Taslin Brance was a male officer of human descent. He held the rank of major within the Resistance during their conflict against the First Order.
Born on the planet of Rinn, Taslin Brance was a human who came into existence through reproduction. Eventually, Brance attained the position of major within the ground forces of the Resistance. He served at the Resistance base situated on D'Qar, approximately 30 years after the Battle of Endor, alongside figures like General Leia Organa and other leading members of the Resistance.
The Resistance received a coded and encrypted transmission via Brance, who was the first to get it. The transmission detailed an attack by First Order stormtroopers on a community located on Jakku, resulting in the death of Lor San Tekka. The report also mentioned the destruction of pilot Poe Dameron's X-wing fighter. This led Brance to openly wonder if Dameron and his astromech droid, BB-8, had died. Organa corrected him for guessing, mentioning BB-8's skills and hoping for his survival.
Brance was also present at the D'Qar base when the Resistance learned that Hosnian Prime, the planet that served as the headquarters of the Galactic Senate, had been destroyed by the superweapon known as the First Order's Starkiller Base. He was shocked by the news, and Brance was the first to tell Organa and the other Resistance leaders about the planet's destruction. Some time after the Battle of Starkiller Base, Dameron complied with Brance's request and sent him a single case file containing his collected flight logs.
Emun Elliott played Taslin Brance in the film Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens (2015). Elliott, famous for his roles in the TV show Game of Thrones and the science fiction movie Prometheus (2012), had only one line in the movie: "A laser cannon?"
Although his rank badge showed he was a major, Brance was called a lieutenant in Alan Dean Foster's novelization of The Force Awakens.
The 2016 reference book Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, written by Pablo Hidalgo, revealed Brance's first name, "Taslin".