Star Wars: The High Republic — The Blade #2 represents the second installment of the canon comic miniseries titled Star Wars: The High Republic — The Blade. This particular issue was penned by Charles Soule, brought to life visually by Jethro Morales, Marco Castiello, and Jim Campbell, and released to the public by Marvel Comics on January 25th, 2023.
UNEQUALED! Jedi Master PORTER ENGLE, accompanied by his sister Barash, has traveled to a distant planet on the Republic's edge, answering a plea for assistance. Their confidence in success is unwavering. No being in the galaxy can rival Jedi Porter Engle in combat. No warrior poses a challenge to him. None even approach his skill. Their assurance remains…until they witness the circumstances that await them.
Upon their arrival in Horatio, the capital of Gansevor, Jedi Knights Porter Engle and Barash Silvain are greeted by Envoy Seleen, who expresses her gratitude for their response to her call. Seleen informs them that she hails from Firevale, a fortified city situated on the border of the Nomad Plains. She elaborates that Firevale's origins lie in a mining settlement established centuries prior within a box canyon, rich in a unique mineral known as baudraxite, vital to the planet's energy infrastructure. Firevale exchanged baudraxite with the rest of the planet for necessities like food and advanced technology.
Several months prior, an army originating from a rival territory named Bethune initiated a siege of Firevale, effectively cutting off all communication and transit to and from the city. Seleen explains that Gansevor's central governing body is unable to intervene due to its lack of military authority, leaving individual city-states to handle their own conflicts. Out of desperation, Seleen turned to the Jedi for assistance. Seleen extends an invitation to the two Jedi to join her aboard a convoy of transports carrying essential food supplies to the besieged city. These transports are linked to several [[large winged dragons.
As they approach Firevale from above, the two Jedi observe a substantial Bethune army maintaining the siege. The Bethunians launch rockets at the approaching transport fleet. The Jedi utilize their Force abilities to skillfully deflect the incoming rockets. Silvain persuades their Firevale hosts to allow them to disembark and descend. Her and Engle's intention is to negotiate with the Bethunians. Initially, the Bethunian soldiers open fire upon them, but the Jedi expertly deflect the blaster bolts using their lightsabers. Engel's deflections cause the soldiers to drop their blaster pistols. Engle successfully convinces the soldiers to permit the Jedi to speak with their commanding officer.
Seventeen years prior, a young Padawan Engle confides in Silvain that Razere overheard the Jedi Masters discussing plans to separate them due to concerns about their growing attachment. Silvain points out that their options are limited as Padawans, unless they choose to leave the Jedi Order. Engle expresses his reluctance to leave the Order, affirming his love for being a Jedi. Silvain proposes that they demonstrate to the Masters that their effectiveness diminishes when they are apart.
When Engle questions the honesty of this approach, Silvain counters that their intention is to convey the message that they function better as a team. Engle accepts Silvain's rationale. Silvain hopes to persuade the Jedi leadership that their combined performance is superior. When Engle inquires about the extent of their underperformance, Silvain suggests they should be "bad enough for them to see it our way."
At the Bethunian encampment, Silvain introduces herself and Engle to the Bethunian Field Marshal Tozen, who criticizes the Galactic Republic for neglecting his homeworld of Gansevor's trade and communications and interfering in a local dispute. Silvain clarifies that the Republic did not dispatch the Jedi; rather, they responded to a request from a concerned individual from Gansevor regarding the siege of Firevale. Engle voices his disapproval of the Bethunians' attempt to destroy an unarmed supply convoy. Tozen retorts that the Jedi approached a military encampment without proper identification.
Silvain explains that her colleague Engle meant that violence is a Jedi's last resort. Tozen criticizes the Jedi for their perceived lack of understanding of warfare. In response, Silvain assures Tozen that the Jedi are not there to take sides but to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict, referencing the successful Jedi diplomacy between Eiram and E'ronoh. When Silvain asks the Bethunians for their perspective, a purple-skinned humanoid officer explains that the conflict was triggered by Firevale kidnapping their princess and selling them baudraxite at extortion rates.
Silvain requests a more comprehensive briefing on the conflict from Marshal Tozen and inquires if his forces could allow them to transport supplies to Firevale. Tozen is hesitant to allow supplies into enemy territory, but Engle and Silvain reassure him that the Jedi are solely concerned with justice. When Tozen cautions that the Firevale residents may deceive them, Engle assures him that Silvain possesses a keen ability to discern the truth. Silvain successfully persuades the Marshal to permit the food convoy to enter Firevale and allow the Jedi to pursue a diplomatic solution to the conflict.
After the Jedi leave for Firevale with the food supplies, Marshal Tozen instructs his droid Sevens to contact an unknown individual. Tozen informs the contact that the Jedi's presence has complicated the conflict between Bethune and Firevale. Still committed to a military resolution, he asks the contact about their arrival time. The contact replies that their forces are positioned behind one of Gansevor's major moons and promises their imminent arrival.
The Jedi, along with the food convoy, arrive in Firevale, where they are met with relief by the starving population. Silvain and Engle are greeted by Chief Magistrate Renata and Prince Colden of Firevale's royal family, the designated successor to Queen Keraan. When Colden inquires about the Jedi's presence on Gansevor, Engle explains that Envoy Seleen had requested assistance from the Office of the Frontier. Renata commends Seleen's resourcefulness and asks why Tozen allowed them to pass through the siege. Silvain explains that the Jedi had pledged to resolve the situation of Bethune's kidnapped princess without resorting to violence.
In response, Colden reveals that the Bethunian princess sought asylum in Firevale and is now his wife. Before Engle can delve further into the matter, the civil defense alarm activates. When Silvain expresses surprise, given Tozen's promise to grant them time for a peaceful resolution, Colden asserts that the Bethnians cannot be trusted. While flying over the city on winged reptiles, the two Jedi discover that the Bethunians have enlisted a fleet of mercenaries to aid them.
The leader of the mercenaries, Abediah Viess, disembarks from a starship accompanied by numerous mercenaries from various species, including Advozse, Aqualish, and Mon Calamari. Having brought her "warrior-kin" to the "planet of knives," she inquires about who she is going to eliminate.