The High Republic — The Blade 3, a part of the canon comic series, marks the third installment in Star Wars: The High Republic — The Blade. Charles Soule penned the script, while Marco Castiello, Jethro Morales, and Jim Campbell provided the illustrations. Marvel Comics released it on March 1, 2023.
The predicament on Gansevor has taken a turn for the worse, thrusting Jedi Masters PORTER ENGLE and BARASH SILVAIN into a conflict that seems to have no good solution. A decision needs to be made, and a side must be chosen…however, new adversaries have surfaced, and time is quickly running out.
Prince Colden updates Jedi Knights Barash Silvain and Porter Engle inside Firevale's walls, detailing the amassed Bethune army below, now bolstered by hired mercenaries. Silvain's inquiry about Firevale's defensive capabilities prompts Colden to admit that while the city could have withstood the Bethunians alone, the mercenaries' arrival has shifted the balance. The Colonel informs Silvain and Engle that the city's anti-air defenses are still operational, with flak guns positioned on the barrier wall and throughout the city and nearby mountains. Believing an aerial assault is now impossible, he anticipates the enemy will target the gate, the wall's most vulnerable point.
When Silvain presses for how much time they have, the colonel indicates that time is of the essence. Just then, the Bethunians begin an artillery barrage against the wall. Silvain dispatches Engle to stall the attackers while she seeks the truth behind the dispute. A defensive Prince Colden repeats his assertion that the Bethunians came to take back his wife, who willingly sought asylum. As the Colonel hurries them along, Silvain assures Colden of her belief but emphasizes her need for confirmation.
Engle employs a Force jump to descend the wall, engaging mercenaries with his lightaber. Having drawn their attention, he cautions them against returning fire, promising to deflect their blasts. His purpose, he declares, is to negotiate. Field Marshal Tozen and the mercenary leader General Abediah Viess, identifying herself as an independent contractor, greet Engle. Engle implores the Bethunians and Viess to halt their attack, allowing his Jedi colleague time to find and speak with their princess, believing a peaceful resolution is possible.
Viess displays hostility towards Engle, expressing resentment towards the Jedi for interfering in matters that are not their concern. Engle, harboring little affection for mercenaries, retorts that when her "business" involves killing for profit, intervention might be warranted. Unmoved by ethical arguments, Viess states her sole motivation is payment. Before a conflict can escalate between Engle and Viess, Marshal Tozen consents to a ceasefire, cautioning that diplomacy has its limitations. Engle expresses gratitude to the Field Marshal and offers to remain at the camp until the situation is resolved.
Simultaneously, Silvain meets with Queen Keraan, who feels the Jedi's presence has made the situation worse. Silvain assures Keraan that Engle, her Jedi "brother," will help de-escalate the conflict. Silvain then looks into the origins of the conflict between Firevale and Bethune. When Keraan criticizes her son for bringing Princess Sicatra to Firevale, Prince Colden explains that he fell in love with Sicatra and the two married. Since the Bethunians did not approve of their marriage, he had brought her home. Keraan criticizes her son for choosing love over political considerations. When Silvain says that the Bethunians claim their princess was kidnapped, Keraan says that the Bethunians are trying to save face and expresses disapproval of the relationship.
When Silvain requests permission to speak with Princess Sicatra, Colden declines, citing her trauma and unwillingness to subject his wife to questioning. Sicatra enters and grants Silvain permission to speak with her. She tells Colden that the Jedi deserve to know the full truth, which Colden accepts. In private, Sicatra expresses sorrow over the destruction inflicted on Firevale. She informs the Jedi Knight that many on Gansevor harbor resentment towards Firevale's control over the baudraxite crystal supply. Because the people of Bethune would not accept Colden as their future king, the couple chose to flee to Firevale, seeking refuge with Queen Keraan.
When Silvain inquires why Sicatra and Colden did not attempt dialogue with the leaders of both cities, Sicatra reveals that time was a factor, as she is pregnant with Colden's child. She fears that he people would not accept the child as her heir. Silvain suggests that the couple could have abdicated or used their marriage to inspire unity like the recent peace between Eiram and E'ronoh. Sicatra replies that turning her back on everything she had know would have been difficult. She adds that the Bethunians would have taken her child to be raised by someone else. When Silvain expresses shock, Sicatra alludes to the cut-throat politics of Gansevor, describing her homeworld as the "Planet of Knives."
Fifteen standard years prior, Engle and Silvain reunite, embracing warmly. The Jedi Order had decided to bring them back together after a stunt that Silvain pulled out on Dantooine, which she describes as "fun." Engle is relieved that the two of them are back together at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant since they never felt the same apart. Silvain asks Engle if she can trust him with something and alludes to their first encounter on the first day of lightsaber training. Engle recalls that Silvian initially rebuffed his offer of friendship but later reconsidered.
Silvain reveals a secret she has never shared with Engle: as a member of the Kage species, her memories begin almost from birth, allowing her to recall her parents, siblings, and the feeling of being with them. Missing her family, she asks if Engle would like to be her brother. Engle, unable to remember his own family, readily accepts her offer. They embrace.
Returning to the present, Silvain contacts Engle via comlink, instructing him to persuade the Bethunians to retreat to their city. Upon receiving Silvain's confirmation, Engle, perched on a twin artillery unit, addresses the soldiers, urging them to convince their leaders to withdraw. He warns that their ambitions will lead to failure, loss, death and pain.
In response to Engle's actions, General Viess dismisses the Jedi as arrogant and self-righteous, while Marshal Tozen decides that they need to kill the Jedi for being obstacles to their plan. Viess warns that killing one Jedi would prompt a response from the rest of the Order. Tozen suggests that they could deny that the Jedi were ever on Gansevor since the planet is not part of the galactic comms network. After Viess agrees to kill the Jedi with the "proper incentive," she demands that he allow her mercenary forces to sack Firevale for twelve hours. Tozen reluctantly agrees to her demand. Tozen's droid Sevens is also present.
Enacting their plan, Viess attacks Engle with a rocket launcher. She also orders the Bethunians and mercenaries to resume their attack on Firevale, which comes to the shock of the citizens and Silvain. When Sicatra asks Silvain about her promise the attacks would stop, Silvain says do not be afraid. Prince Colden replies that they are being realistic and warns that the city cannot withstand the firepower of Viess' mercenary army. Silvain accepts that Firevale's defense cannot hold but reassures her hosts that Engle can. Engle survives the blast and activates his lightsaber.