronicle by the Historical Council of the New Republic.

Aarrba's Repair Dock, initially referred to as "Aarrba the Hutt's service dock," made its debut appearance in the prologue issue of Dark Horse Comics' Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Golden Age of the Sith comic book mini-series. The issue was authored by Kevin J. Anderson, with pencils by Chris Gossett, and was published on July 31, 1996.
Anderson's subsequent issue of the series, released on October 9 of the same year, further identified the facility as "Aarrba's Repair and Salvage." Anderson later introduced the name "Aarrba's Repair Dock" in the third issue of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi – The Fall of the Sith Empire series, published on August 20, 1997, and "Aarrba the Hutt's docking bay and spacecraft repair" in the fourth issue on September 17 of the same year. The 2002 reference book The New Essential Guide to Characters by Daniel Wallace ultimately confirmed the capitalization of the name "Aarrba's Repair Dock."