The Call

The thirtieth episode overall, "The Call," is the fifteenth episode from the second season of the Star Wars Rebels animated television show.

Bill Wolkoff wrote the episode, and Mel Zwyer directed it. Fred Tatasciore makes a guest appearance providing the voice for Boss Yushyn. The episode's debut was on Disney XD on February 10, 2016.

Within this episode, the Ghost crew finds themselves in dire need of fuel for both themselves and the Phoenix Cell. They discover a Mining Guild asteroid operation and make a move to pilfer the fuel, all while running into enigmatic space-based lifeforms referred to as the purrgil.

Official description

The Ghost crew, running low on both fuel and power in the vastness of space, stumbles upon enormous, mysterious beings whose very existence is threatened by a mining operation.

Plot summary

Sailing towards an asteroid gas refinery to acquire fuel for both their vessel and the Phoenix Cell due to dwindling fuel and power, are the Ghost's crew. Hera Syndulla and Sabine Wren are at the helm, piloting the Ghost towards their intended destination when Chopper enters the cockpit to give a status update. Suddenly, [Ezra Bridger](/article/ezra_bridger] picks up on some distant, high-pitched sounds. Initially, Hera hears nothing, but Sabine then notices multiple large creatures drifting through space in the distance. It becomes clear that these creatures are purrgil, sizable space-dwelling beings with the capability of hyperspace travel.

As the purrgil swarm envelops the Ghost, Hera is inclined to open fire, but Kanan Jarrus advises caution. Ezra then suggests that Hera steer the Ghost in the same direction as the swarm, rather than opposing them. Ezra's idea proves effective, and the purrgil become calmer. Through the Force, Ezra perceives that the purrgil are attempting to communicate with them. Hera is dismissive, considering the purrgil to be "a big, lumbering menace" that obstructs hyperspace travel. The purrgil begin to exhibit signs of alarm. Shortly thereafter, two Mining Guild TIES, marked with yellow streaks, appear and commence strafing the purrgil. At Kanan's urging, the Ghost crew decides to assist them. Kanan uses the Ghost's turret cannon to take out the first TIE, while Ezra utilizes the ship's rear cannon to destroy the second.

Sabine traces the TIE fighters back to the asteroid gas refinery they are heading towards. The Ghost crew quickly deduces that the purrgil swarm is also making its way to the same location. Running low on power, Hera instructs her rebel crew to power down all non-essential systems on the Ghost. In a private conversation, Hera reveals to Ezra her personal dislike of the purrgil. In her youth, she had heard stories about how the space-faring purrgil had inspired the development of hyperspace travel. However, Hera confesses that she does not believe these tales and views the purrgil as a threat, as they often collide with starships and jeopardize hyperspace travel. She had lost several friends in such incidents. Ezra proposes that the purrgil may be unaware of the harm they inflict.

Soon after, the Ghost's systems detect an energy signature on an unidentified planetoid ahead, which turns out to be the gas refinery. As they get closer to the gas refinery, Sabine examines the facility and comes up with a plan to infiltrate it. The Ghost touches down on a nearby asteroid above the refinery. Zeb complains about the Ghost's malfunctioning automatic doors. With the crew gathered in the cockpit, Hera outlines their strategy for stealing fuel from the gas refinery. While Hera and Zeb oversee the ship's controls, Kanan, Sabine, Ezra, and Chopper will jump down onto an unguarded landing platform where several canisters of Clouzon-36 are awaiting transport by the Empire. To create a distraction and destroy the facility, Sabine intends to ignite the Clouzon-36. During the briefing, Ezra is too preoccupied with the purrgil to fully concentrate on the mission. Before they embark on the mission, Ezra reveals that the purrgil also desire the fuel, but Hera urges him to stay focused on the task at hand.

At the same time, the Mining Guild refinery's boss, Yushyn, voices his concerns about the purrgil to one of his Rodian subordinates. He orders the refinery's cannons to keep the purrgil at bay and to eliminate any that get too close. When Yushyn inquires about the two missing TIE fighters, the Rodian subordinate suggests that they may have encountered difficulties.

Back on the Ghost, Kanan, Sabine, and Ezra put on helmets before their jump. Kanan expresses his annoyance upon discovering that Sabine has customized his stormtrooper helmet to give it a more fashionable appearance. When Ezra asks how they will descend, Sabine scolds him for not paying attention. The rebels make their descent to the gas refinery's landing platform, with Sabine riding on Chopper. Sabine and Chopper land safely on a bridge, followed by Kanan, who uses telekinesis to gently slow his fall. Ezra, lacking mastery of this technique, instead plummets into the toxic atmosphere below. Kanan rescues his apprentice by using telekinesis to lift him to safety. Shortly after, they are ambushed by armed Mining Guild guards.

Under Kanan's direction, Sabine attempts to activate the detonators, but Ezra stops her. As they navigate through the facility, Ezra uses the Force to hurl down a Rodian gunner. When confronted by his comrades, Ezra explains that the purrgil are connected to the gas. Adjusting their strategy, Kanan instructs Ezra to take control of the gun emplacement while the other rebels secure the landing zone. Back on the Ghost, Zeb and Hera learn about Sabine's change of plans, with Hera expressing her annoyance about the purrgil. With the rebels having breached the refinery, Yushyn orders the sentries to defend the Imperial shipment at all costs.

Kanan, Sabine, and Chopper find themselves pinned down by gunfire from the refinery's Rodian guards. Ezra comes to their aid by firing the cannon at the sentries, knocking one out and forcing the others to retreat. With Sabine and her comrades having secured the landing zone, Hera lands the Ghost on the landing platform. Ezra is dislodged from his gun emplacement by a Rodian gunner, causing him to fall into the gas-filled crater on the planetoid below. Under enemy fire, the other rebels load the fuel canisters onto the Ghost. Hera manages to use one of the Ghost's turrets to disable a gun emplacement and its Rodian gunner.

Yushyn orders the refinery to deploy its TIE fighters, which begin strafing the Ghost. When Hera criticizes Sabine about the unsecured platform, Sabine replies that they had only temporarily secured it. Meanwhile, Zeb begins using a fuel canister to power up the Ghost's systems. Under attack from TIE fighters, Kanan contacts Ezra to provide covering fire. In the meantime, Ezra awakens atop a purrgil known as the Purrgil King, which assists him by providing his helmet, thus saving him from suffocation. By gazing into the Purrgil King's eye, Ezra is able to establish a connection with the creature and communicate with it. Together, Ezra travels with the purrgil swarm towards the gas refinery.

At the same time, the other members of the Ghost crew are surrounded by Yushyn's guards and TIE fighters. Yushyn issues an ultimatum, demanding that the "thieves" surrender. However, Ezra returns with the purrgil swarm and attacks the Mining Guild forces. While riding on a purrgil, Ezra uses his lightsaber to slice off the wing radiator of a TIE fighter, causing it to explode in space. Meanwhile, Zeb completes powering up the Ghost, and the ship is able to take off with its crew. Yushyn attempts to leave to operate a cannon but is cornered by two purrgil. One of them seizes him with its jaws and drags him down into the depths of the planetoid below. Before departing, the Ghost bombards the asteroid refinery to prevent it from falling into Imperial hands, causing it to explode.

In space, Ezra is reunited with his fellow crew members on the Ghost. Ezra informs his master Kanan that he has established a profound connection with the purrgil. Consequently, he has learned that the crater is not their home but that they depend on the gas to survive and to travel into hyperspace. The gas refinery had been preventing the purrgil from feeding on the gas. Hera expresses gratitude to the purrgil for helping them escape. The rebels then witness the purrgil jumping into hyperspace. Having overcome her animosity towards the purrgil, she suggests that they follow them rather than return to the rebel fleet.


