Theomet Danlé

Theomet Danlé, a human lieutenant, was a member of the Naboo Palace Guard. He served on the J-type diplomatic barge belonging to Senator Padmé Amidala. In 22 BBY, he accompanied her to the planet Coruscant for a vote on the Military Creation Act. Tragically, Danlé died when the barge was destroyed by an explosion during a failed assassination attempt on Amidala.


As a human, Theomet Danlé held the rank of lieutenant within the Naboo Palace Guard. This guard formed part of the security forces for the Royal House of Naboo. In 22 BBY, Danlé was part of the crew on Senator Padmé Amidala's J-type diplomatic barge, which she used to travel to Coruscant to cast her vote on the Military Creation Act in the Galactic Senate. Captain Gregar Typho, Amidala's Head of Security, anticipated danger upon their return to Coruscant. Consequently, Amidala disguised herself as a pilot and flew one of the N-1 starfighters that escorted the barge, while her handmaiden, Cordé, acted as a decoy in her place.

Theomet Danlé perished on Coruscant during the destruction of Padmé Amidala's J-type diplomatic barge.

As the barge approached Coruscant, Danlé, along with a Security Guard trooper, notified Cordé about their final approach. After landing on a Coruscant landing platform, Cordé began to exit the ship. Tragically, Typho's concerns were validated when a bomb, planted by assassin Zam Wesell, exploded before the decoy reached the ground. The explosion killed Danlé, Cordé, and several others. However, Amidala survived the attempt on her life.

Personality and traits

Theomet Danlé possessed light skin, brown eyes, and black hair.


Danlé's attire consisted of a dark red version of the Palace Guard's armor, including the standard helmet. He also wore a matching belt that held a S-5 blaster pistol and a comlink equipped with an extendable antenna.

Behind the scenes

Theomet Danlé is depicted with a cap rather than a helmet in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

Steve John Shepherd played Theomet Danlé, credited as "Naboo officer," in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, a 2002 prequel trilogy film. The character's name was later established in current Star Wars canon through the "Starship Fact File" section of Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon magazine's fifty-fifth issue, written by Tim Veekhoven and released around January 20, 2016. The name originated in Star Wars Legends continuity, created by user "winstonvalleyjedi" for the character's backstory on's Hyperspace feature "What's The Story?," which ran from 2005 to 2008.

In the 2022 non-canon video game LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, Danlé is shown wearing a cap instead of a helmet. He delivers the same lines as in the film. However, during the scene, both the lieutenant and a Naboo Fighter Pilot struggle to maintain their balance as the J-type diplomatic barge rolls in space. The pilot then rushes off to vomit, causing Danlé to look uncomfortable before producing a bucket and following the pilot. The pilot is later seen wearing the bucket on their head after the barge explodes.

