The High Republic — The Blade 1

title: "The High Republic — The Blade 1"

The inaugural issue, The High Republic — The Blade 1, marks the beginning of the comic miniseries Star Wars: The High Republic — The Blade within the canon. Charles Soule penned the story, while Marco Castiello and Jim Charalampidis provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on December 28, 2022.

Publisher's summary

Centuries prior to the Skywalker Saga's unfolding, behold the emergence of a legend: PORTER ENGLE, the Jedi of immense skill, possibly the most adept lightsaber master of the High Republic era. Alongside his Jedi Knight companion, Barash, he traverses the cosmos, upholding peace and justice. Yet, even Porter Engle faces adversaries beyond his power to overcome.

Plot summary


Approximately 150 years before the demise of Starlight Beacon, Porter Engle is seen in deep meditation, connected to the Force, while simultaneously preparing a vegetable stew on Boneworld. Later, Engle offers this stew as lunch to several unfamiliar individuals. When a human male inquires why the Jedi Knight is offering a complimentary meal, Engle explains his culinary curiosity and desire to experiment with novel ingredients. The man, disgusted, spits out the stew and voices his displeasure. Engle playfully admits his cooking skills are still a work in progress, promising improvement.

A cloaked figure interrupts Engle, alerting him to an external disturbance. The Jedi Knight then borrows a collection of Sabacc cards from the disgruntled human diner. Upon exiting the cave, Engle discovers two factions locked in an armed confrontation. He captures their attention by using the Force to levitate the Sabacc cards. He introduces himself and his cloaked sister, fellow Jedi Knight Barash Silvain, as visitors to Boneworld. Engle inquires about the cause of the dispute, but the involved parties, including a Twi'lek and a Nautolan, tell him to stay out of it.

The male Twi'lek accuses the Nautolan, Ralen, and his associate, Argo, of stealing their hidden Ambercryst treasure. Ralen refutes this, claiming they stumbled upon the Ambercryst while lost in the Ossein Plains. Through telepathy, Silvain confirms the Nautolan's veracity. When Engle accepts Ralen's explanation and attempts to mediate, the Twi'lek and his female companion draw their blasters and fire at Engle. Engle skillfully deflects the blaster fire using his lightsaber, compelling the pair to drop their weapons and retreat.

After Ralen expresses his gratitude, Engle advises him to sell the ambercryst and leave Boneworld. He and Silvain intend to depart soon, but he cautions that the Twi'leks will likely return. Engle expresses his appreciation to Silvain for her assistance, and they both seek transportation off-world.


Twenty-five years prior, Engle is a Jedi youngling at the Jedi Temple located on Coruscant. The instructor reassures the new students, many of whom are new arrivals, that this is a chance for every Jedi student to learn about each other's differences in order to bring them together. He distributes training lightsabers to the younglings. Following practice with a green-skinned humanoid youngling with a long black braid, he engages in conversation with a solitary Kage girl. Engle attempts to comfort her, but she insists she doesn't need friends. After discussing the importance of friendship, Engle offers his friendship and introduces himself. The girl identifies herself as Barash Silvain, and they shake hands.

Seeking a mission

In the present day, Silvain asks Engle about his thoughts. When Engle shows a lack of interest, Silvain reminds Engle that his Ikkrukkian race can live for centuries, unlike the Kage, who have shorter lifespans. Engle jokes that Silvain should find a workaround. When Silvain calls him ridiculous, he retorts that he's being fantastic. They disembark with the other passengers at the Office of the Frontier.

Silvain observes that the gleaming structure is intended to remind locals of the Galactic Republic's power and influence. Engle explains that the Jedi Order and the Republic have an agreement to facilitate Jedi travel to where they're needed. The pair then approaches the petition board to find where their assistance is required. A droid informs the two Knights that there are 201 open requests for Jedi assistance in the unsettled sectors. While Engle comments that this will keep them occupied, Silvain reminds him that they don't have to accept every mission.

Silvain chooses Petition 171. The droid explains that the planet Gansevor is experiencing a dispute, and a besieged fortress city has requested Jedi intervention to end the conflict. Engle is unfamiliar with Gansevor. The droid clarifies that the planet is off the main transport routes, requiring the Jedi to arrange their own transportation. While Engle prefers another petition, Silvain believes the Force is guiding them. A group of Pathfinders and Jedi, led by the Mikkian Jedi Master Helion Volte, offer the two Jedi a ride to Gansevor, which Silvain sees as confirmation they should accept the mission.

During the hyperspace voyage, Engle and the Pathfinders discuss their work. The Pathfinders explain they are explorers building communication networks on the Republic's frontier. The pilot introduces himself as Sallee Ooph, and the team's medic is Grint Rupar. When Engle introduces himself, Helion recognizes him and seeks a sparring partner. Mikkian's fellow Jedi companion Benj is a Padawan, Since Engle is renown towards the Jedi Order for his combat skills, Volte hopes they can practise with a professional.

During the training session, Volte mentions to Engle that they were among the best in their class at the temple. Engle jokes that he was in the bottom middle but improved later. Engle distracts Volte by dropping his lightsaber and then reactivating his second lightsaber. Ooph informs the Jedi that they are nearing Gansevor and warns of the planet's lack of communication infrastructure. Since they won't be able to contact the Republic after being dropped off, Ooph offers a few EX droid to them. These droids record messages before heading to the closest network node and delivering it.

Silvain confidently declines Ooph's offer. She believes the Jedi Knights will resolve the conflict before the Pathfinders return on their next trip. She thinks the situation is something the Jedi can handle on their own.


Jakku is incorrectly identified as residing within the Tashtor sector. Actually, the planet is situated within Jakku's sector, a region distinct from the Tashtor sector based on the Star Wars Galaxy Map's placements.


